Fallout vault 4

This page contains the Locations of and loot found in the 5 Vaults fallout vault 4 Fallout 4's Commonwealthas well as related Quests. Vaults are bunkers built before the Great War to house communities that could survive the onslaught of a nuclear war, fallout vault 4. Many vaults were built across the Unites States and were hidden in all kinds of areas.

October 23, in the Fallout universe marks the day the nuclear bombs fell, ending life as it was known all across the planet. A conflict between the United States and China had escalated to nuclear war and much of the world's population was annihilated within hours. Bombs fell all across the United States, while the lucky few attempted to enter the only available shelters: underground bunkers created by the Vault-Tec corporation and advertised to the general public by the company's optimistic mascot, Vault Boy. Every Fallout title takes place decades after the Great War - Fallout 76 is the closest at 25 years post-holocaust - and generally tells the story of the main character leaving a vault to venture out into the wasteland. Fallout 2 and New Vegas , however, focus on protagonists already living amongst the rubble. Regardless of the player's origin story, each game heavily features the vaults built by Vault-Tec and some vaults built by Fallout players , whether they successfully flourished into post-war communities or the inhabitants were doomed in a variety of ways. Over two decades before the bombs fell, Vault-Tec won the bid for a grant from the U.

Fallout vault 4

Vault 4 was to serve as a variation on the experiment of Vault , but without any controlling influence at any time. No resident entered the vault with a set responsibility, thus no engineers, no security, no Overseer. The vault was to test how civilization might come from total anarchy. Vault 4's power structure constantly found itself changing, with no real control for any particular group, it was only when Craig McDonald, a young man living in the Vault, rallied many factions against the most powerful faction in the Vault, that order came. Most residents wanted order and control, and that was that McDonald promised. In a large fight, the power structure was reversed, and the defeated leaders exiled from the Vault, dying soon after. McDonald came through with his promise, but nothing more. Under his rule, Vault 4 finally became politically stable, but was transformed into a police state. The damage to the Vault was quickly repaired, and soon the security force had swelled to over men. People lived in fear of upsetting the Overseer or his security forces, and when the Overseer announced that the a scouting team was to be sent outside, volunteers thronged to sign up. Vault 4 opened for the first time on August 23, , and many tried to escape into the wasteland once clear of the Vault.

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Fallout 4 is a post-apocalyptic action-roleplaying game in the Fallout series published by Bethesda Softworks. It was released worldwide on November 10, , except in Japan, where the game was released on December 17, Black Isle Studios also planned to make a Fallout 4 after their Fallout 3 Van Buren project was finished, but it was cancelled and the rights to the franchise were sold. Nothing is known about this earlier version of Fallout 4 , except that Caesar's Legion was to play a big part in it. Initially, in , Bethesda licensed from Interplay the rights to create and publish three Fallout games Fallout 3 , Fallout: New Vegas and Fallout 4. There was a legal dispute in which Interplay claimed that Bethesda breached their contract regarding Fallout Online , and so their later contract was null and void. Had Interplay's counterclaim been successful, the companies would have reverted to their previous contract, whereby Bethesda only had the rights to publish one more Fallout game - Fallout 4. However, Bethesda and Interplay finally settled out of court. In , Bethesda's Pete Hines said: "The whole reason we went out and acquired the license and that we now own Fallout is that we clearly intended to make more than one". He also added: "This is not something we're going to do once and then go away and never do it again.

Fallout vault 4

Steve Hogarty. Published: May 30, The next Fallout game — Fallout 76 — has just been announced. But what lies inside Vault 76? Turns out we had the answer a full three years ago, when then-resident soothsayer Steve got the scoop on not just that, but the contents of Vaults 1 through So why wait for E3? Scroll this way to get the answers right now….

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This order led to what became known as the August Massacre in the Vault, after 54 people were shot after fleeing. In a large fight, the power structure was reversed, and the defeated leaders exiled from the Vault, dying soon after. Vault-Tech scientist would expose various diseases to Vault 81 inhabitants, as well as cures to observe and record their effects. For more than years, adventures would search for the Vault hoping for a better life, but those lucky enough to find it were often killed by the cazadors infesting it. Vault 4 was in trouble at this point, with only people left, many feared the population would die out. Here is every known vault shown so far, including those without numbers:. Handy robot and created Curie. On January 10, Overseer Aton opened Vault 4, and he and the remaining residents departed for the last time. Notable Loot Big Guns Bobblehead. The other hosted some form of experiment, ranging from mundane to sadistic. Most residents wanted order and control, and that was that McDonald promised.

One of the most important recurring structures found in the Fallout games are Vaults; gigantic subterranean bunkers designed to house dozens to hundreds of people in the United States and protect them from the fallout of nuclear warfare. These underground colonies were built by the Vault-Tec corporation to last a tremendously long time, however, not all were the sanctuaries that they were made out to be by Vault-Tec representatives.

Handy robot and created Curie. Fallout 2 and New Vegas , however, focus on protagonists already living amongst the rubble. This severely hurt McDonald's control of the Vault, and it dropped even more when he ordered it sealed permanently and destroyed the Vault's GECK to prevent people from attempting to leave. Some terminal logs imply that this part of the experiment was a success and eventually the residents were able to overcome their addictions. Every Fallout title takes place decades after the Great War - Fallout 76 is the closest at 25 years post-holocaust - and generally tells the story of the main character leaving a vault to venture out into the wasteland. Vault Vault was built for housing high ranking members of the government, local luminaries, and their families as part of a social experiment. All of the residents soon after died in the aftermath of these events, leaving the Vault itself abandoned. For instance, Vault 12's door was intentionally designed with a malfunction to monitor the effects of radiation, and created the large ghoul population of Necropolis in Fallout. Vault had a secret experiment done to inhabitants who sought refuge on the day the bombs fell. Vaults are bunkers built before the Great War to house communities that could survive the onslaught of a nuclear war. Dwellers were placed in what they thought were sterilizing pods to prepare them to move further into the Vault, but were actually frozen in cryogenic stasis for Vault-Tec to study the effects of cryogenic hibernation on humans. Members of the Vault were made aware that they would live only with others of Boston's upper class. Vault 75 was intended to be a safe place for children at Malden Middle School school to take cover in the event of a nuclear event. The Fallout Wiki has a list of all known vaults in Fallout , as well as their respective purpose, outcome, and locations. At the start of the Great War, children along with their families and teachers entered the Vault and were separated.

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