Compo multicaster

He is the Set 5 MSI winner and reaches top 10 every set.

Teemo Multicasted Noxious Trap mushrooms now prefer to bounce to targets behind the original target. Bastion 2 was buffed this patch so I think a lot of comps will run an early Bastion frontline again. Malzahar is a very good AP holder, an alternative would be Cassiopea as she was also buffed and she holds Teemo's items really well. If you hit Stars are Born you should prioritise a 2 cost frontline unit and a 1 cost backline unit, the ideal scenario is that you get Swain 2 ad he will be in our comp throughout the game. This is an ideal board at level 6, the items shown are just examples. You want to prioritise Teemo's items first especially blue buff.

Compo multicaster

You can pick up your core units on the way and use Poppy for early Demacia and as an tank item dump for Jarvan. You have on decision to make regarding your team comp, do you want to run Poppy as your frontline with 3 Demacia, run Swain and Galio or play 4 Multicaster, since you can't fit all of them with Level 6. Make your decision based around how strong your Frontline is. Check how contested Multicaster are in your Lobby. If possible you want to take it slow, but in same games you will have to roll deep between Stage and Stage to find 3 Star Upgrades to stabilize your board. Can also add Ryze for Invoker if you have a strong Region for him. Sometimes you will find yourself in a spot where it's too difficult to find Twisted Fate. You need to log in before commenting. Join or Log In. Join the leading League of Legends community. Create and share Champion Guides and Builds.

Frobei 1 day ago. We want to reach level 6 as fast as compo multicaster and slow roll for Swain 3, Teemo 3 and Taliyah 3.


Riot Games has elevated Teamfight Tactics once again with Set Nine Runeterra Reforged , showcasing 28 traits and 60 champions, mashing together returning and new mechanics. Several returning mechanics are included in the set with some having a new twist added to them. Champions and their spells are repeated under each trait that is assigned to them, providing players with a better understanding of how the Set Nine champions function within each trait. Some champions have up to three assigned traits. Updates will take place throughout PBE testing after major updates, along with regular patches once the Runeterra Reforged set drops into live servers on June All Bastion units gain armor and magic resistance at each breakpoint, which is increased by percent for the first 10 seconds of combat. All units on your team gain health. Bruiser units gain additional health at each breakpoint.

Compo multicaster

When a new Teamfight Tactics set comes out, it can feel like playing an entirely different game. Although the basic goal of the game remains the same, the roster of characters, synergies, and Augments can change completely. Despite the excitement of a novel experience, players may also feel lost, since they must learn some mechanics from square one. Similar to its forerunner League of Legends , the meta in Teamfight Tactics is far from stagnant. Since the game's roster is frequently cycled, today's powerhouse unit may be obsolete tomorrow. Even though all team compositions are viable, some traits outperform the competition. Set 9, also known as Runeterra Reforged, possesses some powerful units that can dominate the arena when equipped with the right items. By assembling a team with proper synergy, players can maximize their gains and win more games. Here are a few of the best team compositions in Set 9 of Teamfight Tactics. The Noxus synergy is especially effective in the early game, since players have time to defeat enemies and build up their Noxus stacks.

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Teemo and Swain both got sizable buffs in This is an AD flex 4 cost comp,. How to Play : Since this is a 3 cost reroll comp, you want to play your strongest board early game and level to or to 7 and look for an Urgot or Samira Headliner. Make your decision based around how strong your Frontline is. This board stabilizes very well in stage 4. Throw any leftover items on Vex. How to Play : This is a 2 cost reroll, so you want to build your econ in Stage 2, and roll at for Katarina headliner. Frobei 8 hours ago. Annie Reroll Leveling Pattern: Roll to 30g at lvl 4 at Usually this means Annie, Nami, Katarina, Seraphine. Sometimes you can temporarily take other Headliners like Gnar or Senna to econ up and find Jax later.

You can pick up your core units on the way and use Poppy for early Demacia and as an tank item dump for Jarvan. You have on decision to make regarding your team comp, do you want to run Poppy as your frontline with 3 Demacia, run Swain and Galio or play 4 Multicaster, since you can't fit all of them with Level 6. Make your decision based around how strong your Frontline is.

Usually this means Annie, Nami, Katarina, Seraphine. How to Play : Roll to 30 at at level 4. You want to stabilize and then slowroll above 50g at level 6. You really want things to keep Akali and Qiyana alive, as they are squishy melee units and are susceptible to cc and burst, like from Ahri. You should find Senna headliner by at level 6, and then build econ back up to slowroll above 50g. Sort: Date Popularity. You need at least one mana item on Karthus. Catch his streams on Twitch or get coaching from him! You generally play this if you get Gargantuan Resolve or an early Yone and have decent components for this. Vote Vote. Leveling Pattern: 2-Cost Reroll.

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