harry potter quidditch gif

Harry potter quidditch gif

I so love the work you guys do! I would love me some inu and crew sorted into houses and fighting with wands :. The list below is everything we could find after searching high and low.

Quidditch gifs, created and curated by Alex Downey-Ging Send me a link to your footage. Permalink 6 notes. Permalink 4 notes. Quidditch season seems to slow down in the new year for a lot of teams. Everyone is busy. Permalink 12 notes.

Harry potter quidditch gif


A soft smile graced his face as you transformed your robe into a blanket, laying it on the ice and beckoning him to move.


The dedicated sport of the Wizarding World of Harry Potter is getting its own official video game. Harry Potter: Quidditch Champions will address a gap in the most recent game based on the franchise, Hogwarts Legacy , which notably did not feature a playable version of Quidditch. Players can sign up to playtest the game at the official Harry Potter: Quidditch Champions website. A release date for the game was not announced. Rowling and will not be direct adaptations of the books and films. Fans who play a version of Quidditch in real life have since chosen to distance themselves from Rowling and her work, renaming their interpretation of the sport to Quadball. Hogwarts Legacy managed to sell above expectations, with more than 12 million copies sold in the first two weeks. Warner Bros.

Harry potter quidditch gif

As such, spoilers will be present within the article. The Golden Snitch , often simply called the Snitch , was the third and smallest ball used in Quidditch. It was a walnut-sized gold -coloured sphere with silver wings. It flew around the Quidditch field at high speeds, sometimes pausing and hovering in place. The Seeker 's goal was to catch the Snitch before the other team's seeker, which was worth one-hundred and fifty points. The game could only end when the Snitch had been caught, or by mutual agreement of the two teams' Captains; the latter was very rare, however, as one team would have had to have lost. The Quidditch rule also stated that only the two team's Seeker had the right to catch or touch the Snitch, any player other than the Seeker to do so committed a foul called a Snitchnip. The Golden Snitch was originally not a ball, but a little magical bird called a Golden Snidget. It was introduced in , when the Chief of the Wizards' Council , Barberus Bragge , unleashed a Golden Snidget during a Quidditch match, offering a reward of Galleons to the player who caught the Snidget. Thereafter, it became customary to set frightened Snidgets loose during games.

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No, no, no knees, just… yes. Powered by Tumblr and designed by Kcmr. Not because Steven was a jerk. Demon Hunter Prequel. He brushed the snowflakes off of your cheek, but more fell to take their place. It was what drew him to you in the first place. Theo who just absolutely loves you and wants to spend entirety of his life with you Thank you so much for reading, likes and comments are very much appreciated. For writing to my crazy old nonna and letting me get snot all over your favorite sweater and turning a shit day less shitty. With your arms wrapped tightly around him, Theo knew that he was loved beyond measure. Tags: real life quidditch quidditch snitch quidditch valentines muggle quidditch. Charlie would get away with anything he wanted.

As such, spoilers will be present within the article.

You never have to do anything alone, Teddy. Enzo and Regulus cursed as they narrowly dodged the attack, racing away from Mattheo as he laughed maniacally, clearly relishing his reign of terror. The boys could sense it as well. He seemed to be grappling with his thoughts, searching for the right words. Elena and Harry are nothing alike in terms of personality or upbringing but everything revolves around Elena much like how everything revolves around Harry. But things don't go right. He could identify his best friend by sound alone. Is that what this is about? What would happen if Inuyasha finally made his wish, but it wasn't for himself, but for Kagome to have a 2nd chance. Permalink 1 note. Absolutely not! Mom and Dad of the team, takes place in book one. I hope you enjoy! Later that night, after the two of you dried off, changed into pajamas, and snuggled underneath your warm blankets, you listened as Theo told stories of his mum.

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