Jesus calling march 18

Given the widespread influence of her books, which is only growing, it seemed time to address some concerns directly on my own blog. This blog is way longer than my normal posts.

This book has captured the attention of a wide audience since it was released in and has reportedly sold more than 15 million copies. It made him uneasy enough that he stopped reading the devotional altogether, concerned it may be distorting the true Gospel of Jesus. I have not used the book as a devotional personally but my wife has. She has also shared entries from the book with friends and family, including me. It is with that level of personal exposure and bias that I began reading through some of the critical articles and videos that my friend had shared with me about the book. Is she claiming to have heard from Jesus, or to be channeling Jesus?

Jesus calling march 18

I want to thank you for your posts. Though I have the book, I had to move from my home suddenly and it accidentally got packed up. I read it every day, along with Jesus today, which is even more so focused on daily hope. Your prayer today I would also like to share. I hope that's ok. I've been going through a serious illness and just got out of an abusive relationship with someone who just couldn't handle me being sick any more. At 57 yrs old, I had to move in with my mom, a very small 3 bedroom home. Quite humbling I must say, but I was grateful I had a place to go. Not really sure why I'm telling you all this, except I guess I just needed to share with someone who seems to have a genuine spirit of God, and a compassionate heart. But mostly, just to let you know that what your doing is helping people, and your prayer truly helped me today.

I'm sure she will be missed here, but she is in a beautiful place with our sweet Lord.

Amen, I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not the smallest letter or the smallest part of a letter will pass from the law, until all things have taken place. The Old Law, the law from the Old Testament, prescribed various moral precepts, as well as ceremonial precepts for worship. Jesus makes it clear that He is not abolishing all that God taught through Moses and the Prophets. This is because the New Testament is the culmination and completion of the Old Testament. Thus, nothing of old was abolished; it was fulfilled and brought to completion.

God completes us and not this world as others may this think. I depend and rely on him for he is my source. I want to love God and my neighbors as myself. I want God's character in me that I may represent him at all times. I'm sending prayers like smoke signals and often. The ways of this world are tearing my family apart. I so much need a cushion of calm in my life.

Jesus calling march 18

Our entire being is dependent upon God and keeping our Spiritual health intact allows God to Demonstrate his presence and power in our life…. God has protected me throughout my life and has shown me mercy and forgiveness when I have been so undeserving. I praise His Holy name for loving me so much! Thank you for preparing my day. Tuesday, March 3 Jesus Calling - March 10th, Jesus Calling: March 10 You are Mine for all time -- and beyond time, into eternity. No power can deny you your inheritance in heaven. I want you to realize how utterly secure you are!


Increasingly, I wanted to hear what God had to say to me personally on a given day. The heuristic technique of taking a familiar passage and reading it in a different person or voice is used every week by pastors giving Sunday sermons. Guide my steps, and light my path. Lord, help me us to trust in You daily to provide what we need But this is looking at something outside of the Bible as if it were the word of God, and some sort of further insight from Jesus. They would come away with a higher view of the biblical Jesus, and a better understanding of their relationship to Him. Jesus, please help and guide Julie, as only You can. I feel totally silly. This is a T-all order, but someone has got to do it. Fay, I am praying for your pain to subside and that you will find the right doctor to help you. I want to Thank everyone for their comments. I feel like a whiney, cryey baby! I have been struggling with this cough that won't go away mostly allergies I feel better today.

This was perfect today for me today! Thank you for your obedience! What a wonderful prayer!

Forgiveness is at the very core of My abiding Presence. It has an impact! Thank You, Lord! MadFox - if you are on here, please know that you are in my DH's prayers and mine. Please send joy , love , light and whatever else this family needs to be happy and full of joy again. Requesting my prayers please. What a nice weekend this has been. Thank You, it is wonderful that You know me so well. But, Lord, because of this You remind me here Lord that if there is anyone I can run to in my life, it is You. Do not overwork to become rich; because of your own understanding, cease! Who would have thought this Pandemic would be lasting so long and now with the new strains, there is a reason to fear. Only messages of peace and comfort?

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