high school wattpad

High school wattpad

To start over.

Sophia looks like a simple and sweet girl on the outside, but on the inside she's a bit of a mess. Donovan is a confident and observant guy who has never found any girl to be interesting until Sophia. When she literally runs into him in the library, she finds herself looking into the most beautiful pair of eyes. She is one of- no IS the the kindest and purest girl you'd ever come across, with angelic featur His gaze flicked to my lips as his thumb stroked again. The calloused pad against my soft flesh sent goosebumps down my arms. His once warm eyes were dark as they lifted and bared into my soul.

High school wattpad

Try Premium. Log in Sign Up. What happens when two academic toppers fight for the first position and end up falling for each other till the bottom. We all have been through certain life changes, some that we are proud of and some that aren't as fulfilling. But by the end of the day, I thought, was it a test to see h Boomerang by Honoes 96 3 3. But that was the very first that he felt such repulsion. The little notes in my locker by Gen 31 6 4. Another day, another school year Great Stella Wright is just trying to survive her second to last year of high school. She is the quiet girl who doesn't really speak

The Coach's Daughter 6. It was all I had ever known, the only thing I was used to. Dead Kids by Ziles 38

Try Premium. Log in Sign Up. Mazie has fallen in love. Okay, maybe it's with the ghost of a boy from school she hates, but love conquers all, right? Ayda and Kingston are seniors at the same high school.

Try Premium. Log in Sign Up. When Franny learns why former popular boy Tyler fell from grace, she gets thrown head-first into his dangerous world but also closer to his timid heart. Everyone knows mermaids and vampires can't date. But when a mermaid ends up at a boarding school with a smoking hot vampire f The boy with scars and bruises. The quiet lacrosse boy.

High school wattpad

Try Premium. Log in Sign Up. Everyone knows mermaids and vampires can't date. But when a mermaid ends up at a boarding school with a smoking hot vampire f When Franny learns why former popular boy Tyler fell from grace, she gets thrown head-first into his dangerous world but also closer to his timid heart. The boy with scars and bruises. The quiet lacrosse boy. Sammy doesn't have a problem being alone and everybody has come to know Vivienne didn't believe in vampires until she started to suspect her prince might be one. Which will she sacrifice - humanity or love?


Despite coming from entirely different cliques in school Why the fuck couldn't she see that? She comes from a rich family and has had everything handed to her, her whole life. She wears big black glasses and keeps her long black hair in a ponytail. I stared intently, awaiting his next move. Kiara smokes, drink, strips at dance clubs, she's rude and rough on the outside, searching for a cure to her broken soul. His once warm eyes were dark as they lifted and bared into my soul. Talia Ramsay and Ryder Smith always hated each other. Completed Mature. Vivienne didn't believe in vampires until she started to suspect her prince might be one. He chuckled and pulled aw

Try Premium. Log in Sign Up. Meet Aashna shetty, An Indian girl.

Completed Mature. I am slowly rewriting this. Muted K 7. One girl who needs desper At the very young age, she has She hears all the locker room talk. Rose Amor is the school nerd. This is another version of Sky High. Ashley is one of the most popular girls at Westwood high. Mason is a 17 year old Junior and his best friend is 16 year old Stacy. And in return, they watch her back. My life has always revolved around being on ice.

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