Evelyn miller vaginas

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A porn star born with two vaginas has told how she uses 'one for work and another for play'. Evelyn Miller, from Australia's Gold Coast , was diagnosed with uterus didelphys in after years of painful sex and struggles inserting tampons. The rare condition gave the year-old a double uterus, two sets of ovaries and two vaginas — and they're all fully functional. The married mother-of-two was anxious to open up about her condition with sexual partners but has now learnt to embrace it. Laying bare her reality with the condition, she said it 'doesn't feel like cheating' as she has 'one vagina for work and another for play'. It means the year-old has a double uterus, two sets of ovaries and two vaginas — and they're all fully functional pictured with her husband, Tom.

Evelyn miller vaginas

I was 16 when I got my first boyfriend, but when we attempted sex for the first time, it was incredibly painful. I dated a few guys during my late teens and with perseverance I managed to make sex happen, if they entered at a certain angle. Soon after, I arranged to have a termination. Waking up on the hospital bed in , a doctor stood over me with a perplexed look. All functioning. It is usually spotted during a routine pelvic exam. The doctor said I was pregnant on the left side and that if I had the termination, it would be difficult for me to get pregnant again, given the small size of my dual reproductive systems. I was close to finishing my nursing training and began to consider ways to make the most of my own unique form. I could make money out of one , I figured, and keep the other for my private life. We instantly reconnected and after a few dates, I built up the courage to show him my twin passages. Around this time, the website OnlyFans was growing in popularity. Tom created a studio in our home so he could film me performing a sexy routine in which I showed off my body down below. Soon, I was earning thousands of dollars a week, and able to live off the income I was drawing from these videos. OnlyFans finally helped me embrace my condition, and gave me a platform to raise awareness of it.

Ms Miller added: 'There was always a risk I could be pregnant with two babies at the same time.

A woman who has two vaginas has opened up about what she uses each one for. She explained the condition has impacted her dating life and has required experimentation to work out what she likes. Now, she has said she uses one side of her vagina for her husband, who also works on OnlyFans and the other for sex work and she has been trolled for doing so. She also gets criticism from family. Tom also took a while to tell me and we don't really have secrets between each other. She added that working together as they do, they have more time for each other and for their kids.

Having begun her sex work after a relationship breakdown, Evelyn says she now keeps one vagina for use in her work, and one for her personal life — and she is currently pregnant with her second child. So successful in fact, that the year-old says she earns thousands every month on the site. But along with the benefits, there are plenty of unusual things that Evelyn has to think about due to having two vaginas — putting two tampons in when she is on her period, having both vaginas tested for STDs when she visits the gynaecologist — and even where her partner can ejaculate while they are having sex. I prefer one side, but it depends on the position and shape of the guy as to which one I choose to have sex in. It is a type of malformation in which two uteruses and sometimes two cervices form. Some women with the condition also have two vaginas. In some women, this condition can increase the chance of miscarriage, but this condition is very rare. It is believed to be genetic, however, because double uteri tend to run in families. Evelyn explained how after visiting the doctor for a pregnancy termination at the age of 20, she was surprised to find out about her two vaginas. Since then, Evelyn has only seen specialists, adding that non-specialised doctors are fascinated by her unique body and often require her to draw diagrams for them.

Evelyn miller vaginas

Thanks for contacting us. We've received your submission. A woman born with two vaginas has embraced her rare condition and become a popular content creator on OnlyFans — saying she uses one of her organs for work and the other for play.


Privacy Policy Feedback. Our son, Andrew was born in and just three months later we fell pregnant with our daughter Georgia, also on the right. To make sure you never miss out on your favourite NEW stories , we're happy to send you some reminders. World famous adult star Jenna Jameson transforms body after being left unable to walk. Sign up to our free Indy weekly newsletter. A porn star born with two vaginas has told how she uses 'one for work and another for play'. Gold Coast. Topics: Health , Australia , OnlyFans. A woman with two vaginas described the moment when she realised she had more than one. Ms Miller said she first noticed something was 'wrong' in after struggling to insert a tampon 'in the place you'd usually find your vagina'. All functioning.

Evelyn Miller, from Brisbane, Australia, has a unique condition called Uterus Didelphys, which means she has two completely independent reproductive systems: two vaginas, two cervixes and two uteruses.

Comment required. She now has two children: Andrew, 20 months, and Georgia, 8 months. Evelyn explained that she had 'two completely separate vaginas, two cervixes, two uteruses, and one ovary on each set'. Every single time I had sex, obviously, because my vaginas angle outwards, they both feel very different for me and I couldn't really figure out what was going on. It is usually spotted during a routine pelvic exam. Then, when she was 17, she tried to have sex but her partner's penis 'just kept hitting a wall'. She explained that she goes through 'double the amount of tampons' each month and that it 'sucks', being the only real 'downside' to having two vaginas. The Tig 2. Comments Share what you think. I felt pregnant and I decided to have a termination. Contact him via [email protected].

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