felsefe tdk

Felsefe tdk

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Language functions, which are the central concept of communicative Turkish teaching today, constitute one of the main fields of study of language philosophy. Language functions have attracted the interest and curiosity of mankind since Ancient Greece. Ancient Greek philosophers, Enlightenment philosophers, Humboldt, logical positivists, Wittgenstein, Austin, Searle and postmodern thinkers come to the fore among those who explain their thoughts on language functions. The views of these thinkers in the history of philosophy are remarkable in terms of forming a theoretical basis for communicative Turkish teaching. In this context, in order to understand and evaluate the objectives, possibilities and limitations of communicative Turkish teaching, it is necessary to identify and discuss the views of major thinkers on the functions of language. Tracing the use of language in the history of philosophy is important in terms of revealing the philosophical foundations of communicative Turkish teaching. In this compilation study, it is aimed to present the philosophical foundations of communicative Turkish teaching for discussion.

Felsefe tdk


Thomas Hill Green Henry Home, Lord Kames


By using our site, you agree to our collection of information through the use of cookies. To learn more, view our Privacy Policy. To browse Academia. Fatih KAYA. Bu kitap T. Refik Turan. Mehmet Ali Dombayci. Sibel Ediz.

Felsefe tdk

Erken modern felsefe , Ana madde: Modern felsefe. Ana madde: İslam felsefesi. Ana madde: Hint felsefesi. Ana madde: Budist felsefe.

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