harry potter auror

Harry potter auror

An Auror is "a Dark wizard catcher". They are an elite group of witches and wizards, loyal to the Ministry of Magicwhose mission is to fight against and capture the forces of the Dark Arts, harry potter auror. The requirements for becoming an Auror are, of necessity, quite stringent. By their harry potter auror year at Hogwarts, Harry and Ron both want to be Aurors.

While most of Harry Potter's Wizarding World are free to go about their business without much concern, others are tirelessly working behind the scenes to keep innocents safe from the Dark Arts, and those who choose to wield them. After all, someone has to keep evil at bay. Aurors are responsible for chasing down Death Eaters and the like; however, they will get involved in anything that threatens magical society's safety and secrecy. Meanwhile, American Aurors seem to have even more responsibilities on their plates. Only the best of the best are chosen to be magical crime fighters, as this esteemed and dangerous position is not the run-of-the-mill career path. John Dawlish does not have a vital role in the Harry Potter franchise; however, he seems to participate in many major events and is always at the wrong place at the wrong time. Despite his constant misfortune, Dawlish is an efficient Auror, considering he has earned the trust of the Ministers of Magic, Cornelius Fudge, and Rufus Scrimgeour, who each bestow him with significant responsibilities.

Harry potter auror

As such, spoilers will be present within the article. An Auror was a wizard or witch that worked as a highly trained law enforcement official for a wizarding governing body. Auror training was extremely difficult and intensive, so there were few qualified applicants. Aurors of different countries dealt with different high-risk situations that were most prominent to them. Their training and areas of responsibility varied greatly depending on the type of threats for which they were prepared, and the magical education they received beforehand. In Britain, for example, the Aurors were trained to investigate crimes related to the Dark Arts , and to apprehend or detain Dark wizards and witches. As a result, they were often called "Dark wizard catchers". When working for the Major Investigation Department , Aurors used a number of magical tools and devices such as the Real-Time Hex Indicator map and the USA Spell Contraventions map to track down illegal or especially flamboyant use of magic that could pose a threat to the International Statute of Wizarding Secrecy. Also, unlike their British counterpart, the American Aurors were divided into several divisions around North America to keep the peace, as opposed to all working within the same one. Aurors were, essentially, the wizarding world equivalent of police officers and military as they served in both roles for wizardkind. According to Minerva McGonagall , no Auror had been taken on by the British Ministry of Magic for three years prior to , though Nymphadora Tonks stated that she qualified the year before, meaning she was probably one of the last candidates taken on. The Ministry was located underneath Whitehall , a road in Westminster in the heart of London , England. The Auror Office consisted of a series of open cubicles, each Auror being given a place to work. Pictures of known Dark wizards, maps, clippings from the Daily Prophet , and various other things lined the cubicles.

Far less flashy than his fellow Aurors, Kingsley Shacklebolt stood out for his high skill levels in all branches of practical magic like dueling, Charms, and Defense Against the Dark Arts. The requirements for applicants into becoming Aurors were temporarily relaxed following the end of the Second Wizarding War. During his time at Hogwarts, Ron was harry potter auror enough to produce a corporeal Patronus, which took the form of a Jack Russell Terrier, harry potter auror, and to survive multiple encounters with Death Eaters.

An Auror is a member of an elite unit of highly-trained, specialist officers within the Department of Magical Law Enforcement of the Ministry of Magic trained to investigate crimes related to the Dark Arts, and apprehend or detain Dark wizards and witches. Auror training is very difficult and intensive, so there are few qualified applicants. According to Minerva McGonagall, no Auror had been taken on for three years prior to , though Nymphadora Tonks stated that she qualified the year before, meaning she was probably one of the last candidates taken on. The head of the Auror Office as of was Harry Potter. Auror headquarters are located on Level Two of the Ministry of Magic. It consists of a series of open cubicles, each Auror being given a place to work. Pictures of known Dark wizards, maps, clippings from the Daily Prophet , and various other things line the cubicles.

As such, spoilers will be present within the article. Alastor "Mad-Eye" Moody d. Moody served with distinction during the first conflict, gaining a reputation as a skilful battler against the Dark Arts and sacrificing an eye, a leg, and part of his nose during the conflict. As an Auror, he played a role in the imprisonment of many of the inhabitants of Azkaban. According to Ron Weasley " half the cells in Azkaban are full because of him ". In , he agreed to Albus Dumbledore 's request to become the new Defence Against the Dark Arts Professor at Hogwarts ; [11] however, he was kidnapped just prior to taking up the position by Barty Crouch Jnr , who subsequently disguised himself as Moody as part of a plan to kidnap Harry Potter on the instructions of Lord Voldemort. Following his rescue from Barty Crouch Jnr, Moody joined the second Order of the Phoenix and fought in a number of the Second Wizarding War's battles, including the Battle of the Department of Mysteries in [16] and the Battle of the Seven Potters in , [12] dying during the latter. His magical eye was later used by Dolores Umbridge to spy on her subordinates in the Muggle-Born Registration Commission. It was later retrieved by Harry Potter when he infiltrated the Ministry of Magic in , [17] and was given a proper burial by Harry in the forest close to the location where the nd Quidditch World Cup had been held three years prior.

Harry potter auror

CBR supports the hard work of industry professionals on properties fans know and love, and the wider world of Harry Potter that fans have adopted as their own. The Harry Potter franchise introduced fans to a fleshed-out magical world, with class disparity, a corrupt government, and Dark wizards using their abilities for nefarious reasons. To combat the latter, the Ministry of Magic employed Aurors, Dark wizard catchers who were extraordinarily skilled in dueling, detective work, and planning. Throughout Harry Potter , many characters are either introduced as Aurors or shown to have the potential to battle some of the most dangerous wizards and witches of the Wizarding World. Their talents and strengths made them some of the most accomplished characters in the series and earned them the respect of their peers.

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Alice and Frank's track record of capturing Voldemort's followers skyrocketed, so the Death Eaters began targeting them. And I wasn't the only one who was handed straight to the dementors without trial. Alice and Frank Longbottom are grouped here because practically everything that's known about them applies to both, including their great power. It is still unclear what happened to the real Graves — if he survived, died, or ever existed in the first place. Once a criminal was captured, they were generally handed over to the authorities. Quahog c. Pictures of known Dark wizards, maps, clippings from the Daily Prophet , and various other things lined the cubicles. An Auror that had retired some time before following a disagreement with the Ministry about his use of an Unforgivable Curse on a Dark wizard. Undergoing three years of Auror training under the tutelage of Alastor Moody, Tonks's natural metamorphic abilities allowed her to easily pass the Concealment and Disguise portion of the training, without doing any work for it at all. A candidate to become an Auror should meet the following requirements:. Start a Wiki. Some Aurors were also members of the Order of the Phoenix , a secret organisation created by Albus Dumbledore.

An Auror is "a Dark wizard catcher".

Once one becomes an "Auror trainee" they will be taught one of the following:. Although the Longbottoms' careers were over by the time Neville and Harry turned one, their names will go down in history. Harry Potter Wiki Explore. Unlike most of the Aurors in the series, he was a firm Ministry of Magic supporter and often served as a bodyguard for Cornelius Fudge while he was in office. After participating in the Battle of Hogwarts, Kingsley was elected as Minister for Magic, a role he excelled in until Hermione took over in the late s. It was incredibly difficult to fulfil Auror training. Annoyed by Dolores Umbridge 's insistence that Harry would never become an Auror during the — school year , Professor Minerva McGonagall declared that she will give him whatever assistance, coaching, and tutoring he required in order to become one. If accepted into Auror training, applicants are then required to train extensively in advanced magical combat and other elements of practical defence, as well as, presumably, methods of criminal investigation. Moody continued to be of great service after the war ended, particularly when he captured Igor Karkaroff, who revealed that Ministry employee Augustus Rookwood was a Death Eater. Tina also held off Grindelwald's blue fire and helped put it out before it could devastate Paris. Though Auror training is very taxing, and means an additional three years of studying even after graduation from school, they seem to be very well respected in the wizarding community, and the higher members are potential candidates for Minister for Magic. According to Dolores Umbridge , the Ministry also looks into the criminal records of the applicants, and those without a clean one will not make it through. His professional and ambitious nature earned Graves favor with President Picquery, raising his status and influence even further. Moody is arguably the best Auror in the franchise, having dedicated every aspect of his life to thwarting evil, although his paranoid tendencies can get out of hand.

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