half life the combine

Half life the combine

The Combine consist of organic, synthetic, and heavily mechanized elements. The Combine are depicted as cruel rulers over the citizens of Earth, half life the combine, suppressing dissent with brutality, using violence to police humanity, and forcibly performing surgery on some to transform them into half life the combine. Throughout the games, the player primarily battles transformed humans as well as synthetic and mechanical enemies that are the product of Combine technology. In addition to their role within the Half-Life series, the Combine have been adapted by fans for machinima productions and other works.

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Half life the combine

Although this article is based on official information, the actual name of this subject was created for the wiki. He was then declared Interim Administrator of Earth, a largely symbolic position. During the Combine's rule, the remnants of the human race were spread all around the world, in Combine cities , built from the remnants of Earth's devastated cities. The extent of the Combine's brutality during the occupation is not yet known, but it is believed that the Combine perpetrated genocide against mankind, installed a worldwide sub-imperial military and police force known as the Overwatch , drained Earth of its natural resources, and put an end to all human reproduction through a planet-wide suppression field. Around 20 years after the Black Mesa Incident, [1] the occupation was compromised, when, following the destruction of Nova Prospekt , a massive uprising was born in City This uprising was spearheaded by organized Resistance forces, led by former Black Mesa scientists , such as Eli Vance and Gordon Freeman. The events surrounding Gordon Freeman's arrival in City 17 until the Resistance's successful defense of the White Forest rocket base transpired over the course of one and a half weeks, in an area of several dozen square miles, from City 17 to Nova Prospekt on the coast. It is understood that this uprising was the first of its kind in 20 years, and that news of it reached far and wide by the time the Resistance launched its rocket into orbit and shut down the Combine's infant superportal. This act, for the first time since the Combine's invasion, stranded the entire Combine presence remaining on Earth from its home world. No further communication was possible between the Combine Overworld and Earth. News of this was certain to become global among the human inhabitants of Earth, and similar uprisings in cities around the world could be expected. The Combine's motive for invading Earth is unknown; it is surmised that the Combine simply wished to take control of Earth's resources and enslave its population, as it had done many times before to other universes.

This lack of railing and deep falls are likely due to the Advisors' ability to fly and thus not needing bridges. But the exact nature of the threat was left to be solved in Half-Life 2.

The Combine , referred to as "Our Benefactors" [2] and CMB in propaganda, is the title of an immense and powerful inter-dimensional empire that conquered the Earth during the Seven Hour War , comprised of a variety of both allied and enslaved species. The Combine is a vast and powerful extra-dimensional empire, spanning several parallel universes. Little is known about the Combine's overall goals, but it can be assumed that it's ultimate ambition is to assimilate the entire Multiverse. Details of the Combine's leadership and administrative structure remain largely unknown. On Earth, alien beings called Advisors are responsible for overseeing all communication and interaction between the larger Combine and the Earth-based occupation force, acting through Dr. Wallace Breen , a human collaborator and puppet ruler who serves as the appointed 'Administrator' and humanity's representative within the Combine.

The Combine , referred to as "Our Benefactors" [2] and CMB in propaganda, is the title of an immense and powerful inter-dimensional empire that conquered the Earth during the Seven Hour War , comprised of a variety of both allied and enslaved species. The Combine is a vast and powerful extra-dimensional empire, spanning several parallel universes. Little is known about the Combine's overall goals, but it can be assumed that it's ultimate ambition is to assimilate the entire Multiverse. Details of the Combine's leadership and administrative structure remain largely unknown. On Earth, alien beings called Advisors are responsible for overseeing all communication and interaction between the larger Combine and the Earth-based occupation force, acting through Dr. Wallace Breen , a human collaborator and puppet ruler who serves as the appointed 'Administrator' and humanity's representative within the Combine. From what is currently known, the Combine seems to only assimilate intelligent species from the worlds it conquers and manipulates these species through various means, including bioengineering and invasive surgery, twisting them to fit the Combine's pursuit of cruel perfection. The results of the Combine's re-engineering processes are " synths " — synthetic organisms augmented with Combine technology that serve a variety of functions within the empire, from weapons of war to mindless worker drones.

Half life the combine

The Combine consist of organic, synthetic, and heavily mechanized elements. The Combine are depicted as cruel rulers over the citizens of Earth, suppressing dissent with brutality, using violence to police humanity, and forcibly performing surgery on some to transform them into slaves. Throughout the games, the player primarily battles transformed humans as well as synthetic and mechanical enemies that are the product of Combine technology. In addition to their role within the Half-Life series, the Combine have been adapted by fans for machinima productions and other works. Certain elements of the Combine's appearance, such as that of the Advisors, are inspired by the works of Frank Herbert. Wells novel The War of the Worlds , where said Martians invade Victorian England , using the tripods as their main "weapon". The name "Combine" itself is a tribute to Ken Kesey's novel One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest , which features a collection of authorities which mechanistically manipulate and process individuals. During Half-Life 2 ' s development, various concepts for Combine non-player characters were cut. Female Combine Assassins, similar to black ops Assassins featured in the first game, were planned but later abandoned, although they appear in the Half-Life 2: Survivor arcade game.

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For the chapter , see Our Benefactors chapter. Any shred of humanity, as well as any previous memories, are completely erased. They gather and unite the scattered Combine forces. Makes sense if it was powered by the Citadel. Top Content. Surrealism played a smaller part, a good example being the white marble tile of early Citadel interiors. Militarily, the Combine make use of both synthetics, creatures augmented with machinery, and traditional machines such as armored personnel carriers and attack helicopters. Aliens in Popular Culture. Archived from the original on April 26, They typically carry electroshock batons named stun-sticks in the game and pistols, and are occasionally equipped with submachine guns. The Overwatch utilizes Earth's small arms in combination with their own designs, as well as Combine variants of armoured personnel carriers, trains, and helicopters, re-designing them for greater efficiency.

The Combine heavily relies on imagery through logos, symbols, and propaganda posters to assure their influence on Earth and recall their presence to its residents. Combine units - humanoid and Synth - also bear insignias, logos and other markings.

Limited usage of aesthetics include infrequent usage of Combine imagery such as signs or logos, and artificial brightness creating harsh, dark shadows throughout the Combine's complexes. Previously, certain protein chains important to the process of embryonic development were selectively prevented from forming; this is no longer the case. End :. Hunter Choppers have, by far, the most reinforced armor of any of the Combine's vehicles, being able to survive barrages of explosives before being shot down. More generally, the major part of the Earth's surface has become a Wasteland - a desolate, barren and hazardous region, inhabited with Xen wildlife, and littered with car wrecks, destroyed buildings and roads and other scenes of desolation; the only infrastructure that is maintained is the railway, which is used by the Combine to link their outposts together and to transport Combine troops, Stalkers and Citizens via the Wasteland Train. The suppression field's main effect is to bring the human birth rate down to zero by prohibiting certain protein chains important to embryonic development from forming, effectively ensuring that the humans currently alive will be the last generation. The officers perform their duties with various twists, such as the team's medical officer having an obsession with adhesive bandages and the legal consultant, an Overwatch soldier, favoring dramatic entries, such as throwing flashbangs , which often backfire on him. Gordon Freeman's actions after his return eventually inspire a massive insurrection against the Combine in City 17, which results in a full-scale street war between the Citizens and the Combine forces. However, Alyx and Freeman managed to obtain the data planned to be sent to the Combine Overworld, which the Resistance could use to close the portal. Sentry turrets are also used by the Combine. The Resistance leaders discovered from the data packet retrieved by Alyx that Mossman had located the legendary research vessel Borealis. Synths have come to fill particular niches in the Combine military, such as aerial assault craft and ground artillery. The game focuses on the efforts of Alyx Vance, her father Eli, and fellow resistance member Russell, as they attempt to infiltrate a massive Combine vault, believing it possesses a weapon that they could use to weaken the Combine occupation on Earth.

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