conflict of nations world war 3 cheats

Conflict of nations world war 3 cheats

With the global economy balancing on the brink of collapse, and separatist movements emerging around the globe, the growing tension between once friendly nations leads to war. While the buildup of armed forces is spiraling out of control only a strong military industry guarantees the ability to respond robustly. Tap on your army to select it. Select the attack command.

In a dark room deep within a bunker under Sweden, a huge table glows blue with a map of the world on top of it. Havana, Camaguey, and New Delhi are marked in an ominous bloody red. You and several others stand around the table in your crisp uniforms and discuss what might be the coming apocalypse. But this was merely the grim punchline to a farce of politico-economic mishaps and violence for the past few decades, often involving countries that seemingly had nothing to do with the dreadful ICBM attacks. What of the superpowers?

Conflict of nations world war 3 cheats

Conflict of Nations: World War 3 Cheats. Beginners Guide: Written by Knatterton This guide will hopefully help you progress in this game. If your economy sucks, then your game is way harder, almost impossible. Armored is the easiest things to eliminate in this game. Also the armored is most common used unit in the game. If you know how to destroy them, you are on a good position. Armored is expensive too, so use the materials for something else. Beginners Guide: By Baida warrior Tips, Cheats and strategies to lead your nation towards global domination. The game can be very overwhelming for new players, so we will get you up to speed by explaining the most important things to know. The main objective in Conflict of Nations is earn enough victory points to win the game, as indicated by the trophy icon at the top right corner of the screen. Victory points are acquired whenever you take over a city. Every city on the map will have a number in parentheses next to its name. This number represents the amount of victory points you get from taking over that city. Densely populated cities will be worth more victory points, while lower populated cities will be worth less. To win the match, you will need to set out and take control of as many cities as you can.

Submit your codes! Wolf packs prowl the seas, and they have snorkels!


In a dark room deep within a bunker under Sweden, a huge table glows blue with a map of the world on top of it. Havana, Camaguey, and New Delhi are marked in an ominous bloody red. You and several others stand around the table in your crisp uniforms and discuss what might be the coming apocalypse. But this was merely the grim punchline to a farce of politico-economic mishaps and violence for the past few decades, often involving countries that seemingly had nothing to do with the dreadful ICBM attacks. What of the superpowers? How will the United States react to a pair of mushroom clouds caught on smartphones from Miami?

Conflict of nations world war 3 cheats

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That being said, rules for thee and not for me! Rather than protecting themselves with weaponry, they hide underwater to avoid being attacked. As with most units, you can unlock higher-tier versions of them via Research. Tougher and harder-hitting than most Infantry units, Armor provides the needed punch to let Infantry do their jobs and capture territory. But this was merely the grim punchline to a farce of politico-economic mishaps and violence for the past few decades, often involving countries that seemingly had nothing to do with the dreadful ICBM attacks. A whole lot of peace, if only because everyone visible on this list is a continent away. Cheats codes. Who dares, wins. They are very weak vs land targets but do noticeable damage to warships of any kind. To win the match, you will need to set out and take control of as many cities as you can. You fight not because you hate those in front of you, but because you love those behind you. They can also easily cross rivers, unlike other heavier or less specialized units that have to look for a land border to the spot they want to strike or travel to.

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National sovereignty is to be respected. What that entails exactly is a long process of offensive and defensive decisions that will shape the course of the game. You have two research slots, so you need to choose your projects wisely. Or spread misleading information as to the state of your nation. Large bombers loaded with anti-ship missiles, sonar, and anti-submarine radars, Naval Patrol Aircraft are meant to fight in conjunction with ASW Helicopters and Naval Strike Aircraft to turn warships and submarines into lovely, environmentally friendly artificial coral reefs. Destructive to the extreme, and with long ranges, Nuclear ICBMs will make short work of whatever is unlucky enough to be under them. Infantrymen are all also immune to Radar, requiring direct visual confirmation to mark out. High speed, low drag! And even if their offensive damage power is comparatively pitiful when placed against other Infantry units, they have the odd quirk of having higher But still unimpressive retaliation damage than attack damage. After that, Destroyers and ASW Helicopters can submerge them permanently with torpedoes, depth charges, and anti-sub missiles.

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