Ingilizce 7 sınıf comparative testleri

I'm having a wonderful time in Los Angeles. The weather is 1 hotter hoter hottest and drier 2 than that as in England and Americans are friendlier than 3 our we us.

Fill in the gaps with the comparative form of the adjectives given. The princess is than the witch. A lion is than a cat. Computers are than telephones. I think golf is than football. Fill in the gaps with the superlative form of the adjectives given. Ben was the person in his family.

Ingilizce 7 sınıf comparative testleri

Complete the sentences with the comparative form of the adjective in brackets. Example: What is the coldest cold place in the world? Choose the correct form of the adjectives. Listen and complete with the correct form of the adjective. Jennifer: I have two siblings, one brother and one sister. Peter: Yeah. I have one older sister and one younger brother. Jennifer: Oh…I see. Peter: Yes, perhaps. I think that explains you too. Peter: Seriously though… Friends and family are really important to me.

Less is the opposite of more.

Ana Sayfa Iletisim Ziyaretci defteri 6. Sinif Turkce Testi 6. Sinif Matematik Testi 6. Sinif Fen Testi 6. Sinif Sosyal Bilgiler Testi 6.

Ali is taller than Hakan. Fatma is slimmer than Ali. Lions are not faster than Cheetahs. Turtles are slower than rabbits. Winter is colder than summer.

Ingilizce 7 sınıf comparative testleri


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Jennifer: Oh…I see. The … the … comparatives. Monday is the day of the week. Complete the sentences with the superlative form of the adjective in brackets. A big B bigger C biggest D the biggest 3. For adverbs that have the same form as adjectives , the comparative and superlative forms are like adjectives: add — er to form the comparative and — est to form the superlative. Jump to Page. Name Final Exam Bo9. The test covers adjectives related to age, size, personality, and other attributes. Learn more! Mary is the girl in the class.


This is the film i have ever seen. Quarter 3 - Week 2 Quarter 3 - Week 2. Comparative and Translation Comparative and Translation. Do you have any brothers or sisters? My sister is taller than me. Final Exam Bo9. Comparatives and Superlatives Comparatives and Superlatives. Bicycles are than motorbikes. A the most expensive B more expensive C expensive D more expensive Choose the correct answer. It tests forming comparative and superlative adjectives and choosing the correct form in sentences. Sinif Inkilap Testi.

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