

YouTube Activists, exjw, exjw. Did You Know Because Jehovah's Witnesses have an extreme form of shunning, which has a exjw impact on child sexual abuse victims, they have created one of the largest groups of anti-cult activists within any religious community. If you would exjw to have your channel listed below or would like to provide updated information regarding your channel, please submit such details here.

There's much to see here. So, take your time, look around, and learn all there is to know about us. We hope you enjoy our site and take a moment to drop us a line. Welcome to our online support platform for individuals seeking confirmation about their past or current beliefs as former Jehovah's Witnesses. We understand the challenges faced by those who have woken up to the reality behind the Jehovah's Witnesses' version of "truth" or have chosen to pursue a different path, as the experience can be incredibly difficult. The shunning that often follows can be overwhelming. We encourage you to question, analyze, and critically evaluate the beliefs and practices propagated by the organization.



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We provide a safe space to remind you that you are not alone, offering support and advice via our website and links to useful resources and forums. Realizing Watchtower is not the truth is an overwhelming experience that can seem impossible to deal with. Whilst aimed at young ones, the wealth of information presented here will be of assistance to people of all ages interested in joining or leaving the religion. If you are feeling lost, depressed or suicidal, please look at the article I Fee l Los t. The way you feel is to be expected and it is important you look after yourself and know that support is available. These are outlined at Safety on the Internet. Support contains critical information to help during this difficult period, such as coping strategies and where to go for support and aid.


We believe in the power of the exjw community. Our mission is to empower and support individuals, families, and organizations in building stronger and more connected communities. As individuals with extensive experience in and knowledge of the Jehovah's Witness community, we have developed specific specialties that allow us to provide valuable support and resources to the EXJW community and to those seeking information and guidance. Here are our areas of expertise:.

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We seek to bridge that knowledge gap and empower you to navigate these conversations more effectively. Discussing the victimizing policies of the Watchtower Corporation, better known as Jehovah's Witnesses. Help Our Cause to assist more people Donate. Becoming part of this growing community provides the perfect opportunity to learn valuable life lessons without experiencing the drama. On this channel, I talk about a variety of topics having to do with the religion. This channel is a parody about the JW religion. God has allowed us to wake up. This website uses cookies. This is an adult-oriented channel that explores issues around abuse, manipulation, dogma and systems of undue influence. After years of repressing the traumas of my past, I finally decide to speak up and share my truth regarding leaving the Jehovah's Witness Organization. Our Support As a dedicated team, we are committed to supporting those who have been influenced by the Jehovah's Witnesses. When someone leaves the Jehovah's Witnesses, they are silenced by this religion.

Semi-structured interviews were carried out in the homes of six former JWs, and transcripts were analysed using interpretive phenomenological analysis.

Many of us that are or were Jehovah's Witnesses are now awakening to the serious problems existing within the WT. My goal is to help provide the guidance and healing tips I wish I had when I left. Welcome There's much to see here. I'm Jordan Robertson, ex Jehovah's Witness, my channel's purpose is to speak out and shed light on the teachings, policies and scriptural interpretation of the bible by the governing body of Jehovah's Witnesses also know as Watchtower. Please subscribe to my channel. Many of these skits will be actually from real life occurrences from myself and others ive heard or saw in my life. The musings of a Nigerian former Jehovah's witness. Having been in a high-control religion for 37 years, I know the pain associated with unraveling indoctrination. I also seek to be a voice for those who realize that they are in a fraudulent organization, and for those who have left the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society. It's a title derived from the bible that mean " Capable Woman". I am a 4th generation JW with most of my family being still in the organization.

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