Hannah montana jackson

Jason Daniel Earles born April 26, [1] is an American actor. Hannah montana jackson was born in San DiegoCalifornia. He voiced Spudnik in the talking dog film Space Buddies. Earles has contributed cast memorabilia to the fundraisers for Rocky Mountain College, his alma mater.

He is the older brother of Miley Stewart. Jackson is often the comic relief of the series, making jokes, making people get hurt, and dancing silly. He's an indifferent student, more fond of video games, girls, and food than he is of schoolwork. He works at Rico's Surf Shop and drives a red car that he purchased for himself. His storylines often form a comedic subplot during the show. Jackson is very much interested in sports, like playing volleyball on the school team.

Hannah montana jackson

Jackson is often the comic relief of the series, making jokes, making people get hurt, and dancing silly. He's an indifferent student, more fond of video games, girls and food than he is of schoolwork. Until he finished high school, he worked at Rico's Surf Shop and drives a red car that he purchased for himself. His storylines often form a comedic subplot during the show. Jackson is very much interested in sports, playing volleyball on the school team. According to Miley, he goes to basketball games once a week and likes the Los Angeles Dodgers. He likes taking challenges, and beat the world record for pogo-jumping by four hours. He also has been seen playing video games. Jackson is also skilled at plumbing. In the series finale, Rico fires Jackson, having previously rehired him to work at his new pizza place, to force him to get a real job. After failing to find one, Rico realizes that Jackson is the closest thing he has to a friend and vice-versa, and decides to call in a favor to get him a job as a video game tester.

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For those who grew up in the golden age of Disney Channel's mids programming, it's impossible to forget the show that launched the career of Miley Cyrus: "Hannah Montana. As Miley endures the struggles of living a double life, Jackson brings a healthy dose of comic relief to "Hannah Montana. It has been over a decade since 6. While Cyrus' edgy post-Disney appearance is common knowledge, many wonder what Earles looks like nowadays, especially since the actor was pushing 30 in the premiere season while portraying a teenager per IMDb. Current photos of Earles show a man who's practically unrecognizable but in the best way possible. Though he was technically an adult when filming "Hannah Montana," he had to give off the persona of a nerdy Malibu teen, which was doable thanks to his 5'5" stature. Now, it appears his vibe is allowed to match his age.

The series centers on Miley Stewart played by Miley Cyrus , a teenage girl living a double life as famous pop singer Hannah Montana, an alter ego she adopted so she could maintain her anonymity and live a normal life as a typical teenager. Episodes deal with Miley's everyday struggles to cope with the social and personal issues of adolescence while maintaining the added complexities of her secret identity, which she sustains by wearing a blonde wig. Overarching themes include a focus on family and friendships as well as the importance of music and discovering one's identity. The Walt Disney Company commissioned the series after the success of Disney Channel's previous music-based franchises, such as the made-for-television film High School Musical Hannah Montana was produced by It's a Laugh Productions in association with Poryes's production company, and premiered on Disney Channel on March 24, The following year, the feature film Hannah Montana: The Movie was released. The series concluded on January 16, , as a result of Cyrus's growing popularity and music career, and her desire to move into more mature acting roles.

Hannah montana jackson

Adventures of a teenage pop star who keeps her identity secret from even her closest friends by using a disguise on-stage. Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. Episode guide. Play trailer

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Mood Swings 5. He also has been seen playing video games. New Customer? Fan Feed 1 Inside Out 2 2 3 Anxiety. Hannah Montana: Who is Hannah Montana? Vampirina 6. Sign In Sign In. After failing to find one, Rico realizes that Jackson is the closest thing he has to a friend and vice-versa, and decides to call in a favor to get him a job as a video game tester. In the series finale, Rico fires Jackson, having previously rehired him to work at his new pizza place, to force him to get a real job. See the full list. Play demo reel Jason Earles Demo Reel. Upload your demo reel. Jennifer Earles. Jackson Stewart.

Although his character was only a teenager, and Cyrus was 13 when the show began, Earles was able to play someone at least a decade his junior, as he was actually 28 at the start of the series' run. In fact, as Insider points out, his character's father, played by Cyrus's real-life father, Billy Ray Cyrus , was only 16 years older than him.

Sign In Sign In. Recently viewed. Related news. National Treasure. Retrieved January 9, Jackson is very messy, and has made all of the Stewart family's previous housekeepers quit. While growing up in Oregon and then attending Rocky Mountain College in Billings, Montana, Jason began to hone his craft through class and in professional theater. Vampirina 6. Earles in August Upcoming 1. Los Angeles Times.

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