Feliz cumpleaños tia veronica

Manuel M. Cantu was born October 19th, in San Antonio Texas, and went to be with the Lord on February 8th, feliz cumpleaños tia veronica, at the age of He loved singing, he had a beautiful voice which resembled one of his favorite artists Agustin Ramirez.

Ella es la guitarrista principal, percusionista y una de las tres cantantes de The Archies. El personaje fue creado por Bob Montana y John L. Algunas historias indican que Betty es la mejor vocalista. Los talentos y logros de Betty a menudo ponen celosa a su amiga Veronica, quien luego intenta sabotear a Betty para robar su gloria y hacerla quedar mal. El Sr.

Feliz cumpleaños tia veronica


Lambert St, San Antonio, Texas He passed peacefully at his home in San Antonio TX. Efrain is survived by his sons, Gilberto D.


Quien tiene la suerte de conocerte, tiene un hermoso regalo de Dios. Te deseo salud, paz y mucho amor en tu nueva edad. Luchadora es poco. Estoy muy feliz y agradecida de tenerte para recibirme y para escucharme. Admiro tu libertad, tu forma liviana de vivir la vida. Dios te puso en mi vida como un regalo, una mujer fuerte, guerrera, decidida y especial. Te quiero mucho y siento todo el amor que me das. Te amo. Quien tuvo un recorrido lleno de batallas, conquistas, victorias y fortaleza. Que Dios te bendiga siempre.

Feliz cumpleaños tia veronica

Hoy te deseo que seas siempre la misma mujer amable y sabia. Que tus seres queridos y familiares te quieran siempre. Deseo que nunca te alteres y que sigas adelante con tus objetivos. Le deseamos buena salud, buena suerte y felicidad. Que siempre haya paz, orden y prosperidad en tu familia, que la gente que te rodea siempre te aprecie, respete y ame.

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Beyond his work, Kenneth found immense joy in family gatherings, fishing adventures, world travels and the art of barbequing. In the eyes of those boys he will always be their dad, and to him these two amazing little boys will forever be his sons. He is survived by his mother: Patsie F. Our family will continue the life he built with great honor. She was born on October 28, , in San Antonio, Texas. She loved gardening and bird watching. He will be sadly missed and will always hold a place in our hearts. Rick - a loyal husband, a loving father to four children and 2 grandkids, a kind friend to all who knew him — lived a life worth remembering. A loving mother, grandmother and great grandmother. Raul Cardenas Jr.


Pedro was always laughing and joking around, he also made sure to never miss a Dallas Cowboys football game or a San Antonio Spurs basketball game. Debbie loved to spend time with her family and friends, especially at the river and Christmas at her mom's. He enjoyed Rock music. Even though he served towards the final months of the Korean War, he still had some good stories to tell while enlisted. Thus, likely the reason she passed in the manner she did. His love for life, family, and friends was immeasurable, and he will be deeply missed by everyone who had the honor of knowing him. They had four children: Sylvia, Cheri, Ernest, and Kathy. Her wishes were to be cremated so there will be no burial to follow. He appreciated a good dessert with a soda; gatherings with family; helping wherever he could; supported the Duct-tape cause because anything could be fixed with Duct-tape ; almost always let you know what he thought; and rarely ever complained of pain even at the end of his life. Efrain G. The Funeral Home will open at am on Thursday, June 22, Along with numerous nieces and nephews. Her vibrant spirit and love for life were evident to all who knew her. Louis and San Antonio.

2 thoughts on “Feliz cumpleaños tia veronica

  1. It is a pity, that now I can not express - there is no free time. But I will return - I will necessarily write that I think.

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