danny phantom girl

Danny phantom girl

Spectra, Kitty and Ember all have arguments with their boyfriends and then use their powers to make all the men vanish, danny phantom girl. Danny and Jack are at Lake Eerie, the only place immune to the spell. Read all Spectra, Kitty and Ember all have arguments with danny phantom girl boyfriends and then use their powers to make all the men vanish.

Dani has taken to traveling around the world in hopes of doing her own heroics. Desperately lonely despite his vast wealth, Vlad had made a number of unsuccessful attempts to try and convince Danny in disowning Jack Fenton and join him as his son. He then resolved to create the perfect half-ghost son for himself, conducting a series of experiments making clones of Danny, using samples of Danny's DNA which he and Valerie gathered during their battles with the young hybrid. Vlad treated Dani as his own daughter, albeit only as a means to an end. He never faltered in showing "love and affection" to her; and she never faltered in her desire to serve her "father.

Danny phantom girl

The series Danny Phantom centers on young Danny Fenton and his coming-of-age story as a half-ghost superhero in the town of Amity Park. Over the course of the series, he betters both himself and his powers as he deals with ghosts, balancing his normal and heroic life [1] [2] in a community that does not initially trust him. His primary nemesis is Vlad Masters, a billionaire celebrity who is also a half-ghost. Daniel "Danny" Fenton , also known as Danny Phantom , is the main protagonist of the series. He is initially shown as an average, self-conscious, introverted, kindhearted, and sensitive [5] [6] year-old boy who is desperate to fit in with his peers and be accepted, despite his parents' eccentricities. Danny thinks highly of his older sister Jazz, despite finding it annoying when she gets involved in his social life, and is in many ways as over-protective of her as she is of him. A battle with the Lunch Lady Ghost places the unsure Danny on the path to becoming a superhero. Danny possesses the powers of flight, intangibility, invisibility , sensing other spirits, and overshadowing, as well as ghost rays. The ghost rays consist of laser-like " ectoplasm " which are emitted from his body; primarily his hands and fingertips. Over the course of the show, he gains various other powers such as duplication, forcefield creation, telekinesis, power absorption, and cryokinesis. At the beginning of the series, his ghost sense is a facet of his power set that he must uncover.

Danny was reluctant to fight Dani because she was the only clone that had a mind of her own and was thus her own self. Like Danny's interactions with Dani, Valerie's began rockily as well. He and Danny fought, regaining their own bodies in the process, danny phantom girl.


In " Mystery Meat ," she walks among a crowd of other Casper High students in the hallway. In " The Ultimate Enemy ," she is seen sitting behind Danny in the auditorium and is later seen as one of the two employees at the Nasty Burger who leaves after Box Lunch's attack. By " Flirting With Disaster ," she has dyed her hair brown. She also reveals that she has a crush on Danny. In " Beauty Marked ," she participates in the Miss. Teenage Happy Princess Beauty Pageant. In " Reality Trip ," she is seen in the crowd at the Dumpty Humpty summer concert where Danny accidentally revealed his secret identity to the world. She has braces and pink lipstick. She normally wears a blue cardigan over a yellow turtle-neck. In "Parental Bonding" and "Beauty Marked", she wears a blue dress and blue gloves.

Danny phantom girl

Dani has taken to traveling around the world in hopes of doing her own heroics. Desperately lonely despite his vast wealth, Vlad had made a number of unsuccessful attempts to try and convince Danny in disowning Jack Fenton and join him as his son. He then resolved to create the perfect half-ghost son for himself, conducting a series of experiments making clones of Danny, using samples of Danny's DNA which he and Valerie gathered during their battles with the young hybrid. Vlad treated Dani as his own daughter, albeit only as a means to an end. He never faltered in showing "love and affection" to her; and she never faltered in her desire to serve her "father. In " Kindred Spirits ," after Vlad created Dani and a few other clones, he sent them on a mission to capture Danny so that he could take the final mid-morph DNA samples he needed for his perfect clone. Dani snuck into Danny's room and waited for him in her human form, reading his comic books in his bed. When he came, she introduced herself to him as Danielle his "third cousin once removed" and they quickly formed a bond despite Danny's initial suspicion and Dani's subservience to Vlad. Later, Dani succeeded in bringing Danny to Vlad.

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Only one step behind him, Danielle's body is slowly-dissolving, but retains free will. Youngblood voiced by Taylor Lautner is a ghost with the appearance of a young child. Femalien is a spoof of the villains from the film Predator. Stuffed into his locker many times, Sidney haunted it for around fifty years, leaving only a mirror behind, a gateway to the dimension that he's trapped in. See the full list. His full name is Frederich Isak Showenhower. A battle with the Lunch Lady Ghost places the unsure Danny on the path to becoming a superhero. Danny Phantom character. After Danny opts to handle her situation alone, the two leave to pig out at the Nasty Burger on his tab and aren't seen again for the rest of the episode. Later she would return to the human world at the behest of her brother, Prince Aragon, who ordered her to seek out a human bride for him. Dani Fenton Dani Phantom. Constituting a parody of the comics-character Chameleon , Amorpho voiced by Danny Mann is a ghost able to change his appearance into that of any human or animal being, at will. Over the course of the series, he betters both himself and his powers as he deals with ghosts, balancing his normal and heroic life [1] [2] in a community that does not initially trust him.

Princess Dorathea is one of the ghosts that Danny encounters in Danny Phantom. Like her brother, she possesses an amulet that allows her to turn into a dragon.

Season 1. In an alternate timeline in "The Ultimate Enemy" he had combined with Technus to become "Skulktech 9. When Dani had returned with a worsening condition, Dani hoped to find Danny while staying clear of Vlad, fearing for her life. In the series, she has teamed up with Kitty, Penelope Spectra and Youngblood on several occasions, usually attacking authority in society. He constantly treated his sister cruelly. Obnoxious and childish, he can only be seen by children. He is desperate to get a friend, and continually asks "Will you be my friend? He was also quick to make a deal with Valerie to surrender and offer any ghost-related information she wanted in exchange for helping him to save Dani. Scott Bullock Dash Baxter voice …. Robbyn Kirmsse Ember McLain singing voice uncredited. The Observants voiced by Dee Bradley Baker and Phil Morris are a group of one-eyed ghost beings whose job is to observe the sequence of events in time.

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