Johto pokedex serebii

Overgrow Chlorophyll. Blaze Solar Power.

Overgrow Leaf Guard. Blaze Flash Fire. Torrent Sheer Force. Run Away Keen Eye Frisk. Insomnia Keen Eye Tinted Lens. Swarm Early Bird Rattled. Swarm Early Bird Iron Fist.

Johto pokedex serebii


Oblivious Forewarn Dry Skin. Torrent Competitive.


Mime Mr. It loves to sunbathe. This lowers their Attack stats. Critical hits land more easily. The amount of HP regained varies with the weather. This attack never misses. Its effects vary depending on the user's environment. This may also leave the target with paralysis. Atk stats increase.

Johto pokedex serebii

Mime Mr. To make itself stronger, it keeps on fighting even if it loses. Shield Even though it is small, it can't be ignored because it will slug any handy target without warning. Brilliant Diamond It is famous for its eagerness to fight and always nurses injuries from challenging larger foes.

Lush bath bombs

Ripen Gluttony Hustle. Static Lightning Rod Minus. Color Change Protean. Commander Storm Drain. Static Lightning Rod. Early Bird Flash Fire Unnerve. Water Absorb Hydration. Early Bird Harvest. Chlorophyll Leaf Guard Regenerator. Toxic Chain Guard Dog. Hydration Sticky Hold Unburden.

Overgrow Leaf Guard. Blaze Flash Fire.

Overcoat Filter. Purifying Salt Sturdy Clear Body. Healer Anticipation Magic Bounce. Shed Skin Run Away. Intimidate Anger Point Sheer Force. Guts Steadfast Vital Spirit. Reckless Guts Defiant. Pickup Technician Unnerve. Leaf Guard Chlorophyll Overcoat. Swift Swim Hydration. Chlorophyll Effect Spore.

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