Jhin support

This guide has not yet been jhin support for the current season. Please keep this in mind while reading.

Jhin, the Virtuoso, may be a powerful League of Legends champion on his own, but when paired with the right support partner, he can enact his murderous intentions on all opponents with ease. Whether it be an enchanter, mage, engage, or tank champion alongside him in the support role, nearly every member of the support champion pool has the tools to accompany Jhin and make up for what the Virtuoso lacks. Regardless of the variations in the meta, particularly those impacting the fragility of ADCs, Jhin is a powerful, easy-to-pick-up champion who can provide his team with an ample amount of damage from a distance and decent crowd control. Here are the best support champions to play with Jhin that will ensure the Virtuoso great success in his artistic and violent ventures. Since her midscope update earlier this year, Rell has become the staple support option for nearly every ADC in League of Legends —especially those that are capable of dealing tons of damage without needing help.

Jhin support

With recent shifts in the meta and recent ADC buffs, Jhin has seen more and more play in more roles than 1. Jhin has started to be played in the Support role and has even been picked up in professional League of Legends. While it is unclear how long this bubble will last, Jhin is now a half-decent Support who can bully and harass the enemy throughout the laning phase and set up picks for his team in the mid and late game. With a unique build path, Jhin is a tanky damage dealer who is pretty good at securing kills and peeling for his carries. If you want to learn more tips and tricks on how to play Jhin, sign up for a free Mobalytics account! Jhin was released in early and has been a favourite fan ADC ever since. While there was discussion back in the day about Jhin being a Support, he never really caught on in this role due to the nature of the lane. In short, Jhin was always Support ready, but what makes him a good Support? There are a few things that make Jhin Support good. However, it is important to note that in You can get this build imported into your client directly with the Mobalytics App. Jhin Support is very similar to ADC Jhin in the sense that you have the same playstyle and gameplay, except you do not focus on last-hitting minions but instead on last-hitting champions! His gameplay is very similar to Sennas. Focus on harassing the enemy with basic attacks as much as possible: taking great care with his 4th shot to deal extra damage to the enemy.

Rek'Sai Jungler. Additionally, Equinox E can be used to silence enemies inside an area.

Blue vs. Duos Best champions Popular Augments. Contact - Privacy - TOS - - -. Jhin AD Carry. Summoner Spells. Jungle Paths. All Roles.

Are you constantly seeking the edge to dominate your opponents? Ready to gain that coveted rank and secure your position in the League? You will receive your eBook download link straight to your email. Since the beginning of season 14, Jhin has been a heavily contested pick in the bot lane. Everybody knows that the current meta revolves around burst damage, so Jhin naturally fits this playstyle. However, you still need to know which are the best supports for Jhin in season 14 of League of Legends. Because Jhin is so unique in the way he plays the bot lane, different support champions can aid him differently.

Jhin support

Jhin, the Virtuoso, may be a powerful League of Legends champion on his own, but when paired with the right support partner, he can enact his murderous intentions on all opponents with ease. Whether it be an enchanter, mage, engage, or tank champion alongside him in the support role, nearly every member of the support champion pool has the tools to accompany Jhin and make up for what the Virtuoso lacks. Regardless of the variations in the meta, particularly those impacting the fragility of ADCs, Jhin is a powerful, easy-to-pick-up champion who can provide his team with an ample amount of damage from a distance and decent crowd control. Here are the best support champions to play with Jhin that will ensure the Virtuoso great success in his artistic and violent ventures. Since her midscope update earlier this year, Rell has become the staple support option for nearly every ADC in League of Legends —especially those that are capable of dealing tons of damage without needing help. While her identity as an engage champion remains the same, many of her abilities have been given new effects that remove the clunkiness she used to be associated with. Combined with the innate movement speed boost that Jhin receives from his passive, Rell can turn Jhin into an efficient disengage champion who does not have to worry too much about his surroundings. Should Rell lock her opponents in place from a safe distance, Jhin will have ample space to unleash his ultimate on the immobile target, almost always forcing them to expend their summoner spells—or suffer a beautiful death. Additionally, Equinox E can be used to silence enemies inside an area. Thankfully, her abilities are all long-ranged enough for her to stay comfortably outside of battle.

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Please login or register. Jhin Support is very similar to ADC Jhin in the sense that you have the same playstyle and gameplay, except you do not focus on last-hitting minions but instead on last-hitting champions! You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Sivir AD Carry. Lucian AD Carry. Caitlyn AD Carry. During the mid-game, stay with your team and place vision around the map. However, two squishy champions in lane with little to no mobility are prime targets for an engage by opposing tank supports or enemy junglers, so Jhin players working with this Lux should be wary of their surroundings at all times—especially if they get an early lead. Recommended Videos. Full Build. Best support champions to pair with Nilah in League of Legends. Name Winrate. Ziggs AD Carry. But if Leona can engage her opponents properly, Jhin will be given room to snowball into a significant early lead—meaning more gold in his pocket.

Jhin is a meticulous criminal psychopath who believes murder is art.

Draven AD Carry. Tristana AD Carry. Xerath is still benefiting from older buffs, many of which targeted his mana sustain and ability spamming. Jax Jungler. Neeko Mid. If so please give them a vote or leave a comment. By keeping him healed up, shielded, and mobile, Jhin can zip around a skirmish and lay down some poke while he continues to farm up for the later stages of the match. Dancing Grenade Q Q. Caitlyn AD Carry. Published: Dec 11, am. Remember, his play style is similar to when he is played in the AD role, so he has the same issues regardless of his role. I liked this Guide. Tristana Mid. Xin Zhao Jungler.

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