jesus calling october 2

Jesus calling october 2

Thank you for your intimate nearness, thank you for your continual presence in my life.

Grateful to have our Lord and Sabior to be available constantly for guidance and grace to become a better child of God and share his love with all people we meet! Thursday, August 1 Jesus Calling: October 2nd, Jesus Calling: October 2nd Never take for granted My intimate nearness. Marvel at the wonder of My continual Presence with you. Even the most ardent human lover cannot be with you always. Nor can another person know the intimacies of your heart, mind, and spirit. I know everything about you--even to the number of hairs on your head.

Jesus calling october 2


I pray strength, blessings and protection for today.


Monday, August 26 Jesus Calling: October 31st, Jesus Calling: October 31st Learn to listen to Me even while you are listening to other people. As they open their souls to your scrutiny, you are on holy ground. You need the help of My Spirit to respond appropriately. Ask Him to think through you, live through you, love through you. My own Being is alive within you in the Person of the Holy Spirit. If you respond to others' needs through your unaided thought processes, you offer them dry crumbs. When the Spirit empowers your listening and speaking. My stream of living water flow through you to other people.

Jesus calling october 2

Thanks a million! I have bought Jesus Calling multiple times, for myself and for loved ones. I find your blog's presentation very helpful, especially when I want to read it in the night without waking my husband with light.


ZfuntasticI am in full agreement with MadFox for you. Jan, Praying for your dear BFF and her good husband. So glad He chases us down! I will tell her the warriors are on it! We are believing and trusting in Him for His perfect will to be done for His glory and praise. Thanks Sassy Mom! I'm so over the 95 degrees here in Houston. Here's an amazing young man with an amazing song to inspire your day! As we experience who we truly are in this time in His presence, we become more like this in our daily walk. Praise God Who is in our midst! He is richly blessed and generous with his gifts. What changed in a whole year? Create in me a clean heart O God, and renew a right spirit within me. This fresh start in life is available to all who believe in Christ.

Our Lord, we praise Thee and bless Thy Name forever.

Praying for a lovely day for all of us and remembering He goes before us and surrounds us with His arms of protection, grace and mercy. And MadFox and Maplewood, thank you for bringing great praise and blessings to our Lord! His unchanging Hand is always there to hold. I fear it will be a long and painful recovery. Dear God, please be with this person. Always grateful to be asked to pray for someone. Love to all. Just TRY to sit still and not smile while joining in this worship song!!! Bob, Thank you for reminding me to close my ears to the lies of the evil one. God's Love and Blessings. Thank you dear Jeanne. Putting everything in His able Hands.

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