
The translation has been generated automatically elia.

The translation has been generated automatically elia. We are a nonprofit private organization. We were born in , with the objective of bringing together science and Euskera. We took the first steps as a cultural association, and in we became a foundation. Although science and Euskera remain very important pillars, we are currently an organization that offers services for the application of advanced knowledge.



Eluyhar Elhuyar Environmental Communication Decalogue is presented to professionals and students in the field of science and communication February


The translation has been generated automatically elia. Elhuyar dictionary Become an Elhuyar member Who we are Services Artificial intelligence and language technologies Equality, participation and transformation Language services and Basque plans Scientific Outreach and Education. We apply state-of-the-art knowledge in Basque society Elhuyar ezagutuz aldatzea play See video. Teknopolis TV programme turns 25 March The colloquium cycle "In the light of women scientists" will address Alzheimer's, the philosophy of science and ecology March Orai, an artificial intelligence technology centre. The Elhuyar Environmental Communication Decalogue is presented to professionals and students in the field of science and communication February The Elhuyar Dictionary exceeds 60 million consultations February Elhuyar presents his work in the European Parliament on language technologies and artificial intelligence February Our hallmarks are commitment, quality assurance and being state-of-the-art.


Erregistratu gabe erabil dezakezu. Erregistratzen bazara, aukera gehiago izango dituzu: eskaerako hitz-kopuru handiagoa, dokumentu formatudunak bere horretan itzultzeko aukera Askotariko formatuak dituzten dokumentuak itzultzeko aukera ematen du Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoak. Eraman itzultzailea poltsikoan edonora. Erabilerraza eta erosoa da. Webgune honek cookie propioak eta hirugarrenen cookie-ak erabiltzen ditu zure nabigazio-esperientzia hobetzeko. Horietako batzuk WEBGUNEaren kudeaketa eta haren funtzioak eta zerbitzuak eskura jartzeko erabiltzen dira; esaterako, datu-trafikoa eta -komunikazioa kontrolatzeko, saioa identifikatzeko, sarbide murriztuko alderdietara sartzeko, eskaera bat osatzen duten elementuak gogoratzeko, eskaera baten erosketa-prozesua egiteko, ordainketa kudeatzeko, zerbitzuaren segurtasuna kontrolatzeko. Ongi etorri Eliara! Jatorrizko hizkuntza. Itzuli dokumentu bat.

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Elhuyar presents his work in the European Parliament on language technologies and artificial intelligence February We seek knowledge and quality. We were born in , with the objective of bringing together science and Euskera. Online store Obtain your product. Our hallmarks are commitment, quality assurance and being state-of-the-art. Elhuyar dictionary Become an Elhuyar member Who we are Services Artificial intelligence and language technologies Equality, participation and transformation Language services and Basque plans Scientific Outreach and Education. Fortaleza We have a long trajectory, and our spine is a trained team with extensive experience. September We help businesses, social partners and administrations to find innovative solutions to meet the challenges of globalisation with a multidisciplinary approach. Elhuyar Group sexual and gender-based harassment protocol.

The translation has been generated automatically elia.

We are a nonprofit private organization. Entrepreneurship We move forward without fear of exploring new areas. Elhuyar group values. Elhuyar Group sexual and gender-based harassment protocol. Online store Obtain your product. The colloquium cycle "In the light of women scientists" will address Alzheimer's, the philosophy of science and ecology March Fortaleza We have a long trajectory, and our spine is a trained team with extensive experience. Mission: to build, from the Basque Country, an active, critical and egalitarian society, making use of technology and knowledge and investing in the dissemination of science. Elhuyar dictionary Become an Elhuyar member Who we are Services Artificial intelligence and language technologies Equality, participation and transformation Language services and Basque plans Scientific Outreach and Education. Teknopolis TV programme turns 25 March Our hallmarks are commitment, quality assurance and being state-of-the-art. We give priority to accountability to society and our goal is social transformation. December

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