erik lensherr

Erik lensherr

Professor Charles Xavier : Charles Xavier. Logan : Go fuck yourself. Professor Charles Xavier erik lensherr Shaw's declared war on mankind on all of us, he has to be stopped, erik lensherr. Erik Lehnsherr : I am not gonna stop Shaw, I am gonna kill him.

Erik was born the son of two Canadian Weapon X agents. When Erik was 13 his magnetic mutant powers manifested, prompting his father to try and kill him in a drunken rage. By pure reflex, Erik deflected the bullet his father had fired back towards him, killing him. As Erik grew into his teens he came to realize the truth of the environment he had been raised in and that he was a mutant. Disgusted by Weapon-X's torture of Mutant X and their attempts to find a cure for the mutant gene, Erik used his powers to free Mutant X killing his mother and several other Weapon-X operatives in the process before fleeing the Weapon-X facility.

Erik lensherr

The character is a powerful mutant , one of a fictional subspecies of humanity born with superhuman abilities, who has the ability to generate and control magnetic fields. Magneto regards mutants as evolutionarily superior to humans and rejects the possibility of peaceful human-mutant coexistence; he initially aimed to conquer the world to enable mutants, whom he refers to as Homo superior , to replace humans as the dominant species. Writers have since fleshed out his origins and motivations, revealing him to be a Holocaust survivor whose extreme methods and cynical philosophy derive from his determination to protect mutants from suffering a similar fate at the hands of a world that fears and persecutes them. He is a friend of Professor X , the leader of the X-Men, but their different philosophies cause a rift in their friendship at times. Magneto's role in comics has progressed from supervillain to antihero to superhero , having served as an occasional ally and member of the X-Men, even leading the New Mutants for a time as headmaster of the Xavier School for Gifted Youngsters. Writer Chris Claremont , who originated Magneto's backstory, modeled the character on then-Israeli opposition leader Menachem Begin , [10] with later commentators comparing the character with the American civil rights leader Malcolm X [11] [12] and Jewish Defense League founder Meir Kahane. Ian McKellen has portrayed Magneto in various films since X-Men in , while Michael Fassbender has portrayed a younger version of the character in the prequel films since X-Men: First Class in Magneto first appeared in the debut issue of The X-Men in When asked about his approach to Magneto, Jack Kirby stated, "I saw my villains not as villains. I knew villains had to come from somewhere and they came from people. My villains were people that developed problems. He just wanted to strike back at the people who were so bigoted and racist He was a danger of course An equivalent analogy could be made to [Israeli prime minister] Menachem Begin as Magneto, evolving through his life from a terrorist in to a winner of the Nobel Peace Prize 30 years later.

Whilst doing this, he is instructing Wanda how best to ensure the protection of mutants.

Known by many names, Max Eisenhart , also most commonly known as Erik Magnus Lehnsherr , is a powerful mutant willing to go to any extreme to protect his species as Magneto , the master of magnetism. After escaping, he learned at the cost of his own daughter 's life that he had the mutant ability to generate and control magnetic fields, a condition that caused additional hate and fear from those who were different from him. Seeking to subjugate humanity by brute force, he found himself in direct conflict with his former ally, Professor Charles Xavier and his X-Men , mutants who shared a dream of peaceful mutant-human coexistence. More recently, Magneto rejoined Professor Xavier, ending their long-time feud and helping to establish a mutant nation on the living island of Krakoa. Max was born and raised in Nuremberg , Germany by a middle class Jewish family. While attending a local school he became attracted to a young Romani girl named Magda , the daughter of the school cleaner.

Erik was born the son of two Canadian Weapon X agents. When Erik was 13 his magnetic mutant powers manifested, prompting his father to try and kill him in a drunken rage. By pure reflex, Erik deflected the bullet his father had fired back towards him, killing him. As Erik grew into his teens he came to realize the truth of the environment he had been raised in and that he was a mutant. Disgusted by Weapon-X's torture of Mutant X and their attempts to find a cure for the mutant gene, Erik used his powers to free Mutant X killing his mother and several other Weapon-X operatives in the process before fleeing the Weapon-X facility. Erik Lensherr went on to marry a human woman named Magda and eventually approached mutant telepath Charlies Xavier after hearing of his work saving young mutant patients with uncontrollable powers. Lensherr and Xavier found each other fascinating, neither having met an adult mutant before.

Erik lensherr

The character is a powerful mutant , one of a fictional subspecies of humanity born with superhuman abilities, who has the ability to generate and control magnetic fields. Magneto regards mutants as evolutionarily superior to humans and rejects the possibility of peaceful human-mutant coexistence; he initially aimed to conquer the world to enable mutants, whom he refers to as Homo superior , to replace humans as the dominant species. Writers have since fleshed out his origins and motivations, revealing him to be a Holocaust survivor whose extreme methods and cynical philosophy derive from his determination to protect mutants from suffering a similar fate at the hands of a world that fears and persecutes them. He is a friend of Professor X , the leader of the X-Men, but their different philosophies cause a rift in their friendship at times.

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A number of explanations have been proposed for his unusually strong resistance to telepathy, among them: a technology wired into his helmet the explanation given in several comic plotlines [] , b some physical aspect of his electromagnetic powers that can interfere with telepathy he once used the Earth's magnetic field to dampen the powers of all telepaths within his reach , c latent telepathic powers of his own or d sheer force of will cf. Killing Charles Xavier. Gravity Decrease : Magneto's control over the magnetic and electromagnetic force is so refined that he can shut off gravity within a limited radius of himself by reversing the polarity of the earth's own magnetic field. Apparently at the behest of Exodus, Magneto appeared to help restore the broken psyche of Professor Xavier. Our age. It's what you want. Following this, Manhattan Island and most of North America are enveloped in nuclear bombs. Magnus quickly shows the potential to be an even more powerful master of magnetism than his father. Magnus later found himself in Brooklyn , New York , under the guise "Michael Xavier", where he had learned that mutants were gathering and hiding from humans in plain sight. May I ask you something?

Known by many names, Max Eisenhart , also most commonly known as Erik Magnus Lehnsherr , is a powerful mutant willing to go to any extreme to protect his species as Magneto , the master of magnetism. After escaping, he learned at the cost of his own daughter 's life that he had the mutant ability to generate and control magnetic fields, a condition that caused additional hate and fear from those who were different from him. Seeking to subjugate humanity by brute force, he found himself in direct conflict with his former ally, Professor Charles Xavier and his X-Men , mutants who shared a dream of peaceful mutant-human coexistence.

Magneto's pseudonym "Lehnsherr" is often pronounced incorrectly as "Lanshir". Benbella Books. As a reference, a penny weighs 2. In a fit of rage over finding mutants being used for freak medical experiments, Magneto kills the entire S-Men team. Professor Charles Xavier : Listen to me very carefully, my friend: killing Shaw will not bring you peace. However, when Skids found him at a local cemetery sometime later, she gave him a mysterious book that Masque had in his possession. In the alternative history of , Magneto is known as Enrique, or the Grand Inquisitor, his true agenda a mystery. The X-Men left him amidst the ruins of Genosha, a broken and shell-shocked man. Agent Carter: S. Taking the opportunity for revenge, Wolverine attacks the depowered Magneto, crippling him with serious injuries. Current Wiki.

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