flash thompson

Flash thompson

Flash Thompson is a bully-turned selfless-soldier better known as Agent Anti-Venom. Initially the high school tormentor of Peter Parker[21] whose secret alter-ego of the super hero Spider-Man also happened to be Flash's biggest idol, flash thompson, [22] Thompson grew out of his abusive behavior and befriended Peter in college. Thompson returned flash thompson service and earned a Medal of Honor, although for the same mission that cost him his legs.

Alpha 1 as Agent Anti-Venom "That suit's good now. Or it can be. I know—I helped make it that way. Eugene "Flash" Thompson was a jock at Peter's high school, and thus "Puny Parker" often was the target of his abuse. However, once he became Spider-Man, Peter began standing up to Flash.

Flash thompson

Eugene Thompson attended Midtown High School and was a famous football player. His athletic prowess and phenomenal speed on the pitch earned him the nickname "Flash" and made him one of the most popular kids in the class. While his popularity made life easier at school, he had a difficult life at home. His father Harry—an alcoholic police officer—beat him regularly and derided Flash's athleticism despite his many accomplishments. Due to his rough life at home, Flash often took his anger out on other students who he felt were weak, such as "Puny" Peter Parker , who was one of his regular victims. While attending Midtown, Flash began dating Liz Allan , who was the most popular girl in school. When Liz started to develop an attraction towards Peter, Flash became jealous and began targeting Parker with his bullying almost exclusively. After Spider-Man made his first appearance, however, Flash unknowingly became Parker's greatest—and sometimes only—fan. He was first introduced into the comic world in the comic book Amazing Fantasy Vol. He rapidly developed a friendship there with fellow students Harry Osborn and Gwen Stacy. In an unexpected attempt at inclusion, Flash tried to introduce Parker to Gwen and Harry, but Peter's mind was occupied with his Aunt May's ailing health and he failed to introduce himself, ignoring them completely. Harry and Flash misinterpreted this as snobbery and felt slighted by the incident. Because of this, Peter continued to be a target of bullying from Flash and now Harry as well, who both repeatedly annoyed and picked at Peter.

His act of heroism cost Flash his legs but he was awarded for his courage with the congressional medal of honor, flash thompson. Click here to see as Eugene "Flash" Thompson.

Eugene "Flash" Thompson was a classmate of Peter Parker. He lived only a few blocks from Peter's house. Flash was physically abused by his alcoholic father, leading to Flash's own violent, bullying nature. Flash graduated from high school and enrolled at Empire State University on an athletic scholarship, becoming once more a classmate to Peter Parker. Even though at first he continued his rivalry with Peter, turning his new classmates Harry Osborn and Gwen Stacy against him, eventually, they became close friends, also because Gwen befriended Peter and made the two bury the hatchet. By the time Flash left college to join the army, he and Peter parted as friends. During his tour of duty, Flash lost his legs after saving his partner from enemy forces.

It's all a bunch of smoke and mirrors A cover up for the fear. Because when it comes to being a hero When it comes to helping people I'm terrified by what happens when I fail. After losing his legs in the Iraq War, he was offered a position in the government's Project Rebirth 2. Flash was physically abused by his alcoholic father, leading to Flash's own violent and bullying nature.

Flash thompson

Eugene "Flash" Thompson was a classmate of Peter Parker. He lived only a few blocks from Peter's house. Flash was physically abused by his alcoholic father, leading to Flash's own violent, bullying nature. Flash graduated from high school and enrolled at Empire State University on an athletic scholarship, becoming once more a classmate to Peter Parker. Even though at first he continued his rivalry with Peter, turning his new classmates Harry Osborn and Gwen Stacy against him, eventually, they became close friends, also because Gwen befriended Peter and made the two bury the hatchet. By the time Flash left college to join the army, he and Peter parted as friends. During his tour of duty, Flash lost his legs after saving his partner from enemy forces. Flash's sacrifice is enough to earn him a recommendation for the Medal of Honor. He returned to the United States and started dating Betty Brant. Flash went through the so-called "stages of grief" backwards, even so far as to use dangerous experimental procedures to regain his legs, but seemed to come to terms with his condition after bonding to the Venom symbiote.

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Flash Thompson appears in issues View all. Agent Venom Flash enlisted in the army during the Iraq War and is grievously wounded in action, losing his legs while saving his comrades. The symbiote fall into the possession of the US government and was contained in a secret government base controlled by the Department of Homeland Security. Promotion to Parent : In his long list of aspirations, Flash notes that the one thing he never wanted to be was a father due to his own being a jerk. Then Flash's father passed away in front of him. Damage Control took care of the problem, but in the middle of this, an old villain called The Hijacker decided that this was his chance to make one last big score and quit for life. Now, that's impressive. His response: Agent Venom: Don't ask; don't tell. Flash was later kidnapped by Miss Arrow—who was actually an evil counterpart of Spider-Man's composed of shape-changing Ero or "pirate" spiders—when she chose him to be her "mate and sustenance," but later simply wanted to kill him because she saw Spider-Man as a more powerful candidate. Thompson attending Monica Warren 's lecture. This will also happen if he is in the suit for more than 48 hours. He married Felicia Hardy , but later got a divorce. Angry about this portrayal of his hero, Flash wheeled himself over to Peter's apartment and yelled for him to come out to fight him since the building is not handicap accessible.

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While fighting Jack, Flash began to lose control of the suit, but while the villain had him pinned to the ground Flash managed to throw a live grenade into his mask, blowing his jaw off. He is Peter's former classmate from Midtown High School, and is trying to be a better person after having bullied him in the past. Using weaponry coated in Alchemax's Anti-Venom serum and Flash's own symbiote, the heroes freed those under Maniac's control, prompting him to have the remains of the symbiote return to him to make him stronger. Agent Venom. When overwhelmed by a group of armed thugs in Thunderbolts 17, he loses control and is shown chowing down on an armed thug's intestines. Flash awakens from his coma during " The Other " story arc. Peter becomes the new baron of the place and plans to honor Flash's memory. Flash makes the official move to Philly, where he owns a new apartment and works as an assistant gym coach at the high school, while also becoming the Philadelphia's version of Spider-Man. Ain't Too Proud to Beg : When the symbiote ditches him to forcefully rebond to Eddie Brock, Flash is forced to plead for it to return to him, even though he was relieved to be rid of it. While the party continued, Thompson had soon noticed that Parker had ultimately failed to bring Spider-Man into Toomes' party, and had seemingly departed without saying goodbye. Flash's sacrifice is enough to earn him a recommendation for the Medal of Honor. However, Flash turned her down, admitting that he'd only approached her because she'd previously dated Spider-Man. Show Spoilers.

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