Dream daddy robert

Dream Daddy was a smash-hit dating simulator when it was first released on July 20, Described as "A Dad Dating Simulator," the game dream daddy robert the player's "Dadsona" as they attempt to, well, date other dads, all while trying to be the best father they can be for their daughter, Amanda.

It's incredibly well developed and all the little details were super fun, the mini-games were delightful!!! Certainly a game the LGBT community will remember for a very long time, I'm also glad the cishets and the fujoshis haven't ruined it for me yet!!!!!! I do have a question!! I noticed that if you sleep with Robert after you drink with him and watch The Game and all that, you apparentely get a "bad dad" achievement!! I didn't sleep with Robert because honestly I just met him, but now I'm curious if doing so will be consequential in your relationship with your daughter or something??? Does it just heck up your life and you become a bad dad forever??? I don't wanna be a bad dad!!!

Dream daddy robert

Robert Small is one of the dateable dads in Dream Daddy. Robert has dark brown hair that appears to be turning grey and dark eyes. He wears a red long-sleeved shirt with ripped blue jeans and bears a black leather jacket. A pair of tinted sunglasses hangs from the collar of his shirt. His skin is somewhat dark and he has a tattoo on his left hand that reminds him of his past. Coined as the "Bad Dad" option, Robert is an aloof widower with a macabre sense of humor. His favorite past times include drinking whiskey and toying with people by way of the elaborate, often shocking stories he makes up to get a reaction. Robert is rebellious, quick-witted, and reluctant to talk about anything too serious. Perhaps it is because of these qualities that he is friends with Mary Christiansen despite having had an affair with her husband, Joseph Christiansen. Robert and the player first meet in the Coffee Spoon, Mat's bar and they catch each other staring. They will meet again in the same day if the player chooses to go watch The Game while Amanda Ann invites her friends at their house. If the player goes on two dates with Robert and then choose Joseph Christiansen as their dream daddy, Robert will confront them angrily on their third date with Joseph. On the first date, Robert will answer the player's text message during night time and ask them to come at Jim and Kim's, where there will also be Mary Christiansen. After drinking at two different places the second one is an Irish pub , Robert will ask the player to throw some rocks at a stop sign and then eat a Hawaiian pizza before sneaking into a cinema.

The other dads living in the player's neighborhood may not be perfect, but the other eligible bachelors aren't as bad of an influence on the dream daddy robert as Robert. I'm glad sleeping with him doesn't ruin your relationship with your daughter at all!! Top Stories.

Dream Daddy -- the dating simulator where the eligible bachelors are dads who conveniently all live in the same neighborhood. There are a variety of different dad-types the player can choose to pursue: the outdoorsy dad, the cool dad, the goth dad And then there's the bad boy dad, Robert. Robert loves drinking, whittling, and getting into trouble. His dislikes include small talk and emotional affection.

This page is for the dialogue for all the scenes with Robert Small. Depending on how you play his route will determine how his character will be displayed. Robert was pretty nice. A little odd And ruggedly handsome. We should hang out. I type out a message to him on Dadbook. I lose several hours to whatever the hell that was. Sighing, I get up and walk around the house.

Dream daddy robert

Robert Small is one of the dateable dads in Dream Daddy. Coined as the "Bad Dad" option, Robert is an aloof widower with a macabre sense of humour. His favourite pastimes include drinking whiskey and toying with people by way of the elaborate, often shocking stories he makes up to get a reaction. Robert is rebellious, quick-witted, and reluctant to talk about anything too serious. Perhaps it is because of these qualities that he is friends with Mary despite having had an affair with her husband, Joseph. If the avatar pursues a romance with Robert, on the third date Mary asks they "keep an eye" on him as he is acting unusual. The avatar later learns Robert is estranged from his adult daughter, Val , who has recently contacted him. The avatar can offer Robert advice on whether or not he should try to reconnect with Val; the decision determines the final outcome of his route. If you go on two dates with Robert and then choose Joseph as your dream daddy, Robert will confront you angrily on your third date with Joseph.

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Mary will be there. His bad boy exterior is tough to crack, but underneath lies a hoard of secrets. Unless gamers are uncomfortable with extended silences between characters, these quiet moments can come across as peaceful -- especially when Robert and the player are driving down long stretches of highway or simply enjoying one another's company. The other dads living in the player's neighborhood may not be perfect, but the other eligible bachelors aren't as bad of an influence on the player as Robert. They will meet again in the same day if the player chooses to go watch The Game while Amanda Ann invites her friends at their house. This lovable little Boston terrier is named Betsy, and despite what Robert may joke, she's his dog! This is one of the more tricky scenes to unlock, mostly because it'll take a long time to get to it. If you're on Robert's route, you'll first hear about Betsy during Robert's second date when he spins the tale of the mysterious Dover Ghost. I can't say more for spoilers, but in another Dad's route, the other Dad talks about Robert's thoughts on casual sex rather critically and frames it as part of Robert's emotional issues. And, in order to impress Robert, the player has to choose multiple times to live more on the wild side of things by agreeing to take multiple shots of whiskey in one sitting, resulting in a hangover that the player's daughter, Amanda, has to help them nurse the next day.

However, deep down beneath that layer of grit resides a hidden soft side.

This makes the play-through of Robert's storyline more challenging; it's difficult to know how to appropriately respond to Robert's dialogue in order to achieve his "Good Ending" when the player isn't quite sure if they should be joking along with Robert or taking him seriously. Unless gamers are uncomfortable with extended silences between characters, these quiet moments can come across as peaceful -- especially when Robert and the player are driving down long stretches of highway or simply enjoying one another's company. However, none of the game routes really go in-depth about how this relationship morphed into something so toxic. During your first meeting with Robert at the bar, you have the option to "Compliment his hand tattoo. Married, for Christsakes. The other dads living in the player's neighborhood may not be perfect, but the other eligible bachelors aren't as bad of an influence on the player as Robert. Now, Robert will walk out of the bar. Since Dream Daddy is a dating simulator, the player's main goal is to successfully fall in love with one of the characters and have them do the same. He will eggplant. When the player joins Robert on a date to see a cheesy romantic comedy , Robert stops the player from leaving the theater during the end credits, saying: "Hundreds of people worked very hard to make this film happen and you're going to sit here and appreciate them. I don't trust Joseph. One of Robert's many vices is his one-night-stand lifestyle. No wonder Robert was so upset.

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