greek movies gr

Greek movies gr

The revelations of a young woman disturb the life of the inhabitants of a small island. Votes: Theodoros comes to Greece from abroad. They welcome him friends and relatives, wanting his fortune, greek movies gr.

Not Rated 97 min Drama, Thriller. A controlling, manipulative father locks his three adult offsprings in a state of perpetual childhood by keeping them prisoner within the sprawling family compound. Not Rated min Drama, Romance. An epic tale of lost love and a beautiful story of the love between sisters, set in the Greek island of Andros at the beginning of the 20th century. Votes: 7,

Greek movies gr


Stamatis, however, must sleep during the day and stay up at night.


Proud, independent Stella, an unconventional Rebetico singer who cherishes her freedom, finds herself in an intense whirlwind romance. Everything points to a tragic ending, and in the aftermath of passion, there can be no winners. Votes: 2, Pivoting around a shiny counterfeit gold sovereign freshly milled from the clandestine workshop of an otherwise honest goldsmith, four brief vignettes of human imperfection; seduction; fate; desire, and devotion inextricably interweave. Votes: 3, A peaceful, frightened little man is mistakenly identified as "the dragon", a notorious criminal at large. He briefly and reluctantly rules the underworld until they realize their mistake. Against the backdrop of a cloudless summer, love's unforeseen complications will entwine an Athenian writer, a morosely beautiful daughter, and a scorned local suitor. And then, calamity strikes.

Greek movies gr

Pick your favorite Greek movie of this period. If you don't know any, then choose a poster or choose a film you would like to see Note: Greek movies with more ratings. Not Rated min Drama, Romance. An epic tale of lost love and a beautiful story of the love between sisters, set in the Greek island of Andros at the beginning of the 20th century. Votes: 7, Not Rated 97 min Comedy, Drama, Romance. Stuck in her boring factory town, twenty-three-year-old Marina is at the mercy of both her father's impending death and her distaste for other humans.

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Strella min Drama 7. Lieutenant Colonel Thanasis helps the colonel's son and his niece to marry their loved ones, while he wants to marry the general's servant, Frosso. Votes: 5, Agents Against Goldenfoot 81 min Comedy 4. Two unemployed friends pose as the nephews of an affluent widow to get their hands on her immense fortune. O Meletis stin Ameso Drasi 85 min Comedy 4. Can she sort the friends from the foes? Thomas, the owner of an electrical appliances store, is having business problems due to his short-fuse temper and bad luck. A professor of criminology tries to solve five completely unrelated murders whose only link is quotes from Pythagoras. Votes: 4, Terma ta difraga 85 min Comedy 4.

Greek cinema has not always been what you would call a flourishing business. As a matter of fact, it has been, unfortunately, underestimated even by the Greek audience. However, there has been a list of directors who managed to make their presence felt both in the indigenous and in the global cinematic spotlight over the years, including Theo Angelopoulos, Nikos Koundouros, Costa Gavras, Nikos Nikolaidis, Michael Cacoyannis, Tonia Marketaki, Pantelis Voulgaris, Nikos Grammatikos, Stavros Tornes and others.

Nikos finds the dynamic of his relationship with his uncle changing when his uncle's wife draws closer to him. Will he manage to get out of the tight spot? Soon, a group of people wants to steal his money. Terma ta difraga 85 min Comedy 4. When a brutal gang invades his home, a grizzled father of two finds himself confronted with a destructive dilemma. Votes: 7, Dunce 72 min Comedy 5. The accidental but striking resemblance of an artistic but ordinary Greek Navy sailor to the famous actor and director, Kostas Hatzihristos , will, inevitably, result in success, and a fine mess. Tricksters 79 min Comedy 5. Copy from this list Export Report this list.

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