Female muscle growth comics

Our story begins in the spring of Kim and her boyfriend Doug are in lockdown and have just learned it's being extended into the summer, female muscle growth comics, if not longer. Kim is concerned that she's putting on weight, and Doug suggests getting a home gym. Soon enough Kim is following a dedicated weightlifting program, but Doug has lost interest and barely touches the weights.

Deviation Actions. Add to Favourites. Published: Sep 12, I own none of the characters. I would also like to state that while I have tried my best to maintain authenticity of the source material, many liberties were taken for the sake of the story.

Female muscle growth comics


Add to Favourites. The highest setting was extremely painful, and the lower settings were unpleasant.


Ecommerce Software by Shopify. About Me Links Let's work together. Newest female muscle comics. Monica is growing - part 2 Kurt Logan. The Mistress - part 2 jstilton. Monica is growing Kurt Logan. The Mistress - part 1 jstilton. Biggest sister - part 2 jstilton. Alexa's Pet - part 3 Kurt Logan. Biggest sister - part 1 jstilton.

Female muscle growth comics

Log in or Create account. Cart : 0. Menu Cart 0. FMGenie might possibly be one of the most ambitious and epic stories in size and scope to ever be released by Mighty Female Muscle Comix. At 86 pages its a really, really big story, but the women in this tale are even bigger! Trish is just trying to spend a quiet peaceful day on the beach reading a book, when a rowdy group of meathead bodybuilders take over her spot and force her to look elsewhere for her wanted peace and quiet. Instead while walking the beach she find a magical genie named "Jenay" and is granted magic wishes. With those wishes she not only transforms herself from the skinny nerdy into a sexy muscular powerhouse, but she also sets into motion events that will alter the power balance of both genders in the entire world.

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It also analyses reviews to verify trustworthiness. Basically our objective here is to put as much muscle onto your frame as possible. Full content visible, double tap to read brief content. Without her empowered vision, she had to peer closely into the looking glass get a good view of herself. At the surface level, this is yet another FMG story, but I've also tried to add in new dynamics that haven't been seen in the genre before a kind of 'descent to the underworld' esque journey for Kara as she has to live as an unpowered being for a while I am hoping to put out monthly releases with this until it's finished, but, as everyone is painfully aware - I am dreadful with deadlines. After all, he was Batman. Bruce sighed and collected his thoughts. Suddenly Strong. Due to terrible relationship habits but actually somewhat sensible career choices he has, over the last several years, acquired significantly more free time to focus on writing and creating 3D art. Using experimental rituals, they tried to ensure that a child born to one of them. Bruce offered to giver her a massage to relieve tension, explaining that he had undergone extensive training that firmly placed him as a master of the craft. Alas, life got in the way and following a series of extraordinarily bad decisions he was forced to actually work for a living doing things he didn't tremendously enjoy. He was unsure if their weighing process was faulty, or if that was due to the yellow-sun radiation; either way, it was always fairly ridiculous to him that a girl as small as Kara was listed as Comments After all, it was difficult for her to be impressed with someone like Bruce when he possessed an infinitesimal amount of strength compared to her.

Getting serious. I confided in her with secrets I had never shared with anyone else, baring the depths of my desires and vulnerabilities. It was within the safety of our online connection that I felt free to express the unspoken facets of my innermost desires.

FMG Stories. Batman chuckled. To really bring out the coach in him that turned multiple Robins of both genders into fighting machines. Bruce sighed and collected his thoughts. Both Alfred and Bruce broke out into near hysterical laughter, which in turn infuriated Kara. There are also three FMG sequences that follow the main story. Make Money with Us. Slowly, the bar reached its apex, and Kara looked as if she was ready to rack the barbell up and move to the next exercise. Word Wise. Bruce the romantic was gone, and Batman the trainer had returned. Log In. And countless more have used them in all forms of fanfiction and other creative endeavors, such as this one. This last repition The entire time he wondered just how strong she could become, and how fast it would happen. Kim and her boyfriend Doug are in lockdown and have just learned it's being extended into the summer, if not longer.

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