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The Oncologist ;—9. Clin Cancer Research July 23,

J Clin Endocrinol Metab The apparent free testosterone concentration, an index of androgenicity. J Clin. Androgen Receptor-Mediated Hypersensitivity. Hirsutism: Skewing of X-Chromosome Inactivation. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 84 3 Effects of transforming growth factor band epidermal growth factor on steroid 5areductase activity in genital skin fibroblasts.

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Arnau Bonachera, A. Milk yield prediction at late lactation in reproductive rabbit does. World Rabbit Science. JavaScript is disabled for your browser. Some features of this site may not work without it. Nombre: PB. In this work, a total of lactation curves 28 d In this work, a total of lactation curves 28 d long , taken from 2 different trials, were used to fit regression models to estimate MY4. In both trials, females were subjected to a semi-intensive reproductive rhythm [insemination at 11 d post-partum dpp and weaning at 28 dpp], but diets, genetic types, parity order and day of controls were slightly different. The overlapping degree OL between current lactation and next pregnancy was included as a dummy variable, as well as their interactions with quantitative traits. To fit these models, 3 procedures were proposed to obtain accurate equations with biological meaning: Eq1, multiple linear regression MLR of data; Eq2, MLR with previous smoothing of sample distribution; and Eq3, MLR with previous smoothing and avoiding redundant samples and collinearities among variables. Predicting MY4 was possible with the variables used, although certain precautions must be taken.

Dei Tos; Paolo G. Paolo G. World Rabbit Science.


Objetivos 2. Fundamentacin terica 3. Materiales e instrumentos 4. Procedimiento 5. Datos experimentales 6. Resultados 7. Cuestionario 8. Observaciones y conclusiones 9. Objetivos El objetivo de la Teora de Errores es identificar las diversas fuentes que generan error en la medicin, determinar el verdadero valor de las magnitudes fsicas medidas de forma directa medir la altura de un cilindro con el calibrador Vernier e indirecta medir el volumen de un cilindro, midiendo su altura y dimetro con el calibrador Vernier.

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Apertura: Caja, Cuando se tiende la cruz de cal, deben los padrinos de colocar cinco veladoras en la cruz; cabeza, brazos, pies y una en el costado izquierdo y al lado derecho un vaso con agua,. Era un hombre decente. Los personajes son descritos en dos grupos: unitarios y federales. Los militantes del partido federal cuyo caudillo era Rosas,.

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Donati, A. Zamora, Spain, — Autor: Villegas Huam? Ramos-Asensio, A. Lancet Oncol ; vol. Role of tumor-associated macrophages and angiogenesis in desmoid-type fibromatosis. A phase II trial of weekly nab-paclitaxel for progressive and symptomatic desmoid tumors. Dei Tos, P. Lopez-Guerrero, and Javier Martin-Broto. J Clin Oncol Pascual J. In this work, a total of lactation curves 28 d A pro s p e c t i v e randomized trial comparing low dose flutamide, finasteride, ketoconazole, and cyproterone acetate-estrogen regimens in the treatment of hirsutism. Jose L.


Variable Selection. Gronchi, S. Article number: 96 GEIS Salvage surgical resection after high-dose ifosfamide hdif based regimens in advanced soft tissue sarcoma asts : a potential positive selection bias — a studi of Spanish group for research on sarcomas GEIS. Phase III assessment of topotecan and cyclophosphamide and high-dose ifosfamide in rEECur: An international randomized controlled trial of chemotherapy for the treatment of recurrent and primary refractory Ewing sarcoma RR-ES. Partridge, G. Rabbit milk: A review of quantity, quality and non-dietary affecting factors. Serrano, C. Int J Fertil A GEIS 19 study. El objetivo de Monografias.

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