Elsie eiler
The year-old takes "wearing many hats" to a whole new level.
To make sure you never miss out on your favourite NEW stories , we're happy to send you some reminders. Click ' OK ' then ' Allow ' to enable notifications. If you're a fan of spending time alone, you might just feel envious of this year-old woman, who's the sole resident of America's smallest town. According to the U. Census, Monowi is the only incorporated town, village, or city in America with a population of one - making Elsie Eiler one of a kind in more ways than one. Around miles from Omaha, it was previously a bustling railroad town during the s, with around residents and several thriving businesses including a grocery store, restaurant and even a prison. But as urbanization took hold, with people moving away from heavy-duty farm labor, being replaced by new technologies and looking for new opportunities in the big smoke, those who stayed died off one-by-one.
Elsie eiler
For Elsie Eiler, 88, it's not a dream but her reality in America's tiniest town named Monowi in Nebraska. Being the town's sole occupant comes with many jobs including mayor, treasurer, clerk, secretary and librarian. Monowi was a bustling railroad town in the s with around businesses including grocery stores, restaurants and even a prison, according to Travel and Leisure. Eventually, the population dwindled as farming conditions worsened and jobs were lost due to automation. Tourists who are curious about the one-person town can visit Eiler's Monowi Tavern six days a week where the year-old serves burgers, hot dogs and beers. She even grants herself a liquor license. As the only taxpayer in town, Eiler collects money from herself to keep the town's three lampposts lit and water running. There is also a required municipal road plan to keep up every year in order to secure funding from the state. In , the U. Census Bureau reported a second Monowi resident but it was only another Nebraskan the bureau added for privacy measures. Sat, 02 Mar GMT
Retrieved September 26, Chen Karen I.
It garnered national and international [6] recognition after the United States census counted only one resident of the village, Elsie Eiler. According to tradition, the name Monowi means "flower" in an unidentified Native American language. Monowi was platted in , when the Mason, Elkhorn and Missouri Valley Railroad was extended to that point. Monowi's peak years were in the s , when it had a population of During the census , the village had a total population of two; only one married couple, Rudy and Elsie Eiler, lived there. She is required to produce a municipal road plan every year in order to secure state funding for the village's four street lights.
It garnered national and international [6] recognition after the United States census counted only one resident of the village, Elsie Eiler. According to tradition, the name Monowi means "flower" in an unidentified Native American language. Monowi was platted in , when the Mason, Elkhorn and Missouri Valley Railroad was extended to that point. Monowi's peak years were in the s , when it had a population of During the census , the village had a total population of two; only one married couple, Rudy and Elsie Eiler, lived there. She is required to produce a municipal road plan every year in order to secure state funding for the village's four street lights. Although the village is nearly abandoned, it does have a bar called the Monowi Tavern, operated by Eiler for passing travelers and tourists. In addition, Eiler maintains the five-thousand—volume Rudy's Library, founded in memory of her late husband.
Elsie eiler
Eighty-seven-year-old Elsie Eiler has been the only resident in Monowi, Nebraska , since her husband Rudy died in So it came as a big shock to her that the decennial US census had doubled the number of residents in its last report. Much to Eiler's surprise, America's smallest town — with just one resident who is mayor, town board, clerk, treasurer , librarian and bartender — now had two people living in it, according to the recently released census report. According to a census spokeswoman, the extra person was created by an algorithm for data protection reasons. The phantom resident was shifted from another census block, but some have debated the accuracy of the findings. At a micro-level, in a town with a total area of 0. Ms Eiler has a son and daughter, both moved away from town when they graduated from school. There was also a bachelor living in town for a while too, but when his house burned down he moved elsewhere.
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Authority control databases. Advert Measure advertising performance. Census Bureau reported a second Monowi resident. Article Talk. Detailed map of Monowi, Nebraska. Loneliness is more than just a state. Use limited data to select advertising. Later, the younger people decided to move on to bigger cities that were developing and eventually, there were two people left. The local support is so strong, Monowi Tavern survived the pandemic when other small businesses struggled. But while Eiler may spend long stretches by herself — Mondays, nights, whenever bad weather confines people to their homes — she rarely feels lonely, such is her comfort with her life in Monowi and her single-minded devotion to the tavern. Below you'll see 60 great restaurants that you should try as you travel around southeast Minnesota. To learn more or opt-out, read our Cookie Policy. Her rustic, singular aloneness was what made her unique. During the census , the village had a total population of two; only one married couple, Rudy and Elsie Eiler, lived there.
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State of Nebraska. Elsie is now 89 and, as she's mentioned to the New York Times, has talked about retirement but I don't know that she'll ever retire. When Eiler's husband Rudy died in , she became the last remaining resident. Census Bureau reported a second Monowi resident. Elsie has been the sole resident for 19 years now and based on interviews I've read with her she seems to enjoy herself. Elsie M. I ask her if the news stories and social media — where travelers share proud selfies with her and accounts that specialize in fascinating facts repost images of the tavern — have been a boon for business. Retrieved June 27, It is located between the Niobrara River and the larger Missouri River. Elsie is also the town's mayor, the tax collector, the librarian. Fact checked by Elizabeth MacLennan. To learn more or opt-out, read our Cookie Policy. Why would I want to leave?
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