discord cutie mark

Discord cutie mark

The Cutie Mark Crusaders or ' CMC ' for short is a club that was founded by Apple BloomScootaloo and Sweetie Belle for the sole purpose of discovering their special talents and earning their cutie marks. Despite earning their marks, a second generation of Cutie Mark Crusaders would follow in their hoofsteps along with the third and current generation, discord cutie mark. Naturally the three friends would earn their cutie marks with Scootaloo's being a scooter, Sweetie Belle's being a musical note next to a bell and Apple Bloom's a green apple painted red by a paint brush, discord cutie mark. After forming the club, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo would attempt a number of activities to succeed in earning their cutie marks, sometime during Discord's three year escape both Scootaloo and Discord cutie mark Belle would earn their cutie marks.

By Dapper Charmer , User August 4, Discord is one of my favourite characters from the show and I recently came across a video by The Brony Notion that talked about what might Discord's cutie mark look like. So it got me thinking about it. I think it would be something crazy like a piece of cheese with wings and legs. Probably a skull or maybe Loki's helm from norse mythology One that looks different to everypony who sees it, causing chaotic arguments between ponies about what it is Causing "discord".

Discord cutie mark

Discord is a male draconequus and former antagonist introduced in the season two premiere. Princess Celestia explains that Discord is the spirit of chaos and disharmony who once ruled over Equestria in a state of unrest and unhappiness until she and Princess Luna used the Elements of Harmony to imprison him in stone. However, after the sisters lost their connection to the Elements, the spell was broken and Discord broke free. Later in the series , Princess Celestia decides that Discord should be reformed so his magic can be used for good. Jayson Thiessen , the show's director, stated that the character Discord was "straight off Lauren [Faust]'s pen" and was inspired by John de Lancie 's popular character Q from the Star Trek: The Next Generation television series. De Lancie mentioned that his voice recordings of Discord are sped up and lose their deep bass sound. Discord appears with a bright white flash, and the two even share some mannerisms, including a fondness for "games" and snapping his fingers to use his powers. During a Las Pegasus Unicon panel with John de Lancie on February 23, , he mentioned that he had just done a recording "a couple of days ago" of something that rhymes with "Guy Whittle Stony". I don't think that would be realistic. No matter how hard you try, some people or evil alicorns just aren't going to change their ways.

We wanted it to be those 3 to have that personal connection.


Discord is a male draconequus and former antagonist introduced in the season two premiere. Princess Celestia explains that Discord is the spirit of chaos and disharmony who once ruled over Equestria in a state of unrest and unhappiness until she and Princess Luna used the Elements of Harmony to imprison him in stone. However, after the sisters lost their connection to the Elements, the spell was broken and Discord broke free. Later in the series , Princess Celestia decides that Discord should be reformed so his magic can be used for good. Jayson Thiessen , the show's director, stated that the character Discord was "straight off Lauren [Faust]'s pen" and was inspired by John de Lancie 's popular character Q from the Star Trek: The Next Generation television series. De Lancie mentioned that his voice recordings of Discord are sped up and lose their deep bass sound. Discord appears with a bright white flash, and the two even share some mannerisms, including a fondness for "games" and snapping his fingers to use his powers. During a Las Pegasus Unicon panel with John de Lancie on February 23, , he mentioned that he had just done a recording "a couple of days ago" of something that rhymes with "Guy Whittle Stony". I don't think that would be realistic.

Discord cutie mark

Their unity is based on mostly being called "blank flanks", ponies who have not yet gotten their cutie marks ; Imp, rather than being a blank flank pony, is a Mimicker who has not yet settled on one form, Gabby is a griffon , and Lilymoon already has her cutie mark at the time of her joining. Each of the founding three fillies represents a different race, with Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle being an Earth pony , a Pegasus , and a unicorn respectively. The exploits of the Cutie Mark Crusaders are featured in several episodes in the series. Although the three fillies only introduce themselves to each other in Call of the Cutie , the three make an appearance together in Friendship is Magic, part 1 huddling under a curtain in fear of Nightmare Moon. According to a layout artist, the scene was originally storyboarded with Apple Bloom , Scootaloo , and Sweetie Belle , but he was sent different characters for the shot. The artist assumed the different characters were sent by mistake, and used the Cutie Mark Crusaders instead. Sweetie Belle suggests they found a "secret society". They each propose a name for it and Apple Bloom's suggestion—Cutie Mark Crusaders—is approved by everyone. The term Crusade refers to any military expedition undertaken by the Christians of Europe in the 11th to the 13th century to reclaim the Levant and convert the Baltics, though it is commonly used as a metaphor meaning a vigorous movement for or against something. The society is not kept a secret, as the Crusaders later come to sing about it at a talent contest and often shout out the name of their group.

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However, after the sisters lost their connection to the Elements, the spell was broken and Discord broke free. Discord appears in the stained-glass windows of the palace and tells them a riddle, leading Twilight to believe that he hid the Elements in the castle's labyrinth. By Lo0nyTo0ns , March Retrieved on October In the end, Discord orchestrates a situation in which Big Mac and Sugar Belle can reconcile the miscommunication between them. In Issue 4 , Pipp Petals reaches out to her social media fanbase for help in locating Discord, and later receives a message from Discord himself. He's since reformed and struggles to keep out of trouble since he knows that Twilight Sparkle and her friends would use the Elements of Harmony against him if he ever unleashed chaos. Discord brings up the Tree of Harmony's mysterious chest and mentions that whatever's inside could help Twilight prove her worth as a princess. In Twilight's Kingdom - Part 1 and Twilight's Kingdom - Part 2 , after he betrays the ponies of Equestria and Lord Tirek subsequently betrays him, he shows deep remorse for his actions and apologizes to Fluttershy and her friends upon realizing the true importance of friendship. He was imprisoned in stone and eventually set free By Steve Piranha , September 29, And the only one used in tv show and books. I sure agree, I just love Discord! He unwittingly puts the Smooze in a position to consume a large quantity of jewels and valuables, causing it to grow exponentially and create havoc.


Discord has a habit of telling bad or unfunny jokes, as demonstrated in his comedy act in Make New Friends but Keep Discord and when he attempts to distract a group of changeling guards in To Where and Back Again - Part 2. Retrieved on August He ultimately helps Twilight discover her key by giving her a trinket that Tirek had previously given him, which Tirek had previously received from his brother Scorpan. DeadAccount 4, August 6, Holiday Villain: Discord. In original outline Discord was Marley but there just wasn't enough time. Castle Bleck 19, August 6, Jealous, he takes a green, slimy creature called the Smooze as his guest to the Gala. Unfortunately, not only is Fluttershy disappointed in the party's lack of excitement, but Discord's new persona is so contradictory to his inherent nature that it begins to destroy him. In My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Issue 57 , Discord leaves a portal to his dimension open after helping Fluttershy return home from his tea party. De Lancie mentioned that his voice recordings of Discord are sped up and lose their deep bass sound. Don't have an account? This section should be expanded or updated.

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