Glitter girls dolls

I had fun hosting a guest review on the blog again thank you, Lurkins! It felt like the good old days.

Welcome to Our World, where every day is a dream-filled adventure and the brightest imaginations create the most sparkling journeys! Dolls Posable inch dolls! She loved that she could dress her up and play with her hair. I highly recommend this doll as a gift to any kid that loves playing with dolls. Perfect little doll for a child! She has used it with all sorts of dolls and will play with this set forever. My four almost five year old fell in love with these dolls!

Glitter girls dolls


It feels nice, has a multi-toned, natural-looking color, and is easy to brush


A: Hi Mtngirl. The Glitter Girls dolls hair is meant to be played with. Please remove any plastic ties in the hair before taking it down and brushing it. The Battat Team. Shop all Glitter Girls. About this item.

Glitter girls dolls

Welcome to Our World, where every day is a dream-filled adventure and the brightest imaginations create the most sparkling journeys! Dolls Posable inch dolls! She loved that she could dress her up and play with her hair. I highly recommend this doll as a gift to any kid that loves playing with dolls. Perfect little doll for a child!

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Wonderful review as always, I love how thorough you are. Also, both outfits offer a mix of colors and textures in their fabric selections. Odessa has her charms…now about the eyes…do you think running a narrow line of dark paint or such on the upper edge of her eyeball below the lid work? This shininess became especially glaring when we were in the shade of the tree:. Unfortunately, the clip came tied into Odessa's hair with thread, and removing it caused a bit of a mess:. This looks dramatic, but it's not great for photos! Shiny hair, shiny skin, shiny, wide eyes. I highly recommend this doll as a gift to any kid that loves playing with dolls. The bright colors and fun patterns are surely more appealing to kids as well. Here are both girls again wearing the Shimmer Glimmer outfit:.

Shop all Glitter Girls.

I must be getting used to your methods because as soon as you were wondering about how the armature worked, I KNEW we were all in for an anatomy lesson! Here she is right out of the box, with her hair still looking a little disheveled:. I gave away my Poppy a long time ago, but I was able to find a used one on eBay for a great price. Doll Clothes Fun colors and glittery outfits! And the fabric right below the waistband is getting thinner and thinner every time I have to yank on that area to pull the skirt off. I think Gwynn and Odessa's slight face blankness would be improved vastly if their eyes weren't just aligned straight forward? But actually, the arm wires aren't connected to the body as securely as the legs. Gwynn's balance is much better than Odessa's, too, but of course Odessa has a lot more flexibility in her limbs and in her head. So I made a slit down one of her arms and one of her legs to expose the wire: She doesn't seem to mind. Odessa's hair is nicer than both Old and New Poppy's hair, though, which is confusing. It's also a beautiful color, but the rooting is thin. The wire in her legs allows her to kneel she can't actually balance alone like this, though :.

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