Drizella y anastasia

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Drizella Tremaine is a secondary antagonist in Disney 's animated feature film Cinderella. She is Anastasia 's biological older sister, Lady Tremaine 's eldest daughter, and Cinderella 's older stepsister. Snarky and greedy, Drizella does not care for romance; only for money and power. Drizella is the older sister of Anastasia and the oldest daughter of Lady Tremaine. When she and her sister were children, their mother married a noble man with a daughter, Cinderella.

Drizella y anastasia


Ask a Question Opens the Ask a Question dialog box. Drizella also took part in the hostile takeover of the club in Mickey's House of Villains, drizella y anastasia. In the original movieDrizella is shown to be very selfish, spoiled, and greedy, much like her sister and her mother.


She is Cinderella 's younger stepsister, Drizella Tremaine 's younger sister, and Lady Tremaine 's youngest daughter. Sometime after her father's death, her mother then married a noble man with a daughter, Cinderella. After the death of Cinderella's father, they became cruel and forced Cinderella into servitude within her own home. In the original film, Anastasia was portrayed as selfish, spoiled, and greedy as her sister, Drizella and her mother Lady Tremaine, and is portrayed as ugly both on the inside and the outside and not very graceful. She is very jealous of Cinderella's success and beauty and enjoyed seeing her slave under her, her sister, mother, and even their cat. Anastasia's character is fleshed out considerably in the sequels. Despite her mother's insistence that Anastasia marry someone to elevate her social status, Anastasia is more interested in finding somebody who will love her for who she is on the inside. While she is, indeed, ungrateful and rather ugly in the first movie, she's portrayed as being merely plain compared to the beauty of Cinderella rather than ugly as she becomes a more sympathetic character, and shown to have been ugly only as a result of Tremaine's upbringing. It's possible that she was favored by Lady Tremaine, as in the third film, she chose Anastasia to wear the slipper and marry the prince when she altered history using the Fairy Godmother 's magic wand though it could be due to her finding the Fairy Godmother's wand , as Lady Tremaine had keenly exploited Anastasia's desperation for love. However, Anastasia had a romantic side, as she had once felt a desire to fall in love with Prince Charming upon whom her mother had placed a love spell to get him to love her , coupled with lingering guilt over her mistreatment of Cinderella.

Drizella y anastasia

Drizella is portrayed as ugly both inside and out and not very graceful. She tries to destroy Cinderella's life in all conditions in the first and third movie of the series. She is very jealous of Cinderella's success and beauty and enjoyed seeing her slave under her, her sister, and mother, and even their cat. Unlike her sister, Anastasia, who eventually changes her spiteful ways and develops into a kind and good-natured woman, Drizella remains largely mean, selfish, and rude throughout the series, never truly overcoming her hatred of Cinderella. In the initial movie, Drizella is shown to be very selfish, spoiled, and greedy, much like her sister, Anastasia, and her mother, Lady Tremaine. She and her mother, however, in the end, became toads before being changed back to their original forms. Nonetheless, she did have some degree of care for her biological sister Anastasia, even being visibly shocked by her mother's cruel treatment of Anastasia in the ending of the aforementioned segment in Cinderella II. Drizella's mother constantly plots to ruin Cinderella and has no qualms about hurting her feelings.

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In the meantime, be sure to use the "Search" feature above or browse the site by destination to see if a similar question and answer have already been posted. She's not as beautiful as Anastasia, but according to herself, she's smarter. Close Ask Another Question. Drizella is a major character in the live stage show Twice Charmed , where Lady Tremaine obtains her own Fairy Godfather and uses the power to exact revenge on Cinderella. I call Walt Disney World Also, please keep the number of questions in each submission to a limit of 3. Drizella also took part in the hostile takeover of the club in Mickey's House of Villains. Disney Wiki Explore. She tries to destroy Cinderella's life in all conditions in the first and third movie of the series. Drisella has a terrible voice, which bothers people when she sings, and she doesn't know how to play the piano. Visit Walt Disney World Resort to explore the magic. Though reasonably stunned, neither Drizella nor her sister recognizes Cinderella. Drizella is told by Lady Tremaine that magic does not make one powerful as it can be taken away, instead, one needs to inflict fear. Fantasy Disney.

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In this movie, she is a minor antagonist and only appears in the last of the three stories "An Uncommon Romance", like her mother and sister, in which she openly expresses her disapproval of the latter's relationship with the baker and the fact that they would become "the laughing stock of the entire town". I am planning a trip for next year and want to absolutely make sure I get to meet Anastasia. When Lady Tremaine discovers the powers of the wand, Drizella and Anastasia both participate in a plan to destroy Cinderella's life, through Drizella is annoyed that her mother chose Anastasia over her to put on the slipper and marry the Prince. When Cinderella is falsely accused of assassinating the prince, Drizella witnesses a stranger aid in her stepsister's escape. Sign In Register. Unlike Anastasia, who reforms, Drizella remains cruel and jealous of Cinderella's happily ever after. Or you can continue browsing without updating. Your Dream Vacation Awaits! In the series House of Mouse , Drizella makes several cameos, mostly sitting with Anastasia and Lucifer. This act, however, causes a firebomb to drop on the three women, blowing them away. Drizella also took part in the hostile takeover of the club in Mickey's House of Villains.

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