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Hot celeb

Actress Lost in Translation. She has a sister, Hot celeb Johanssonwho is also an actress, Actress Temptation: Confessions of a Marriage Counselor. Her father was of Armenian descent and her mother is of mostly

Find Out. Son Ye Jin twins with her and Hyun Bin's son; see matching tattoo pics. Tejasswi Prakash serves party-ready glamor in statement-worthy sage green backless dress. Tamannaah Bhatia head-to-toe black fit in Rs 1,94, David Koma dress with matching stockings proves that looks can kill. Isha Ambani styles her final lehenga look for Anant Ambani's pre-wedding gala with dramatic handmade rosette cape.

Hot celeb

Actress The Girl Next Door. Elisha Ann Cuthbert born November 30, is a Canadian actress and model. She was voted the Actress Stateless. Yvonne Jaqueline Strzechowski was born and raised in Australia. Her parents were Polish immigrants. She attended the Santa Sabina College for her high school education. Soundtrack Don't Look Up. She starred in the musical, 13 before Actress Venus. She was interested in the artistic world from a very young age. When she finished her Actress Fantastic Four.

Her family then relocated to New York City

With the right plan and the right discipline, you can get seriously shredded in just 28 days. At age 62, "Big Bill" shares his wisdom to dominate one of the ultimate strength marks. Follow these fit women we're crushing on for inspiration, workout ideas, and motivation. Scarlett Johansson lights it up with The Avengers and knows how to kick ass. Jennifer Lawrence is a superstar—and one of the most beautiful women in Hollywood. The Brooklyn-born actress and model Melanie Iglesias is talented and funny.

To celebrate, we've gathered some of the most dazzling women our pages have seen over the years. Take a peek at Catherine Zeta-Jones, Beyonce Knowles and others, and see what makes them so stunning. By Lucy Maher. Zeta-Jones, 34, shot to stardom after her smoldering beauty captivated audiences in 's Mask of Zorro. Next up for Mrs. South African-born Theron, 28, glowed in movies like Sweet November and The Italian Job but won critical acclaim and a Best Actress Oscar only after disguising her willowy frame and delicate features in 's Monster. Now the former model pictured in , who is dating actor Stuart Townsend, has "the whole package," director John Frankenheimer once said. Beyonce says the former Supreme's style is "never safe but always sexy and glamorous," and the same could be said for Ross herself.

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Lori Harvey , Emily Ratajkowski , Kourtney Kardashian and more stars turned up the heat at the start of , showing off their famous figures in sexy swimsuits despite the cooler temperatures. Harvey kicked off the new year on vacation in Brazil, flaunting her sizzling silhouette in a patterned red and white bikini. In January Instagram photos, the influencer was seen lounging on a boat in the string swimsuit, which also featured black lining.

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This trend has taken social media by storm, with individuals across various platforms embracing the persona of Wednesday. Her father was a fisherman, and her mother was a schoolteacher. They moved to Toronto when she was age 2. Actress Gotham. She's also the first Mexican actress to be considered for an Academy Award as the best actress. Actress Jumper. Jessica Biel Jessica Biel is fit, hot, and talented. Her portrayal of Wednesday has caught attention and sparked both Instagram and TikTok. Actress The Other Guys. Her first Maggie Siff born June 21, is an American actress. Actress Coyote Ugly. Since then, American actress and model Sarah Roemer starred as the love interest of Shia LaBeouf 's character in the thriller Disturbia

Bikini season is all year round, thanks to winter getaways. Rain or shine, stars spent the right way while flaunting their year-round rocking bodies in the hottest swimwear. To no surprise, Kim Kardashian was 's bikini queen.

Amanda Seyfried was born and raised in Allentown, Pennsylvania, to Ann Sander , an occupational therapist, and Jack Seyfried, a pharmacist. The Brooklyn-born actress and model Melanie Iglesias is talented and funny. She got her first name from her older brother Todd Daniel Hewitt b. By taking on this role, she has significantly impacted commercial modeling. Jennifer Garner Actress Alias Jennifer Garner, who catapulted into stardom with her lead role on the television series Alias , has come a long way from her birthplace of Houston, Texas. Actress Glee. Soundtrack Crossroads. It would seem that , the year of her 18th birthday, will be remembered as pivotal for Emmy Rossum due to her appearance in two very different films, The Day After Tomorrow and The Phantom of the Opera She started her acting career in Cuba by playing a major role in a romantic drama called "Una rosa de Francia. A true triple-threat, Emmy Award-winner Julianne Hough is known to audiences around the world for her success in the worlds of film, television and music. Mariah attended Greenlawn's Harborfields High School. Dua Lipa is a famous singer and songwriter from England and Albania.

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