Diane kruger playboy

We have more newsletters. The Troy star agreed to pose in a series of provocative shots for the publication's 20 Questions interview segment, but photo editors chose the least sexy shot of her.

You've played so many different sorts of roles with so many different accents that few people seem to know you're actually German. My dad left when I was 13, so it was just me, my younger brother and my mom. We didn't have much money. My brother and I weren't allowed to watch TV other than a few programs my mom chose. It was a very protected childhood, and it was definitely German.

Diane kruger playboy

Kruger became known for her roles in film as Helen in the epic war film Troy , Dr. Abigail Chase in the heist film National Treasure and its sequel, Bridget von Hammersmark in Quentin Tarantino's war film Inglourious Basterds , and Gina in the psychological thriller film Unknown In , she was made an Officer of the Ordre des Arts et des Lettres. Commenting is disabled for non-registered users. Please register and login if you want to leave comments. User comments Gorgeous, and extremely talented. Walking Dead Daryl is a lucky bastard. Diane Kruger. You need to be registered if you want your vote to count. Current rank: have favorited her. Leave a comment Commenting is disabled for non-registered users. Juliette Menke. Elisha Cuthbert. Ashley Benson.

Jeri Lynn Ryan. It was funny and sexy at the same time, diane kruger playboy. He wanted everyone to speak in his or her native language, and because he didn't believe I was German, he didn't even want to meet me.


With so much pressure to look their best all of the time, stars bound to experience some slip ups on the red carpet. Unfortunately, Diane Kruger was the latest victim of a wardrobe malfunction at the Cannes Film Festival. While appearing at photocall for Disorder Saturday, Kruger stunned in a mini, pale-blue dress that was embellished with a large sequined rose on the front. But the dress might have been a tad too short because when she tried hopping off the podium that she was sitting on, she flashed her red undies! We're assuming she was trying to match the rose LOL. She seemed to realize that sitting down wasn't the best idea to conceal her lady bits, but before she could adjust or remove herself, she gave photographers an accidental show.

Diane kruger playboy

Kruger became known for her roles in film as Helen in the epic war film Troy , Dr. Abigail Chase in the heist film National Treasure and its sequel, Bridget von Hammersmark in Quentin Tarantino's war film Inglourious Basterds , and Gina in the psychological thriller film Unknown In , she was made an Officer of the Ordre des Arts et des Lettres. Commenting is disabled for non-registered users. Please register and login if you want to leave comments. User comments Gorgeous, and extremely talented. Walking Dead Daryl is a lucky bastard. Diane Kruger. You need to be registered if you want your vote to count.

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Group Diane Kruger. Princess Diana's love letters to James Hewitt flogged in 'final insult to her memory'. He's a fantastic guy, but it's hard for me to understand the life he and Angelina Jolie lead, because they get so much media attention. The tabloids reported rumors that you were having a romantic flirtation and even an affair. Princess Diana. About Playboy. Diane Kruger - Boobpedia - Encyclopedia of big boobs. I killed it. Sign Up No thanks, close. Follow Daily Star. All models appearing on this website are 18 years or older.

Kruger became known for her roles in film as Helen in the epic war film Troy , Dr. Abigail Chase in the heist film National Treasure and its sequel , Bridget von Hammersmark in Quentin Tarantino 's war film Inglourious Basterds , and Gina in the psychological thriller film Unknown She was brought up in West Germany with her younger brother, Stefan.

Hollyoaks' Jorgie Porter 'saved' by dog as armed robbers tried to enter home. But when I was 21, modeling and living in New York, I had my heart broken for the first time. Claudia Schiffer. Polina Maximova. We're not that famous. Commenting is disabled for non-registered users. That's when I began pursuing acting roles. In , she was made an Officer of the Ordre des Arts et des Lettres. Group We have more newsletters. I'm a German movie star who also spies for the Brits, like Marlene Dietrich. Click here for records required pursuant to 18 U. We broke up too, but he's still my best friend. US 'could deploy elite Marine squad' to fight Haiti gangs as country descends into chaos.

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