fiestas gay torremolinos

Fiestas gay torremolinos

Torremolinos Pride may be one of the youngest pride events in Spain, but it is quickly establishing itself on the annual gay calendar as a fun Spanish event not to be missed, fiestas gay torremolinos. The town swells with visitors from Spain and beyond.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit. Doneca feugiat purus. Duis turpis nunc aliquam id nuncac convallis dictum nisi. Curabitur vehicula tincidunt sapien velcac. Disfruta de los mejores deejays del circuito gay con nuestro potente equipo de sonido. Celebra tus eventos con tus amigos con vistas al escenario y a la pista de baile. Por la cabina de Centuryon han pasado ya numerosos deejays de la escena gay nacional e internacional.

Fiestas gay torremolinos

Hundred years ago, Torremolinos was still a small, picturesque fishing village, while today it is one of the best-known holiday resorts on the south coast of Spain, the Costa del Sol. With its Mediterranean climate and kilometres of wide beaches, Torremolinos is a popular destination for sun-seeking beach holidaymakers, but its location also makes it ideal for excursions to Andalusian cities such as Seville, Cordoba and Granada, which are famous for their unique historical sights. Torremolinos itself is characterised at first glance by the hotel ghettos typical of unbridled mass tourism. For interested visitors, however, it is well worth taking a closer look. The tourism-based boom since the s — still during Franco's fascist, right-wing conservative dictatorship — also led in part to a departure into modernity, especially in terms of architecture, design and a more liberal nightlife. The recent history of Torremolinos therefore holds some interesting details and surprises. Designed in the so-called »Relax« style a modern architectural style on the Costa del Sol at the time , it was added to Spain's official list of protected goods of cultural interest in The architectural ensemble La Nogalera in the centre of Torremolinos was a real sensation at the time even if it looks a bit ailing today. International tourism also brought a relatively liberal nightlife and cosmopolitan, hedonistic atmosphere to Torremolinos in the s by Spanish standards of the time. Hippies and dropouts discovered the place for themselves, as well as gays, lesbians and transsexuals. This also explains why Spain's first gay bar — Tony's Bar — opened in here in Torremolinos, Andalusia, of all places, and not in Madrid or Barcelona, as one might expect. Gay tourism to Torremolinos became an economic factor and foreign exchange earner, even during the years of dictatorship, but also an increasing challenge to the moral concepts of the authorities and the police.

In the heart of the gay district.


Torremolinos, uno de los principales destinos de playa gay de Europa. La ciudad es asequible y animada, con una amplia gama de alojamientos para todos los gustos y presupuestos. Gay Torremolinos es el lugar de verano para los chicos gay de Madrid — deseosos de escapar del opresivo calor de la ciudad. Entonces, ya sea que desee simplemente relajarse en las playas, salir de fiesta en "La Nogalera" el distrito gay de Torremolinos o ir de compras a lo largo de la Calle San Miguel, este antiguo pueblo de pescadores tiene algo para todos los gustos. Ofrecen todo lo que el visitante gay necesita para unas vacaciones inolvidables. Torremolinos extensa vida nocturna gay La escena se desarrolla en torno a La Nogalera, un concurrido complejo al aire libre.

Fiestas gay torremolinos

Torremolinos Pride festival attracts tens of thousands of participants each year. The event's highlight is the main Pride parade on Saturday, followed by a host of events, activities and dance parties in La Nogalera, for an entire week at the end of May , beginning of June. If you're planning to join, make travel arrangements and book your hotel early - check our list of top hotels in Torremolinos for gay travelers. Torremolinos Pride Check In Check Out. Search Hotels.

Survivng the aftermath

These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. Nuestra Historia. Torremolinos Gay Pride : with countless national and international singers, DJs and other performers. Manage consent. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". Designed in the so-called »Relax« style a modern architectural style on the Costa del Sol at the time , it was added to Spain's official list of protected goods of cultural interest in Hotel Ritual 3 Star, Gay Hotel. Analytics Analytics. The recent history of Torremolinos therefore holds some interesting details and surprises. The event takes place during the last weekend in April. Carihuela Hotels Tours. Advertisement Advertisement. Where to stay close to all the gay bars. For further information and advice on Torremolinos Pride visit Facebook.

Donde alojarse cerca de todos los bares gay. Nuestras mejores selecciones de 4 con las mejores tarifas.

A short drive from the gay bars with a more relaxed vibe and home to some superb beachfront hotels. Located just a minute walk from the gay beaches and best hotels. Book with confidence. The event takes place during the last weekend in April. Performance Performance. Torremolinos itself is characterised at first glance by the hotel ghettos typical of unbridled mass tourism. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. Torremolinos Gay Pride : with countless national and international singers, DJs and other performers. The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". The Torremolinos gay scene and night is focused in and around La Nogalera — an open-air shopping complex in the very centre of town. The Kentucky Derby Festival is one of the premiere events of its kind in the world and a proud five-time winner of the International Festivals Award. The recent history of Torremolinos therefore holds some interesting details and surprises. Celebra tus eventos con tus amigos con vistas al escenario y a la pista de baile. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other.

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