how to make colloidal silver

How to make colloidal silver

Addressee : Chen Xiaoyan. Document name : Notice of application for publication of patent for invention and entry into the substantive examination procedure. The preparation method of nano colloid silver solution is characterized in that: pure water or distilled water are added into a plastic container internally provided with two silver sticks, how to make colloidal silver, how to make colloidal silver the two silver sticks of purity The nano colloid silver solution of the invention is colorless, tasteless and transparent liquid, which can be used as drinking water, external daubing agent, and disinfection by spraying to prevent virus infection.

Homemade colloidal silver is very easy and very cheap to make. Homemade colloidal silver is often made from silver generators that produce low quality, poorly defined homemade colloidal silver, of mostly unknown purity, concentration, particle size, and particle charge. The lack of control over what is produced creates a greater potential for causing allergic reactions and increasing the toxicity risks. You know better than to use basic tap water, but the purest water you can get is distilled. Silver wants to react with anything it can in the water, especially once you rip an electron off!

How to make colloidal silver

Ref document number : Country of ref document : EP. Kind code of ref document : A1. Ref document number : PV Country of ref document : CZ. Country of ref document : DE. The principle of the Colloidal Silver production is a high frequency A. The Colloidal Silver Generator 1 has inside its case 2 an Electronic Assembly 11 to amplitude modulate the signal between the electrodes 21, The technique of the Colloidal Silver production is designed mainly for preparation nutritional supplements, disinfectants, antibacterial agents, antiviral agents, antifungal agents mainly in the form of drinks and it includes the design of the Colloidal Silver Generator. Colloidal Silver is produced by electrolysis of distilled water using two electrodes one of which must be made of silver. The quality of Colloidal Silver depends on the purity of the silver electrode among other factors , therefore silver electrodes of purity There are two traditional ways of making Colloidal Silver. In the first case, constant voltage source is used during the electrolysis process while the D. Larger currents ripp out larger particles form the silver elctrode, which is a disadvantage of this method because the most beneficial size of the silver particles lies in a defined range of small to medium size.

DEB4 en. That is a disadvantage of this method as the most health beneficial particle mix is in a defined range of small to medium size silver particles. More by the author:.

How to make an advanced colloidal silver device with Arduino, which has all the features of such commercial devices. A colloidal silver generator is a device used to produce suspension of tiny silver particles in a liquid, typically water. Colloidal silver is believed by some to have antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal properties. The basic principle behind a colloidal silver generator is electrolysis. The generator consists of two electrodes, usually made of pure silver, immersed in distilled water. When an electric current is passed through the electrodes, silver ions are released into the water, creating a colloidal suspension of silver particles. In one of my previous videos you can see the basic features it should have such a device, as well as the simplest way to make it yourself.

February 3, By Trisha. Prior to the year , colloidal silver was used in the medical community often for its antibiotic properties. And then with the advent of Penicillin it became less used but is still considered an excellent antibiotic and very safe to use. Due to the high cost of purchasing colloidal silver I began generating my own silver at home. Here is one way to make your own generator at home. One volt DC ink jet printer power adaptor available many times at Goodwill, Salvation army or yard sales for a couple of dollars. Cut off the end of the wire that plugs into the printer, attach the end of alligator clips to those two ends. Bend the tops of the two silver wires so that it will hang onto the edge of the jar and place the wires into the water.

How to make colloidal silver

A colloidal silver is a type of mix of a liquid and a solid, where tiny particles, of a particular size, are suspended in a liquid. The thing about a colloid is that the particles are very regularly sized. The trick to making the colloid is getting this sizing right. In a colloidal solution, the particles always remain dispersed evenly — they never settle to the bottom or top of the mix. It is used in various guises, such as would dressings. It was first used for wound dressing in by the surgeon, B.

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USA1 en. Diabetes, establishing-Yang had all contain very high silver-colored composition in the silkworm chrysalis of special effect and the food mulberry leaf thereof: Korea S well-known doctor in ancient times Li Ming invents, and running sore is had the major ingredient in the plaster of root effect also is silver. Gain an overview and choose from our wide range. By mircemk Follow. The making method of nano colloidal silver water, be to be built-in with in two silver-colored excellent plastic containers at one to add five jin of distilled water, then two in container silver rods are connected with the positive and negative electrode of 24V direct supply respectively, make that electric current is milliamperes in the silver-colored rod, the purity of two silver rods is that the energising of Colloidal Silver Production Procedure using electrolysis of distilled water by two electrodes at least one of which is made of high purity silver characterized by a high frequency A. CNC en. SKA3 en. The device has a PWM based variable current limiter, automatic polarity reversal of the electrodes, as well as a timer that turns off the device when the desired ppm concentration of the solution is reached. The preparation method of nano colloid silver solution is characterized in that: pure water or distilled water are added into a plastic container internally provided with two silver sticks, then the two silver sticks of purity What is the particle size and distribution, and what degree of flocculation or aggregation exists? IP 54 opt. Choose the application for which you would like to obtain further information. The nano colloid silver solution of the invention is colorless, tasteless and transparent liquid, which can be used as drinking water, external daubing agent, and disinfection by spraying to prevent virus infection.

The lowest price nearly pure silver to use are Canadian Maple Silver Dollars at.

Control apparatus and method for controlling electrodes of at least one electrolysis device for the electrochemical production of nanoparticles. In the end, it would be unrealistic for one to make their own acetaminophen in a homemade chemistry kit and expect brand-name quality and efficacy. Access Denied. The Silver Marketplace Learn More. Diabetes, establishing-Yang had all contain very high silver-colored composition in the silkworm chrysalis of special effect and the food mulberry leaf thereof: Korea S well-known doctor in ancient times Li Ming invents, and running sore is had the major ingredient in the plaster of root effect also is silver. Arduino Nano R3. Follow Contact Contact. Equipment in accordance with Claim 5, characterized by a modulator placed between the amplifier and the electrodes 21,22 on the electronic assembly I I to which is connected a low frequency generator and the generator is connected to a filter I I I. Nanocomposite solution with complex function and method for preparation thereof. Equipment in accordance with Claim 5 or 6, characterized by and LED power on indication aperture 13 on the case 2.

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