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Well, as I said: slow day. To open up proceedings, besides choosing a hard-hitting title I hope will provoke some people to react at all, here are two links to an equal number of not very long performances by good musicians, posted on YouTube, gute nacht gif kostenlos. They are among my favorites, and the many ecstatic comments and their two million-plus views each might give some support to that.

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And is not that her legs, gute nacht gif kostenlos, or anything from much below her neck down is visible of her that is not wrapped in some opaque material Quite different these days, not a complaint, maybe in those days it was verboten to even acknowledge that there was any thing really human down there? Not because it is boring music, not that at all, but because it is relaxing. People did not realized the trick for quite some time, and Haydn did not seem to mind too much.


Hier sind einige unserer Favoriten. Guten Abend, meiner Liebster. Die Zeit mit dir macht den Tag besonders. Guten Abend! Guten Abend, meine Freunde! Lasst uns den Tag in Geselligkeit ausklingen lassen. Der Abend ist wie ein leeres Buch, das auf uns wartet.

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I was only making a comment about expanding the topic by breaking it up into bits and pieces of the various aspects pertaining to this genre, starting a new topic when it varies from the current. This is a departure of the kind that has happened now and then in this thread and have made it richer and for my taste, more interesting, including luminous samples of Bossa Nova and of the fusion of it and other popular forms of music with Jazz. And without doing a lot of watching, at that:. Whenever you embark on a new life phase, a creative project, or personal ritual, you are further awakening to your destiny. Berlin, Well, truth be told, that it is much, much harder, because it takes not just a top instrumentalist with a knack for riffing on any giving theme, but it requires a higher level of skill both as a composer as well as a performer. We are on the same page for sharing interests in classical music. Vivaldi, a priest and music teacher at the local orphanage for girls, grew up and worked for many, many years in Venice, where he become famous and his music was very much appreciated until it stated to be seen as too old fashioned — but did not die there. With some good singing, some great dancing and a spectacular tap-dancing number. And check out those cadenzas! Beethoven composed it during his convalescence for a serious health problem that will recur two years later and end his life. He died at age 50 of a stroke that has been attributed mainly to his choice of diet. Here, from me, you may relearn the beauty of what truly matters, because here and in me there is true beauty, besides which little else matters. I want more. Now, this is a set of sonatas and partitas for the lute, a stringed instrument with lots of strings, played like a guitar, but with the extra strings acting as resonators to create interesting chords and reinforce the sound of those actually played.


Now here …. There is quite a lot of this type of sculpture in the larger musea, but these pieces are second to none! Great relaxing drift off to sleep classical composition that refreshes the mind. The day was green. Also Ingmar Bergman made a movie of a whole live performance of TMF, and it is available on YT, but am not posting here the link, because I am not sure if it is even legally there. Alex , Fred. This item is remarkable both for the large scale of the work being performed, the way it is performed and, last but no least, by how the Chicago Symphony Orchestra, here in full-force, with a large and appropriately loud brass section, is conducted by Mr. So is this how really good rock musicians that can play more than just chords and actually have studied music theory and really learned to play a guitar, mastering their instrument with a lot of practice, get to show this side of themselves? I think I'll stick with regular old buffalo wings. Now, some great fiddling, for all those that are Irish, or carry and feel a certain Irishness in their hearts. In that earlier comment, I posted a link to a YouTube video of a performance of this work by the highly regarded Alan Berg quartet. The result is both impressive sounding, while keeping faithfully to the idea of Ramirez of it being very moving, but also faithful to the forms and spirit of Argentinian folk music.

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