Fate stay archer

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As payment he served as a Counter Guardian. He died from a betrayal of his allies. He is further upset that his saving of humans is done through killing other ones. This made his turn on his idea of becoming a Hero of Justice. He was so upset and determined to undo the mess that he wanted to be summoned back into the timeline of himself before he made the contract so he could kill himself then and free himself of ever becoming a Counter Guardian. He thought being a Counter Guardian would mean who could save as many people as possible, and while that is true in a way, he had to go about it by killing people during times when humanity was on the brink of destruction and then was also tasked with cleaning up the mess.

Fate stay archer

He is not a proper Heroic Spirit in the sense of other heroes. He acts as a Counter Guardian for the world as payment for the contract. He is summoned because he still has the jewel pendant that Rin used to save his life after Lancer stabbed his heart. The jewel he owns is the actual catalyst used for his summoning rather than the one that Rin still has at the time of his summoning. He stubbornly trained himself while pursuing his dream of saving mankind, but later fell into despair upon realizing that his abilities were insufficient in fulfilling his goal. Sometime in his twenties, he obtained his signature red overcoat, possibly as a gift from Ciel of the Church. He later gained some understanding of such beings as targets of the Counter Force upon entering the Throne of Heroes. He had to make a life changing decision. Confronted by a calamity which had the potential of killing one hundred people before him, he decided to "make a contract" with the World to become a hero capable of producing miracles and become a Heroic Spirit after his death. Although he desperately fought to end a war, he was in turn branded as the mastermind behind that war and subsequently executed because of the betrayal of his allies. Although he died of betrayal, he did not hate mankind. However, the "World" ironically gave him the duty as a Heroic Spirit "to slaughter all humans at a particular location when mankind is at the threshold of complete self destruction", a "Counter Guardian". His belief that he would continue to save many people as a Heroic Spirit did happen, but it was through being made to clean up after human actions and forced to take many lives to save humanity as a whole, instead of "saving everyone" - protecting humans without having to cause deaths of humans as he would have liked to. After seeing human self-destruction and forced to oppose his own ideals countless times, he began to deny himself and his ideal. Even knowing that the Throne of Heroes was isolated from time and space, Archer desperately came to believe that his only hope of release was to have himself summoned into an era where Shirou Emiya exists and kill his past self, hoping that the double paradox created by Shirou Emiya being killed before having a chance to make the contract with Alaya and that the killing was done by a Shirou Emiya who successfully made the contract with the world would create a time paradox great enough in magnitude that could potentially erase his existence as a Counter Guardian.

The Caladbolg is a sword possessed by the Celtic hero Fergus.

Be it the beautiful King of Knights, Artoria Pendragon, or the prideful King of Heroes, Gilgamesh, every single Servant in this series is iconic and memorable in their own way. And needless to say, all of them are extremely powerful. However, every single one of them has a trump card that allows them to showcase an ungodly amount of offensive power. And just like how every Servant has their own distinct fighting style, the Noble Phantasm is also unique from one Servant to the next. Because this is actually one of the things that makes Archer such a unique character.

Servants placed within this Class excel in possessing powerful Noble Phantasms , are able to act as highly effective scouts, and are frequently Heroic Spirits from the Age of Gods when magecraft was still commonplace. The qualifying condition for the Heroic Spirits is not attributes , but instead the possession of powerful projectile weapons or special abilities related to projectile weapons. They possess high Magic Resistance as a Class Skill , so most modern magi are unable to inflict damage to them. They also possess Independent Action , allowing them the ability to act independently for a length of time without an active supply of magical energy from their Master. Due to excelling in powerful Noble Phantasms, Tokiomi Tohsaka considers it inevitable that Gilgamesh , with his EX ranked Ea , came to be of this class.

Fate stay archer

If you can help us with this wiki please sign up and help us! EMIYA was a version of Shirou Emiya from a possible future in which he formed a contract with the World that allowed him to become a Heroic Spirit at the cost of working as a Counter Guardian for the Counter Force for the rest of time. Hoping to be released from his role as a Counter Guardian, EMIYA decided that the only way to free himself would be to travel back in time and kill his former self before the contract could be formed. Archer is not a proper Heroic Spirit in the sense of other heroes.

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Level 1 Bond Although his existence has been established as a knight of the bow, in his lifetime he was a magus, not a bowman. Combine that with the fact that he has a calm and collected personality that can always analyze every situation from different angles in order to come up with the best strategy in any given situation or against any opponents, and you get one of the most, if not the most, versatile and dangerous servants in the series. She reveals her Servant class is Avenger. It is a completely original weapon, a projection whose structure and composition is not directly taken from another hero's bow. After taking severe damage from the explosion cause by the black shadow, Archer requested that his arm be transplanted on to Shirou to save him. With Archer having his sniping sealed off to him due to the terrain effect, Archer would be at a clear disadvantage. After killing the monsters, the group encounters the corrupted Hercales, and proceed to him after EMIYA warns of his multiple lives. Saber, who would take her sword in any condition whatsoever and Archer who would fight using a strategy of victory. Outside-Context Problem : In the Holy Grail War, knowing the identity of an opposing servant will give you a huge advantage against them by clueing you in to their abilities and weaknesses. Nasu: I heard that some of our more intuitive players figured out Archer's true identity in Saber's route. They receive an SOS message sent by a staff member with BB's help , saying everyone is being digitized.

Archer is Shirou Emiya , a child who was saved from a fire by a magus assassin named Kiritsugu Emiya , though his parents were killed in the inferno and Kiritsugu adopted him.

Fate series characters. I just wanted the people I saw to not cry. Instead of traditional being summoned by a Master using an item associated with the desired Servant. Hunk : While not hulking like Berserker, Archer is still very muscular and broad shouldered, which is especially prominent once his cloak comes off to use Hrunting. In Heaven's Feel and the ending of Unlimited Blade Works however, just before he dies, he calls her "Tohsaka" like in the old days. Archer on a good day is snarky and abrasive but deep down he has major issues due to realizing how his ideals essentially turned him to a hitman that is forced to murder others for all of time. Master Archer : He's a supremely skilled bowman, able to snipe a man-sized target from kilometers away using an Energy Bow in the Unlimited Blade Works route, and having the ability to create and convert his swords into explosive arrows on par with an A-rank Noble Phantasm — but his favourite weapon is a pair of shortswords and almost all his battles are done at short range. Archer vs Rider Editorial department Prediction At long range his fire won't work against Bellerophon. Takeuchi: I think going with a Chinese-style weapon was the right choice. Once Archer activates his Unlimited Blade Works , him and his target will be transported into another dimension that looks like a barren wasteland with countless swords, spears, and other kind of bladed weapons stuck on the ground for as far as the eyes can see, and many others are being produced in real time. Amakusa Shirou admits he only wanted to end on a bad guy note is all. Cancel Save.

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