Funny programming jokes

Can be super esoteric or super generalized, I love it when I get them, or when I just learn something new. One of my all time favorites. He reduces height and spots a man down below. He lowers the balloon further and shouts: "Excuse me, funny programming jokes, can you help me?

Need a laugh? Only geeks will appreciate some of these hilarious coding jokes. Kate is mom of two rambunctious boys and a self-proclaimed super nerd. With a background in neuroscience, she is passionate about sharing her love of all things STEM with her kids. She loves to find creative ways to teach kids computer science and geek out about coding and math. She has authored several books on coding for kids which can be found at Hachette UK.

Funny programming jokes


And if you dare to explain it, you automagically end up in a deadlock.


Programming Jokes : Many people think that the life of a Programmer is very easy and full of comfort. A whole day, they just have to sit in front of the computer and move their fingers on the keyboard. However, Programming is not an easy job. To be a Programmer, you need a lot of patience, dedication, and hard work. Sometimes to solve just a small problem, it takes a lot of brainstorming and can take hours or even months to solve a problem. Teach a man to program, frustrate him for a lifetime. So, to make your Programming Journey funny and amusing.

Funny programming jokes

May 31, January 29, June 25, January 11, January 4, December 25, December 7,

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While it can be told about any two classes of people it really applies to a lot of code I encounter: A physicist is showing a thermos to her friend, a programmer. Others "below you" may and can do just as well. But of course my least favorite stand up special is also literally the funniest thing someone else has ever seen. JoeAltmaier on Jan 23, root parent next [—]. Depending on the language the ampersand could mean by copy or by reference. The first mathematician orders a beer. Ahead of them is a group playing so slowly and inexpertly that in frustration the three ask the greenkeeper for an explanation. Which languages use ampersand to signal passing by value? But instead of just following the sheet - which is automatable - he knew of a number of different techniques and approaches and he'd still find a lot of issues that nobody else found. We didn't think about the economy! There's an old Joel on Software one related to string concatenation: Shlemiel gets a job as a street painter, painting the dotted lines down the middle of the road. SideQuark on Jan 22, root parent next [—] You can arrive at the same by slicing in nearly any manner you wish: vertical dx strips, horizontal dy strips, radial dtheta strips, concentric rings treated as rectangles, diagonal strips, literally anything you wish. Not a programmer, but this is good. That's technically correct, but ultimately useless, information.

Being a programmer is fun and, sometimes just sometimes frustrating: accidents, bugs features may happen and we need to learn make fun of them. For your amusement, I've compiled a list of programming puns and jokes that only programmers will get.

HeavyStorm on Jan 21, root parent prev next [—] Thanks, that was annoying me. Too many levels of indirection. I also enjoy a similar one where instead of the programmer stands a statistician and instead of project manager a principal investigator. The global codebase is riddled with dumb errors like this. I heard this one but it's a mathematician and a physicist in the balloon, and the physicist says the person must be a mathematician. Know your limits. It's weird how some people admit they still test code by hand. I want to hear Norm Macdonald tell this joke. This post may contain affiliate links. Great book! Wait - are they dead and in heaven!?!

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