hot old men

Hot old men

Learn more, hot old men. The talented actor — who manages to look even sexier with gray hair — is No. Born: Dec. He and wife Angelina Jolie donate millions to charities worldwide.

Do men really age like a fine wine — the older they get, the better? We can't be sure that's true for all of 'em, but there are a heck of a lot of hunky men over the age of 50 in Hollywood! The salt-and-pepper hunk seems to be getting more handsome by the day! The Oscar winner, by the way, was born in and turned 60 in May We can't believe Brad Pitt is just a few years shy of 60! The Oscar-winning actor, who's still as handsome as ever, was born in

Hot old men

They say age is nothing but a number, and it's true; some actors have aged like fine wine. Hollywood has numerous older actors who are not only talented but attractive. Some of them are way over 50, and their looks have only gotten better. These are the most attractive older actors over 50 who could still get it. Although Hollywood actors are judged based on talent, looks have also gotten some far. Over the years, there have been gorgeous young and old actors. Some of these older actors' looks have defied their age as they seem to improve with time. From George Clooney to Jeff Bridges, here is a look at attractive male actors over Many actors in Hollywood have been in the game for decades, but their looks have mostly stayed the same. Below is a list of attractive older actors who still turn heads.

Although Hollywood actors are judged based on talent, looks have also gotten some far.

Actor Miami Vice. Best known for his starring role as Det. As James "Sonny" Crockett he went toe-to-toe with drug dealers, pimps, prostitutes, assassins, illegal arms-dealers and crooked Actor The Long Goodbye. He was previously married to Esther Jacobs and Joanne Linville. Actor The Towering Inferno. Wagner was born in Detroit, the son of a steel executive.

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Hot old men

In Loving: A Photographic History of Men in Love s—s , hundreds of images tell the story of love and affection between men, with some clearly in love and others hinting at more than just friendship. While the majority of the images hail from the United States and are of predominantly white men, there are images from Australia, Bulgaria, Canada, Croatia, France, Germany, Japan, Latvia, and the United Kingdom among the cache. What do images of men in love during a time when it was illegal tell us? What are we looking for in the faces of these people who dared to challenge the mores of their time to seek solace together? Seeing ourselves in the past is as much about being certain of our present and, dare I say, our future.

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Oscar Isaac. Please return to AARP. He was a member of various local drama groups from about age Ray Romano grew up in Forest Hills, Queens. More George Clooney. The father of seven, who was born in and turned 60 in , is still looking pretty good. His father was of French and Corsican Italian descent, and his mother was of French and German ancestry. Donnie Yen Ji-dan is a well-known actor from Hong Kong, who is also a martial artist, and action director. Actor Miami Vice. Good Hair. Actor Fences. Many fans have pointed out that he never ages, to which the actor responded that good sleep is key. Asian Actors. In , he founded the production company Raindog Films, where he served as a producer for Eye in the Sky and Loving. His first roles were as a child on television series,

From Old Hollywood icons to '90s heartthrobs to the rising stars of today, take a look back at the most beautiful men of the last six decades. Dean rose to fame in the s, most notably for his role in Rebel Without A Cause , for which he became a cultural icon as the ultimate bad boy.

Read also Subway commercial actors and actresses names and profiles. He is an actor and producer, known for The Fugitive , Basic and Wings Pierce Brosnan just always seems to carry himself with that James Bond swagger. These actors are not only handsome but have also appeared in numerous films and TV shows. Actor The Bold and the Beautiful. Can you believe the rocker, who was born in , turns 60 in ? The towering presence of Canadian actor Donald Sutherland is often noticed, as are his legendary contributions to cinema. This Canadian-American actor is cheerful and kind-hearted to everyone he meets. Smits is an American actor. A stage and screen actor of extreme versatility, Frank Langella won acclaim on the New York stage in "Seascape" and followed it up with the title role in the Edward Gorey He was raised a Baptist, and studied drama, Mandarin Chinese, and dance Another hunky Kevin… Kevin Costner! Read also Top 50 Nigerian male actors every movie buff will recognize.

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