Is andrew camarata married

Personal Life, is andrew camarata married, Parents and Family Details :. This shows him atsubscribers, but as of today it issubscribers. He is absolutely magnificent at preparing and presenting videos, and now his older dog Levi has a new buddy — a darling puppy named Cody. Andrew mangoanimado the type of man who most truly represents what America is all about — hard working, caring and spectacularly successful.

The down-to-earth property maintenance specialist was busy building his New York-based excavation and property maintenance empire when he caught the attention of millions of global viewers on YouTube. The New York native followed in the footsteps of his father, Andrew Camarata Senior, who was a well-known mechanic and craftsman in his community. The young Andrew worked alongside his father from a young age, learning how to fix engines, repair heavy-duty machinery, and keep excavation tools running. Andrew went to college to study Computer Science, a short-lived interest that ultimately drew him back to his first passion with increased motivation. Although his Computer Science course may have been fleeting, he also adopted two Golden Retrievers around this time—Levi and Daisy. In , Camarata founded his own business—a New York-based excavation and renovations company called Camarata Property Maintenance.

Is andrew camarata married


You are doing good! I am now old and fat! They love you very much because you care for them.


Personal Life, Parents and Family Details :. This shows him at , subscribers, but as of today it is , subscribers. He is absolutely magnificent at preparing and presenting videos, and now his older dog Levi has a new buddy — a darling puppy named Cody. Andrew is the type of man who most truly represents what America is all about — hard working, caring and spectacularly successful. Neither is a Golden Retriever and Daisy might belong to a friend. Watching from Alaska!

Is andrew camarata married

Andrew Camarata is a handyman and businessman based in America, famous for his YouTube work videos. The thirty-five-year-old uploads videos of himself carrying out property maintenance on the platform. Over nine hundred thousand people subscribe to his YouTube account. Every video gets around twenty-five thousand to one million views on his channel. Andrew Camarata is an American YouTuber and heavy equipment operator who has gained a massive following on social media for his videos showcasing his work on various construction projects. Born November 12, , in New York, Camarata has always been passionate about heavy equipment and machinery. Andrew Camarata has become a well-known figure on social media for his entertaining and informative videos about heavy equipment and construction projects. He has garnered a large following due to his expertise and passion for his work, as well as his engaging personality and sense of humour. Camarata will remain prominent in heavy equipment and construction for years with his continued success on YouTube and other social media platforms. Camarata celebrates his birthday on November


But settled with a firm for several years on a Cat B traxcavator with a custom 7ft wide 4 in one bucket. They love you very much because you care for them. Three things: 1. People who are professional, have honesty and integrity, such as you, hold a special place in my mind. You have beautiful Levi and Daisy, and they are obviously the center of your life too. Carlton Green Jul 11, at pm. I am just amazed at your at your talent and workmanship. All the best to you and yours and Levi keep up the meticulous inspections. He made a special video to celebrate , YouTube subscribers, which featured his beloved canine friends. I love your show very informative. As his following has grown, the down-home property maintenance and excavation professional has branched out in what he shows on his channel. Andrew, who was only 24 at the time, was keen to try his hand at everything—he took on small projects like driveway building and drainage, lawn mowing, and grading land. Michael Aug 11, at am. I admire your energy!

The down-to-earth property maintenance specialist was busy building his New York-based excavation and property maintenance empire when he caught the attention of millions of global viewers on YouTube. The New York native followed in the footsteps of his father, Andrew Camarata Senior, who was a well-known mechanic and craftsman in his community. The young Andrew worked alongside his father from a young age, learning how to fix engines, repair heavy-duty machinery, and keep excavation tools running.

But settled with a firm for several years on a Cat B traxcavator with a custom 7ft wide 4 in one bucket. When is Andrew going to get him an electric garage door opener. Hi Andrew Just wanted to let you know that I am hooked on your videos. I love the excavator pon YouTube keep it up. Dan Rusen Aug 12, at am. Then the digital world caught his eye for the first time. Hi Andrew we watch all your videos thank you for helping me learn how to run an excavator and skid steer. The idea was an instant success, as more and more people got interested in what he posted. I have a about yr and I wondered if I could put a 4 way attachment on front, after taking bucket off. Mike Sep 5, at pm. Wise beyond his years. You are a great example of what young people can accomplish. John Ledger Aug 6, at am. I soon got the hang of it and was soon able to drive any excavators and any Cat inc dozers and traxcavators. Andrew is the type of man who most truly represents what America is all about — hard working, caring and spectacularly successful.

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