counter jax

Counter jax

No results found, counter jax. Jax Builds. Hide Top Lane Top Lane A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.

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Counter jax

Jax top on Patch Below is a detailed breakdown of Jax top counters against top champions with a minimum of games. Jax wins against Karma After normalising both champions win rates Jax wins against Karma 3. The average opponent winrate against Karmais Jax wins against Vladimir After normalising both champions win rates Jax wins against Vladimir 6. The average opponent winrate against Vladimiris Jax wins against Quinn After normalising both champions win rates Jax wins against Quinn 3. The average opponent winrate against Quinnis Jax wins against Gragas After normalising both champions win rates Jax wins against Gragas 3.

Make sure not to hit him while he is using it though, as he can get up counter jax double the damage. Graves the Outlaw. The problem is that if you ever leave him alone to farm a sidelane he will come out of nowhere with a billion damage and shit all over you, counter jax.


Blue vs. Duos Best champions Popular Augments. Contact - Privacy - TOS - - -. Jax Top, Jungler. Summoner Spells.

Counter jax

Unlike other champions who benefited from the new items, Jax remained quite stable with his build and typically opts for the same items. While Jax is a great situational pick, he does have plenty of weaknesses to keep him under control. Here are the best counter picks to beat Jax in the top lane. Jax has a decent early game but excels later on once he gets access to his ultimate and a couple of items. Your best bet is to keep him under control with various champions and by building the correct items. The biggest problem when facing Jax early on is the mixed attack and magic damage he has. While some items can diminish a part of his kit, they might not help you against the other. Early on, Jax does a lot of physical damage, so itemizing for armor is better in the early stages of the game. Gnar is one of the most popular top lane picks currently due to his recent buffs.

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Rush tabi. Play against his cooldowns. His counter strike stops you from proccing your passive. Warwick Jungler. All his trades either utilize his Q or autos which draw minion aggro, you can just Q him to trade back without drawing minion aggro. Need a lead but you should get one easily in this matchup. This is a matchup that you have to play next to tower. Basically Jax makes you useless when he presses E as it cancels your minions, your Q and anything that tries to attack him in that time AND after that immunity is done he stuns you and while you are stunned he can just massacre you or run away from you pressing Q at a ward or minion. In teamfights aim to peel him from your carries as he can't itemize against knockups and every interrupt significantly reduces his damage and leaves your carries opportunities to kite him. The average opponent winrate against Rammusis Trade blows with him as much as you want, he shouldn't ever be able to defeat you. If he's low look for 4 stack W-Empowered Q-E to finish him so he cant block the empowered w. Poppy Jungler. Season 10 Patch Poppy Keeper of the Hammer.

Presently there is insufficent games played by Jax top on Patch A matchup requires a minimum of games to be displayed. Jax wins against Aatrox

The average opponent winrate against Gangplankis Xin Zhao. Q minions if you have to. Jax wins against Kayle Jarvan IV the Exemplar of Demacia. Get Steelcaps and potentially a bramble vest and he is much less threatening. Priortize DPS item against Jax and build tank items afterward. The average opponent winrate against Udyris You should take Graph, because none of your AA will work when he use E anyway. Grasp is good to if you wish to survive lane. If you didn't and couldn't dodge the game. He can block your full stun combo with his e making you a very good target unless you get your passive w off before he using counter-strike.

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