High school musical 2 gabriella lifeguard

During Ms.

Gabriella Montez-Bolton , or Gabi is one of the two main protagonists in High School Musical and its subsequent sequels. She is portrayed by actress Vanessa Hudgens. She meets Troy Bolton at a lodge while on vacation, and the two sing together. Later, she moves to Albuquerque where she finds Troy again. Through a series of events, the two end up singing together once more and become boyfriend and girlfriend.

High school musical 2 gabriella lifeguard


Taylor returns the 'T' necklace to Gabriella, and brings her back to Lava Springs to sing in the talent show.


She is an academic genius who is a new transfer student at East High School , but despite her interest for science, she has a hidden love and talent for singing and auditions for the Winter Musical. Gabriella has a strong sense of who she is, which is manifested in her choosing to join theater for the pure enjoyment of it regardless of what others may say. Her ultimate basis for making decisions seems to be that of what she deems best for herself as an individual, exemplified by how she broke up with Troy Bolton in High School Musical 2 because she no longer saw fit for her the changes in the work environment she was in. This independence and quiet force of character was also shown when she chose to attend Stanford early at the expense of missing the last theater production of her high school batch-- a decision she neither took lightly nor felt was easy. She urges Troy to enjoy the present rather than worry about the future in the second film. She is quicker than her boyfriend to take the opportunity to audition for musicals. She develops a clearer insight of what she wants for herself throughout the series and has the ability to read accurately Troy and his motives. She finds it hard to make decisions concerning college and such, because her dominant Fi makes it difficult for her to be decisive and give practical factors higher priority than personal factors. Nonetheless, she is shown to be an excellent student with good organizational skills and self-reliance. Gabriella is very smart and she was Valedictorian.

High school musical 2 gabriella lifeguard

But it might well also stand for Trouble. She believes she and Troy are destined to be together or, at the very least, sing together. Thanks in part to her finagling, Troy gets a promotion, conditional club membership and new Italian shoes. So she quits her new job and gasp! But this is not Grease. In Grease , the good girl turns bad to get the guy.

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There's a "Twinkle Town" poster in the classroom. Troy and Gabriella start to fall in love, and they sign up together for the Winter Musical, but when Taylor and the science club show her the video of Troy yelling to his friends that he won't do the musical after being put under pressure and only to shut his friends up , she's heartbroken. Sign In Register. When Gabriella discovers that Sharpay has talked to Fulton and made to decision that the Wildcats are not allowed to perform in the talent show, she confronts Sharpay, warning her that she should "step away from the mirror" long enough to "check the damage that will always be right behind [her]. Her dog also belongs to the movie's director. Gabriella Montez. The worst movies every actor from 'High School Musical' has been in. Chad claims he doesn't dance, but we've already seen him dance multiple times. The next day at school, Troy summons Gabriella up to the roof where he asks her to chose between several suit jackets, presenting her with two tickets to prom, 'The Last Waltz. During the musical number "Work This Out," Troy's suddenly disappears before returning again. As part of their Lava Springs uniforms, the gang wears name tags on the upper part of their shirts.

The premiere brought in a total of In this first sequel to Disney's High School Musical , student Troy Bolton stresses over getting a job, with the price of college looming on his mind, as well as trying to make sure he and Gabriella Montez are able to stay together all summer.

Her dog also belongs to the movie's director. Gabriella Montez. But later in the song, when Gabriella jumps on Troy's back, his shirt rises and his underwear appears to be dark blue. Like Ashley Tisdale, the actress who plays her, Sharpay is left-handed. In real life, however, the University of Albuquerque closed in Some of the Wildcats appear to have their own, customized baseball uniforms. Darbus slams books on his desk to wake him up, but it's quite strange that he fell asleep so quickly when we just saw that he was awake. In one scene, Troy Bolton's underwear seems to magically change color. She cannot handle emotional conflict, and claims that she has a lot of experience saying goodbye to people. Aside from Taylor commenting on Chad's new hat, no other characters acknowledge this clothing switch. Teary-eyed, he insists that he meant what he said about "movies Miley Cyrus has a brief cameo during the last song. During the musical number "Work This Out," Troy's suddenly disappears before returning again. Gabriella teases Troy about the toys in his playhouse, wrapping a red cape around his shoulders and teasing "There.

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