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Imagenes de mujeres de la revista h

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Mediados de Trabajaba de redactor publicitario en Esquire, una gran revista. Ganaba poco. Para averiguarlo, para ponerla en marcha, necesitaba plata y algo impactante para la tapa. Le faltaba mucho. Necesitaba 8. Su madre y su hermano le dieron parte de sus ahorros y algunos amigos empresarios completaron el resto.

Imagenes de mujeres de la revista h

While the beautifully styled covers resembled leading American and European mass-market periodicals, the Havana-based Social , Bohemia , and Carteles each propagated a true sense of Cubanness. The magazine was dedicated to creating a new cultural environment through the celebration of Cuban architecture, interior decoration, fashion, social events motoring and yachting , and artistic endeavors opera, ballet, and film. It supported the idea that European and American cultures had influenced the arts, yet praised the strong national painting that had emerged in Cuba.

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