gore videos cartel

Gore videos cartel

The data for the first half of showed homicides increased 1, gore videos cartel. Activists have long worried that the increased confinement of families to their homes would increase killings of women, and they indeed grew from in the first half of to in the same period of

Prosecutors in the western state of Jalisco say they are investigating the video, and relatives of the missing group of young friends told local media that their clothing resembled that worn by the men in the video. The most horrifying thing is not just the pair of bound, inert bodies seen lying in the foreground. It is the fact that the youth seen bludgeoning and apparently decapitating another victim appears to be himself the fourth member of the kidnapped group of friends. The fifth member of the kidnapped group — young friends who had traveled to attend a festival in the city of Lagos de Moreno in Jalisco state — may be the body police found inside a burned-out car in the area. The young men went missing Friday in an area known for cartel violence, and authorities have mounted a massive search for them. The clothing worn by the men in the video also resembles a photo of them alive, but bound, that was released earlier. The likelihood that the video was authentic increased further Wednesday, when investigators raided a series of brick and concrete ranch buildings where the brutal scene was apparently taped.

Gore videos cartel

Mexican prosecutors are investigating a gruesome drug cartel video that may depict the executions of five young men who went missing after attending a festival in Jalisco last week. The video was making the rounds online Wednesday. Relatives of the young men — who went missing Friday in an area known for cartel violence — told media outlets that they recognized the clothing the victims were wearing. The video shows bound, inert bodies seen lying in the foreground. Most disturbingly, a young man, who seems to be one of the victims, can be seen bludgeoning and decapitating a member of the kidnapped group of friends. The fifth member of the kidnapped group may be the body police found inside a burned-out car in the area. The video features a text written over the image that says "Puro MZ," an apparent reference to El Mayo Zambada, the leader of a faction of the Sinaloa drug cartel. But it was unclear who was responsible for the video. If confirmed, the video — which shows someone off-screen tossing the youth a brick, so he can bludgeon the victim with it — recalls memories of the most horrifying instances of drug cartel brutality, in which kidnap victims were forced to kill each other. In , one Mexican cartel abducted men from passenger buses and forced them to fight each other to death with sledgehammers. That tragedy came to light in , when authorities found 48 clandestine graves containing the bodies of people in the northern border state of Tamaulipas. Most had their skulls crushed with sledgehammers, and many were Central American migrants.

Mexico security analyst Alejandro Hope wrote in a column in the El Universal newspaper Monday that cartels have displayed similar or larger shows of force in the past, and that the Jalisco force would probably avoid a direct confrontation with the Mexican military, gore videos cartel.


The images show two men tearing a naked male body apart with an axe on a dirt road. The procedure is far from swift. Rather than a surgical operation, what unfolds can only be described as chaos. The cartel hitmen or sicarios bash the body time and time again, the bones and muscles resisting, the arms difficult to dislocate. The body twists and jerks with each blow, its human form almost unrecognisable. The victim is objectified as the road is splattered with blood. One of the hooded sicarios tries severing the right hand with a pocket knife.

Gore videos cartel

Thanks for contacting us. We've received your submission. Shocking video shows Mexican cartel members lined up on their knees and taunted, moments before they are executed by a rival gang. The footage of the massacre was released Wednesday and is part of the increasing violence in the southern Mexican state of Geurrero, reports said. The footage shows a masked man taunting the doomed men, who are cuffed behind their backs. He violently grabs their hair and points a gun at their faces while interrogating them, asking their names and other information.

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The Public Safety Department noted in its report that the rate of growth in homicides has eased somewhat. The data for the first half of showed homicides increased 1. The Associated Press. Enrique Alfaro said it was clear that drug cartels were involved in the crime, and called for federal prosecutors to take over the case. Mexican church officials have helped arrange a truce between 2 warring drug cartels. The non-military, non-security roles that federal forces play include transport and support for efforts to fight the pandemic, guarding pipelines, policing migrants and building infrastructure projects. It was later revealed the victims had been pulled off passing buses by the old Zetas drug cartel, and forced to fight each other with hammers or be killed, if they refused to work for the cartel. The department said the video was apparently filmed near the border of Jalisco and Guanajuato states and shows an "elite group" of cartel gunmen formed in who have been linked to an attack on police, but who have apparently not used the armored vehicles in combat or directly attacked federal forces. Crime of the Week video. More From AP News.

Investigators in Mexico said they have largely confirmed the contents of a grisly drug cartel video showing gunmen shooting, kicking and burning the corpses of their enemies.

Israel-Hamas war. Most disturbingly, a young man, who seems to be one of the victims, can be seen bludgeoning and decapitating a member of the kidnapped group of friends. Guanajuato was where gunmen burst into a drug rehabilitation center in early July and killed at least 27 people. That proxy war has already made Guanajuato the deadliest state in Mexico. Wind Advisory. It was later revealed the victims had been pulled off passing buses by the old Zetas drug cartel, and forced to fight each other with hammers or be killed, if they refused to work for the cartel. The young men went missing Friday in an area known for cartel violence, and authorities have mounted a massive search for them. Most had their skulls crushed with sledgehammers, and many were Central American migrants. The data for the first half of showed homicides increased 1. Prosecutors in the western state of Jalisco say they are investigating the video, and relatives of the missing group of young friends told local media that their clothing resembled that worn by the men in the video. But it was unclear who was responsible for the video.

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