Gillian branstetter

Why, after gillian branstetter, would a movement nominally dedicated to life and babies want to ban a technology that helps more gillian branstetter have babies? This cognitive dissonance is likely why Republican responses to the ruling have been so scattered. Nikki Haley, who had been attempting to carve out a moderate lane on abortion, gillian branstetter, nonetheless endorsed the logic of ruling against IVF while Alabama Senator Tommy Tuberville—who waged a year-long, one-man campaign against abortion protections for members of the armed forces—responded to a reporter question about the ruling like a malfunctioning ChatGPT.

Extremist judges will not stop endangering the lives of pregnant people or people who may become pregnant—overturning Roe v. Wade , attacking medication abortion, threatening the future of IVF, and now pregnancy accommodations. There are 56 federal judicial vacancies and 30 nominations before the Senate right now. Tell the Senate to commit to confirming all federal nominees who will defend the rights and well-being of pregnant and postpartum workers, people who can get pregnant, and all women! Formerly of the National Center for Transgender Equality, she continues to work with reporters, editors, and advocates to produce accurate and thorough coverage about transgender people and their rights. As a reporter, she covered health care including child care, the opioid epidemic, and reproductive health care access as well as gun control, cybersecurity, policing, and extremism.

Gillian branstetter


Tell the Senate to commit to confirming all federal nominees who will defend the gillian branstetter and well-being of pregnant and postpartum workers, gillian branstetter, people who can get pregnant, and all women! A post shared by mxviv.


Extremist judges will not stop endangering the lives of pregnant people or people who may become pregnant—overturning Roe v. Wade , attacking medication abortion, threatening the future of IVF, and now pregnancy accommodations. There are 56 federal judicial vacancies and 30 nominations before the Senate right now. Tell the Senate to commit to confirming all federal nominees who will defend the rights and well-being of pregnant and postpartum workers, people who can get pregnant, and all women! Formerly of the National Center for Transgender Equality, she continues to work with reporters, editors, and advocates to produce accurate and thorough coverage about transgender people and their rights. As a reporter, she covered health care including child care, the opioid epidemic, and reproductive health care access as well as gun control, cybersecurity, policing, and extremism. Tell the Senate: Confirm Judges Committed to Expanding Civil Rights Extremist judges will not stop endangering the lives of pregnant people or people who may become pregnant—overturning Roe v.

Gillian branstetter

Advocate Gillian Branstetter sees reasons for hope after four trans youth won a fight for healthcare in an Arkansas court. Gillian Branstetter, a trans rights advocate, has watched in distress over the last year as lawmakers have eliminated fundamental protections for transgender people across the US. But last week she felt a rare moment of hope after four trans youth fought for their lives in Arkansas federal court — and won. The first victory of its kind in the US, it ensures the four youth and other vulnerable kids can access life-saving treatments. Can you give an overview of how attacks on trans rights have increased so far this year? Twenty states have now banned the healthcare that many transgender youth need to live. There are efforts to restrict trans people from having their stories heard at libraries and in schools.

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Conservative opposition to Swift is more than just partisan politics, however. But simultaneously, she knows that wanting to love and be loved are not desires for subservience. Share this post. Extremist judges will not stop endangering the lives of pregnant people or people who may become pregnant—overturning Roe v. The machinery needed to police gender performance, demand conformity, and either criminalize or pathologize deviance from the norm is obviously man-made yet consistently regarded as ordained by God, nature, or both. For millions of young women, their adoration of Taylor Swift as a person and as a songwriter comes, in part, as opposition to this routine denial of both their embodiment and their subjectivity—a denial that comes from both the people in their personal lives and the state power and systems attempting to extract the most value from their bodies. Repair can only come from all those who have remained silent in the face of a coordinated effort to deny transgender people the freedom to be themselves—Not as shame and derision but as an invitation. Back in , Grace Waggoner—daughter of ADF chief executive Kriston Waggoner—told the Arizona state legislature about her experience suffering the indignity of competing against a transgender athlete. The organizations targeting transgender people understand that most people already police themselves and others along gendered lines largely based on behavior and appearance, and stoking fears and anxiety about transgender people is simply the path of least resistance to stoking fears and anxiety about gender altogether, forces that will target a broad range of nonconforming people and behaviors—be it the divorcee, the childfree, or it seems the short-haired. Her albeit tepid advocacy for progressive causes and LGBTQ rights has since dissuaded any claim the right had to her as bunk conspiracies—but something more holistic about Swift herself has burned whatever bridge the right thought they were crossing. The Autonomy autonomy. The boundaries of womanhood as defined by a patriarchal society are so small that no person could actually fit inside of them yet its demands are so large no person could hope to fill them. A paranoid reading would throw out femininity with this impossible standard, deeming it irredeemably tainted by its association with such vast and violent institutions. It packs stadiums around the globe, graces red carpets and magazine racks, and breaks records as surely as it breaks hearts. After all, just a week before he condemned Natalie Cline for accusing a cisgender girl of being transgender, Governor Cox signed a law offering even more state validation of gender paranoia by prohibiting transgender people from accessing select public facilities aligned with their gender identity.

Like 4. What makes Dylan such a joy to watch, however, is her joy.

Despite their efforts this week, the mainstream of the Republican Party has already signed up for this ideology. To release two inventive albums expanding her repertoire of modes and voices at the end of her 20s—the very period conservative Christians feel a young woman should be tying herself to a man and taking advantage of her virile fertility—is quite defiant, a declaration that you have far more stories to tell and personal growth to pursue even as those around you take the more traditional paths. Girlhood is ephemerality yearning for immortality; womanhood is a reality forced into a race against an impossibility. It can be compelled and coerced in ways subtle and explicit, yet likewise punished and censored when it defies existing power. Just this week, two states took a brief break from the ongoing wave of restrictions on transgender rights to consider proposals limiting access to birth control and divorce, two legal rights that represented pillars of the Second Wave of feminism and granted cisgender women a new degree of agency over their bodies and their lives. Search button Search for:. These associations are, by no means, wrong. This is hardly a new trap laid for women and feminist criticism. I once ventured a toy theory that Fascism has two aspects whose ideal-types are expressed roughly in the duality between Italian Fascism and Nazism: Nazism has weird loser, creep vibes, while Italian Fascism has douchey, jock vibes. In fact, it may need to be. Gender performance is labor, but so is art. But simultaneously, she knows that wanting to love and be loved are not desires for subservience. A list of her past and present job titles ranges from President to Rockette, rapper to babysitter, matador to Starfleet engineer officer.

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