dust in the wind bpm

Dust in the wind bpm

Song-Finder - filter songs by music genre, tempo and key with many audio samples. Danceability measures how suitable a song is for dancing based on various musical elements. The song has low danceability and might have a slow rhythm but not ideal for dancing. Energy reflects the intensity and activity level of a song.

Dust in the Wind is considered explicit and may contain foul language. This song is about 3 minutes and 12 seconds , which is about the average length of a typical song. Because this song is the only song in Dust in the Wind and no other songs are present in the album, we classify this track as a single. Dust in the Wind is below average in popularity right now. Since there is more of a neutral sound being played, this makes the track somewhat danceable. With that information, we can conclude that the song has a slow tempo.

Dust in the wind bpm

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Kansas made "Dust in the Wind" available on June 12, The duration of Dust in the Wind is about 3 minutes long, at Based on our data, "Dust in the Wind" appears to be safe for all ages and is not considered explicit. This track is about the average length of a typical track. The track order of this song in Various Artists's "Internacionais Mais Tocadas " album is number 53 out of On top of that, United States appears to be the country where this track was created. In terms of popularity, Dust in the Wind is currently below average in popularity. Since there is more of a neutral sound being played, this makes the track somewhat danceable. Based on that, the speed of the song's tempo is slow. Activities such as, yoga or pilates, can go well with this song.

Dust in the wind bpm

The song peaked at No. The rpm single was certified Gold for sales of one million units by the RIAA shortly after the height of its popularity as a hit single. The title of the song is a Bible reference, paraphrasing Ecclesiastes : [3]. I reflected on everything that is accomplished by man on earth, and I concluded: everything he has accomplished is futile — like chasing the wind! A meditation on mortality and the inevitability of death, the lyrical theme bears a striking resemblance to the biblical passages Genesis " All are from the dust, and to dust all return. The phrase "dust in the wind" occurs in Psalms "I ground [my enemies] like dust on the face of the wind It is similar to the famous opening lines of the Japanese war epic The Tale of the Heike " Kerry Livgren devised what would be the guitar line for "Dust in the Wind" as a finger exercise for learning fingerpicking. His wife, Vicci, heard what he was doing, remarked that the melody was nice, and encouraged him to write lyrics for it.

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A higher score indicates a greater proportion of instrumental music. Keep playhead in middle of screen Only scroll when necessary Disable automatic scrolling. Get started today Join for Free. Music Marketing. The song has very low liveness and the song is likely a studio recording with minimal live elements. Orange Subtle Blue Yellow. Related slices View more View fewer. Embedded code copied. No account yet? Upgrade to a paid account to enable auto-saving player settings. Hire a music supervisor.


Expand repeats This feature is not available in your current layout. Preview: Your browser does not support the audio element. Song-Finder - filter songs by music genre, tempo and key with many audio samples. Online Mastering. I know so much more about the music industry and how to navigate it and felt like they put their whole heart into me and my music. Enabled Disabled. Waveform is processing; it can take a few minutes. Danceability measures how suitable a song is for dancing based on various musical elements. The song has low danceability and might have a slow rhythm but not ideal for dancing. Move video to the left Move video to the top Flip video Make video full screen Video quality Video quality. Loop options Play with count-in Play loop only once Focus on this loop Save loop as clip. Pitch names. Copy and paste this code.

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