duras gambit

Duras gambit

To say that the Duras Gambit is an unorthodox opening is quite an understatement. Duras gambit up a pawn, on move one, without any compensation, certainly takes courage. Not only do you give up a pawn, duras gambit, you give up the f pawn which can leave your king vulnerable to attack. So why would anybody play the Duras Gambit?

In the starting position of chess, it is well known that the two most vulnerable pawns are f2 and f7 because only the King guards them. Less well understood is that moving the f2 and f7 pawns creates open diagonals to the King, and makes the King more difficult to defend. Chessmaster 10th edition opening theory table. An interesting line is 1. White should now play 6. Nf6 7. Bd3 or

Duras gambit

It's really not "fairly good" or good at all which you'll eventually discover the hard way if you keep on playing it. There's a reason why there's only 2 Master games with it in the Game Explorer here, and even though Black won both that's statistically meaningless. You really need to learn and play sound openings first. Better to just never play this opening. If my opponent plays this I will indeed be surprised - pleasantly. That was a reply to a post on that day which suggested the Duras had surprise value pfren. The comment has now been deleted, I guess they were banned. Thanks for taking an interest though, I'll quote anybody I reply to in future so you can see the timeline of events. Duras gambit is insane. As black you have to hope white will blunder in the first 5 moves. If he does the game will be over soon because the gambit allows you to develop quickly. If he doesn't the game will be over even sooner because you are just begging to be mated with this opening.

Duras gambit is insane.


Now I have thought and thought about it a lot, and Ive even tested it by playing at an beginner expert level on Lichess, but I cant seem to find any extensively good combat with 1. Even though that may be mostly true, I am a player that's hunch is playing unorthodox openings. What I want to know is if there is any advantage if white makes a mistake early in the opening, that black will make up for it. But even I, a master of odd openings, have no way of turning the Duras Gambit into a win, or even a draw for black, unless white totally messes up. I think this is just a bad opening, unless you are at a very high level. Any thoughts on this opening?? And a lot more, pretty much black can play

Duras gambit

It's really not "fairly good" or good at all which you'll eventually discover the hard way if you keep on playing it. There's a reason why there's only 2 Master games with it in the Game Explorer here, and even though Black won both that's statistically meaningless. You really need to learn and play sound openings first. Better to just never play this opening. If my opponent plays this I will indeed be surprised - pleasantly. That was a reply to a post on that day which suggested the Duras had surprise value pfren. The comment has now been deleted, I guess they were banned. Thanks for taking an interest though, I'll quote anybody I reply to in future so you can see the timeline of events. Duras gambit is insane. As black you have to hope white will blunder in the first 5 moves.


Forums Hot Topics. If, at this point, our king is still stuck uncastled in the middle we will face more tactics that would immediately lose us the game. So if there is any theory, if you can call it that, you should know before deciding to play this opening; it is to play Nf6 after white captures the pawn. Shuhister wrote: Lol The comment has now been deleted, I guess they were banned. Wikipedia has related information at Duras Gambit. White will also castle soon and have a rook on the open e file. When contributing to this Wikibook, please follow the Conventions for organization. NM dpnorman. Kf7 7. Nf3 give a clear advantage. Jan 13, 0. The knight on f6 supports the d5 pawn plus it also sets a blockade for the white pawn on f5. If my opponent plays this I will indeed be surprised - pleasantly. Black Wins.

The Duras Gambit is a daring and unconventional opening in the game of chess. It involves sacrificing a pawn right from the start, on move one, without immediately gaining any compensation in return. What makes this opening particularly unique is that it involves sacrificing the f-pawn, which can potentially expose your king to attacks.

Nov 28, 0. I think if you're going to do this you might as well play This was a recent game I had with a friend, although I could've equalised after his second move, I decided to continue with this Queens Indian idea. Ozzr 4 min ago. Very little to be honest. So I repeat, get castled as soon as possible! This is the reason we have to play Nf6. FreePalestine Now! Kf7 7. After this move we have to get castled as soon as possible! Not only do you give up a pawn, you give up the f pawn which can leave your king vulnerable to attack. Chessmaster 10th edition opening theory table.

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