jon provost wife

Jon provost wife

Thanks for making my website so much fun for me. The stories and memories you've shared have been fantastic. Many of the personal appearances I made during the "Lassie" years are just a blur.

My father is from Alabama and my mother is from Texas. His mother accompanied Jon on the set. In addition, she was paid a salary plus expenses for being with him. It is about a planeload of people stranded in the South American jungle. It was directed by Arthur Lubin. Jon joined the series at the top of the 4th season.

Jon provost wife

This section of my site is really fun for me. And any memories they bring to mind, I'll tell here. I'm going to start with a very happy recent memory for me -- my wedding on March 28, Maybe you've seen her on E! Anyway, we met at a collectibles show in in Los Angeles. She was signing her book and I was signing autographs. She came over to say hello to Stan Livingston who was sitting next to me and I bugged Stan until he introduced me to her. And the rest, as Laurie would say, is Hollywood history! Naturally, we invited Stan to the wedding along with some other life-long friends of mine. Don't they look great? From left to right, they are:. Jeanne Russell -- Margaret on "Dennis the Menace". You're probably wondering why Johnny is all decked out in tails. He has a fantastic dance orchestra. Laurie's been a fan for years and it was always her dream to have him play at her wedding.

When he finished his education, Provost jon provost wife to work in real estate, in which he remained for more than 20 years. The former actor switched to being a real estate representative for a well-known company. He was happy to reintroduce himself and his wife as "proud new grandparents.

Jon Provost made his acting debut when he was only two years old. The actor is famously known for his role as Timmy on the hit show "Lassie. At a young age, the now year-old was lucky to work with some of the biggest names in Hollywood. At the time, television felt like a fantasy, and the actor was not confident the series would take off. However, "Lassie" ended up becoming one of the historical shows in pop culture.

But they let Timmy and Lassie come in! He married, fathered two children, Ryan, 29, and Katie, 27, and worked in the real estate industry. It was important for me to leave that behind, spread my wings and grow. In Provost decided to return to television in the syndicated The New Lassie and received a Genesis Award for Outstanding Television in a Family Series for an episode he wrote about inhumane treatment of research animals. He received a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame in The checkered shirt and jeans that he wore as Timmy as a boy are in the Smithsonian Institution. Like nostalgia? Browse celebrity nostalgia on our website. Or sign up for our monthly Nostalgia e-newsletter or other e-newsletters tailored for boomers!

Jon provost wife

Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. Jonathan Bion Provost. Mini Bio. Forever associated with a heroic TV collie whom he frequently had his arms lovingly wrapped around, blond tyke Jon Provost actually was a veteran performer by the time he won the role of "Timmy Martin" at age seven in the series Lassie


He remembered trying his best to get out of the depression and labeled his divorce as one of the darkest moments of his life. Please fill in your e-mail so we can share with you our top stories! Simmons played Sgt. He's a great kid. He was my favorite and I also thought he was the most intelligent of the ones I worked with. She returned to Los Angeles after six months; he stayed. Jonathan Bion Provost. January 31, June and me and Jan Clayton and Tommy Rettig. Jay and me then. Create account. Jon's career began afresh and has been burgeoning in a variety of surprising directions since. He's now been happily married for 25 years after falling into depression when his first marriage ended. Los Angeles Times. Sandra Marie Goosens August 4, - December 13, divorced, 2 children.

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The Country Girl. He began to frequent the Sunset Strip, where nightclubs offered the music of Janis Joplin and Jimi Hendrix, as well as ready access to alcohol and drugs. After he left the show in , he married his first wife, Sandy Goosens, in , and they had two children, Ryan and Katie. Spain Germany United States. Provost reading his autobiography Timmy's in the Well in You may remember that Johnny is a great singer. I'm going to start with a very happy recent memory for me -- my wedding on March 28, The last thing I did was a Disney movie with Kurt Russell in It is about a planeload of people stranded in the South American jungle. Sandy Goosens.

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