finnick and annie

Finnick and annie

Not his string of fancy lovers from the Capitol. Finnick and annie a poor, mad girl back home. Annie Cresta is one of the victors of District 4. She won The 70th Hunger Games at age

Finnick Odair could have had any girl he wanted. But who did he choose? A crazy girl named Annie. No one would have guessed Panem's most famous victor would choose someone like her, but they shared a bond no one could break. Not even when everything Once everyone from the Capitol leaves District 4 it's finally safe to see Annie again.

Finnick and annie

While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Please consider turning it on! Log In. Remember Me. Juno Hemlock is an orphan she has been sense losing her sister in The 67st Hunger Games ever sense she has to fight to survive. Saving up every dollar. The only hope she has is her best friend Prim. But after Katniss and Peeta win The 73rd Hunger Games and tensions rising in The Districts President Snow decides to teach Katniss a lesson and now Juno has to fight to survive or pay the ultimate price. Katniss was 19 when her ship to New York sank. As she drowned, a voice spoke to her and gave her another chance: serve as a siren for years, and in return she would get a new life as a human. But being a siren means being complicit in something horrific, and Katniss isn't sure how long she can handle what she's forced to do. Through the decades, she obeys the Ocean.

I need you. Katniss was 19 when her ship to New York sank. In the films, finnick and annie, Sam Claflin and Stef Dawson carry the weight of showing the adoration that introspection from the books fills.

Annie Cresta is a victor from District 4 known for winning the 70th Hunger Games. She is the widow of Finnick Odair and the mother of their son. During the 70th Hunger Games, Annie witnessed her district partner , the District 4 male , getting beheaded. She was traumatized by the event and isolated herself for most of the Games. This presumably worked for her up until an earthquake broke a dam, flooding the arena. Having grown up in District 4, Annie survived by being the best swimmer. Since then, she suffered from mental instability: she often closed her eyes and covered her ears, laughed at unusual times, and fell into a daze.

Awakening in the District 13 hospital, Katniss remembers parts of what happened after she was shot, including that someone from the crowd shot her, not the man with whom she was speaking. Johanna Mason, who was in the Quarter Quell and rescued from the Capitol when Peeta was, is also in the care unit. Gale visits Katniss, and they continue to disagree on what is and is not justifiable during this war. Haymitch tells Katniss that Peeta is improving and even seems like himself at times; he wants to see her. Peeta is in restraints during their meeting, his expression that of wariness and suspicion. He says some hurtful things to her, and Katniss responds harshly. She finds herself strangely angry with Peeta and fights to control herself. She continues to hold onto this promise.

Finnick and annie

The victor of the 65th Hunger Games was a valuable ally to both Katniss during her second run in the Games and to District 13 during the rebellion against The Capitol. During the later entries in The Hunger Games , Finnick used his charm and fighting skills to win over allies and defeat his enemies. These qualities are what helped Finnick become a Hunger Games champion and a Capitol favorite, a reputation he would carry with him until he joined District The seemingly bright future of Finnick Odair wasn't all that it was made out to be, however. His newfound fame came at a price.

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The sound of the front door opening causes her to snap from her reverie and we both turn to see who it is. I stood up from the bed and pushed him out of the room, and then I slammed the door in his face. While Katniss described her as "strange," she felt that Annie was not "mad" as others believed, but simply "unstable". When Annie got married to Finnick, Katniss went with her to District 12 and lent her one of her Victory Tour dresses to wear. Are You In? She was traumatized by the event and isolated herself for most of the Games. Start a Wiki. Kill or Die. But the Capitol uses her to torture Finnick in the arena when jabberjays fly through echoing her screams. Throughout the Hunger Games franchise, in the films especially, we see couples going back and forth with each other. She crept up on me. I nuzzle her nose a bit before leaving a quick kiss on her lips. Saving up every dollar. Remember Me.

Worried that she could lose both Gale and Peeta in the same day, Katniss wakes Finnick to tell him of the rescue plan. Finnick tells her that at the end of this mission, they will either have Annie and Peeta back, or everyone will be dead and they can move on and stop living in torment.

Not Everybody Hates a Martyr. Through the decades, she obeys the Ocean. Lifeline Annie's POV. I know that they're the victors but people seem borderline obsessed with them. The story's future nation of Panem consists of twelve Districts, ruled by The Capitol, and each responsible for delivering a different natural resource or manufactured product. Decades before the first Hunger Games book, the Districts rose up in revolt against The Capitol and were brutally put down. The two are married shortly after — depicted in novel and movie alike as a joyful respite from the horrors of war — and while Finnick is ultimately killed in the final assault on The Capitol, Annie survives and gives birth to his son by the end of the story. Pre-Quell Interview. Report Story. That should've been obvious. She's from District 4 — a fishing-centric District located in the Pacific Northwest, where Finnick hails from — and witnesses another competitor behead her fellow District tribute during the Games.

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