dollar street

Dollar street

This data visualization portal, a project of Gapminder, dollar street, documents the stoves, beds, toilets, toys, and other household objects in homes from every income bracket around the world, as a way of making the everyday dollar street of families on different income levels understandable. Photographers have documented hundreds of homes in 50 countries so far, and in each home the photographer spends a day taking photos of up to objects.

A web platform that addresses xenophobia by giving a chance to explore how families live all across the globe. We all live with different fears and some of them are completely irrational, like the fear of subways or pigeons. Unfortunately, xenophobia or fear of foreigners and strangers still exists, and Anna Rosling, a co-founder of Gapminder and one of Bill Gates' Heroines in the Field , has tried to fight this fear creatively — with a Dollar Street platform. A team of photographers has documented over homes in around 50 countries and collected over 30, photos to show the lives of ordinary families from many different angles. You can see everything from cooking utensils to toothbrushes owned by people at various income levels. Valor is proud to be entrusted with building this project from scratch, which took place in , and its further support and maintenance. Just glad to be part of it!

Dollar street

This is a fantastic online photo-resource from the people behind Gapminder. It features photos from over families living in 50 countries around the world. The site arranges them all on a street called Dollar Street, in order of their monthly income. As the site explains, "Everyone needs to eat, sleep and pee. We all have the same needs, but we can afford different solutions". You can select from topics to compare photos showing aspects of everyday life, often surprisingly similar for people on the same income level across cultures and continents. According to Gapminder, presenting development issues as statistics can be alienating and scary, and a barrier to learning. So these photos are another way to bring facts to the public. This is a great resource for exploring similarities and differences. As well as the fairly mundane themes such as homes, food, cooking and water, there are many more specific items to compare, such as: 'lock on front doors', 'toothbrushes' and 'things I dream of having'.

Learn more with these Related Resources Organization. For clients.


Please help us find homes in your country! We need help in finding homes in countries that are not yet portrayed on Dollar Street, and in adding more homes from the countries we already have! We need support with lot of other things as well. If you want to help, please open the form below and fill it out so we can get an idea of how we can best work together! It shouldn't take more than a minute. Sign up here. If you want to do a home right away, here is the step-by-step guide: gapm. Imagine the world as a street ordered by income.

Dollar street

Wall Street closed out its second straight losing week Friday, giving back some of the gains that helped push the stock market to an all-time high earlier in the week. The benchmark index hit a record high on Tuesday, but mostly wavered in the days that followed. Technology stocks were the biggest weights on the market. Software maker Adobe slumped Microsoft fell 2. Communication services stocks also helped pull the market lower.

Mickey mantle stats

Initially, we worked on moving the pictures and the descriptions of each family participating in the project to the database and then — to the AWS cloud. You can select from topics to compare photos showing aspects of everyday life, often surprisingly similar for people on the same income level across cultures and continents. Valor is proud to be entrusted with building this project from scratch, which took place in , and its further support and maintenance. It was pretty unexpected, and the website got overwhelmed with the load, so we had to do smth with its ability to overcome stress tests when the traffic is high. Resource contents Link Dollar Street website View. Unfortunately, xenophobia or fear of foreigners and strangers still exists, and Anna Rosling, a co-founder of Gapminder and one of Bill Gates' Heroines in the Field , has tried to fight this fear creatively — with a Dollar Street platform. The pack is designed to help undergraduate and graduate students learn to approach climate change as a complex global issue…. This is a great resource for exploring similarities and differences. A web platform that addresses xenophobia by giving a chance to explore how families live all across the globe. According to Gapminder, presenting development issues as statistics can be alienating and scary, and a barrier to learning. Stay updated Sign up to the monthly Global Dimension newsletter containing resources, news, events and other exciting updates from Global Dimension. Sign up to the monthly Global Dimension newsletter containing resources, news, events and other exciting updates from Global Dimension. Learn more with these Related Resources Organization. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. All photos are then tagged by household function, family name, and income level, then entered into the interactive website that allows users to browse by income level, country or region, or specific household object.

Our mission has been to show how people around the world really live. And Dollar Street has received an overwhelming response! A lot of teachers, public speakers, researchers and students have used Dollar Street to better understand how people eat, brush their teeth and sleep on different income levels across the globe.

Used this resource? Created by Gapminder October It was pretty unexpected, and the website got overwhelmed with the load, so we had to do smth with its ability to overcome stress tests when the traffic is high. Alongside the work on the admin panel, we cooperated with the client on the website design creation. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Stay updated Sign up to the monthly Global Dimension newsletter containing resources, news, events and other exciting updates from Global Dimension. Thanks "Valor Software" for awesome work! Dollar Street is a project of Gapminder, an independent, nonpartisan non-profit foundation based in Sweden, which promotes sustainable global development by increased use and understanding of statistics about social, economic, and environmental development. Resource contents Link Dollar Street website View. Visit the site. As the site explains, "Everyone needs to eat, sleep and pee. For a long-term solution, we set up Kubernetes on Google Cloud Services, dockerized the app, set up auto-scaling, and added Cloudflare for cache, since the site is static.

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