hedonism ii video

Hedonism ii video

Things you buy through our links may earn Vox Media a commission. Tomorrow, friends and families across the country will celebrate Independence Day.

Remember Me? What's New? Results 1 to 14 of I never got around to posting these from our trip in October. Hope this helps all you H3 transplants and new people to get a little better idea of what H2 is like. Apoligize for sounding so dorky in the "Room" video

Hedonism ii video


The deck is stacked for Republicans, but polls show many of the Democratic incumbents will be hard to beat.


I promised several people a trip report and blog entry from my latest travel adventure so here's an abbreviated entry This will be my 7th trip to a SuperClubs Hedonism all-inclusive, clothing optional beachfront and tropical resort. Saturday, June A few short hours of sleep and a 6 a. Actually I went to the Park and Fly to drop off my car and catch their shuttle to the Jet Blue terminal. A quick bite to eat, short wait and change of gates before my flight whisked me away to Montego Bay Airport in Jamaica. Arrival in MBJ was uneventful and the usual nice reception in the SuperClubs lounge with complimentary water and minute wait. While waiting, I treated myself to a margarita from the Margaritaville just outside behind the SuperClubs lounge. I was also excited about meeting in person with some of the staff that I had worked with over the past few months telephonically. Needless to say, I love the Hedo staff.

Hedonism ii video

There was a Prude Side and a Nude Side. But during our afternoon and evening visit to the Hedonism II Resort, just a few hundred yards from our main hotel, the Hotel Riu Palace Tropical Bay in Negril, Jamaica, very few guests stayed by the white sand beach on the quiet Prude Side. Those who did quickly disrobed.

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Less than a month and we touch down! They were great! Enter your email: Please enter a valid email address. Thanks for the great videos! Replies: 13 Last Post: , PM. Makes us really homesick. The time now is PM. Originally Posted by caughtyoulookin. Show Leave a Comment. Replies: 29 Last Post: , AM.

As of [update] , only Hedonism II is in operation.

Thanks for posting those videos. Apoligize for sounding so dorky in the "Room" video By Kevin Baker. Originally Posted by caughtyoulookin. By submitting your email, you agree to our Terms and Privacy Policy and to receive email correspondence from us. By Jonathan Chait. Party and Dance Naked! Tell it to the New Yorkers who created it. Beating Trump in the popular vote may not be enough for Biden to win the Electoral College. Is it when he gets down on his knees or when he crab-walks? Thanks for the video We could not make it this year and it just made us more homesick This email will be used to sign into all New York sites. I was just wondering how hedo ii and hedo iii compare. The time now is PM. A photo posted on the TripAdvisor page for Hedonism II in reveals that Rick is still making the trip, and that he can apparently stand on his head.

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