Comic boobs

This is it boys, I am giving you permission to comic boobs, because my post today is all about boobs, jugs, comic boobs, breasts, gazongas, tits, dirty pillows. After some research I quickly started to realize, there is no evolution of boobs in comics, they are and always have been big! With the exception of a small few no pun intended ladybug r34 Tank Girl, Liz Sherman from Hellboy and depending on the artist Jubilee.

I think Little Liz is both grown up Liz crossed with Liz when she was in primary school and had no boobs. There is a certain amount of mental lightness that comes from not having breasts and hips! I like my curves, but gosh it really is nice to have a holiday! Odell and Stuart Barrow. Would you like to support this comic?

Comic boobs


Leigh Woodhall - Soapbox Nerd.


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Comic boobs

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Francheska perez

I think we can all admit it got kind of out of hand. Scott VanderPloeg. They are supose to be a fantasy, what every guy wants and what every girl wants to be or vice versa. So, yeah, I wish the industry would stop drawing big breasted half naked women so I can enjoy my comics out in the open and not feel like I have to hide in the shadows like some pervert. Readers like you can make a huge difference and Patreon is a way folks can directly support artists to make more art. Leigh Hart. I agree with you. Reply to Walter Durajlija. Angles Comic Tom Berry.

Wow your super talented. Will there ever be more comics set in Chastity with new flat girls growing big? I like BE where a flat girl is in a place where everyine has giant boobs then outgrows them all like Mei.

I like my curves, but gosh it really is nice to have a holiday! Drawing bigger muscles fed the fantasy of who the reader wanted to be, drawing bigger boobs fed the fantasy of who the reader wanted to be with. Inline Feedbacks. I think we can all admit it got kind of out of hand. Search Search. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. So, life goes on. Tom Berry. They are supose to be a fantasy, what every guy wants and what every girl wants to be or vice versa. Reply to Jason. It is what it is. Bit off more than he could chew. Wrinkly Comic With the exception of a small few no pun intended like Tank Girl, Liz Sherman from Hellboy and depending on the artist Jubilee. Little Liz Comic

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